Detained a suspect in committing a terrorist act in Istanbul

Abdulqadir Masharipov Turkish security forces arrested Abdulkadir Masharipova suspected of committing a terrorist act in the new year night in Istanbul club. Hurryiet reported. The special operation was held on Monday evening, January 16, in Istanbul in Esenyurt district. According to the Daily Sabah, Masharipov was arrested at the home of his friend, a native of Kyrgyzstan. Currently he is being questioned in the headquarters of the police. That Turkish police have identified the suspect, it became known on January 7th. He was a native of Uzbekistan Abdulqadir Masharipov, also known as Abu Muhammad of Khorasan. The shooter, who managed to escape after the attack at the nightclub Reina, lasted all this time. On the night of 1 January in club Reina in Istanbul, an unidentified terrorist opened fire. The victims of the attack were 39 people, including a Russian citizen Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in

Zakharova accused the U.S. of starting new arms race

Maria Zakharova Deploying armed forces in Europe, the United States initiated a new arms race and trying to impose a confrontational model of relations, similar to the cold war. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova. Her answer to a media question Monday, January 16, on the Agency’s website. “In recent years the Western media and among the bloggers actively propagated the thesis that the deployment of U.S. troops in Europe does not play any special role in military terms,” — said Zakharov. According to the diplomat, “in fact, ( … ) figures tell a different story”, and we are not talking about the so-called continuous rotation, and “long-term deployment of U.S. forces and resources in Europe, which is hardly a purely defensive”. Foreign Ministry spokesman pointed to the “unilateral and unlimited capacity development of US missile defense systems in Europe” and modernization of

HRW declared Donald trump the threat to human rights

Donald Trump The Human rights organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) declared elected President of the USA of Donald trump’s “the threat to human rights”. About it reports The Independent. As mentioned in the annual report of the organization, the victory trump was the result of a “campaign that was full of misogyny (i.e., it contains elements of contempt and hatred towards women — approx. “Of the”), xenophobic and racist rhetoric.” As explained by the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch Kenneth Roth, “the election of Donald trump President of the United States after a campaign full of hate and intolerance, and the growing influence in Europe, political parties jeopardize the entire postwar system of human rights”. “Trump and various politicians in Europe are trying to come to power by appealing to racism, xenophobia, misogyny, and chauvinism — said Mouth. They claim that the people agreed to the violation of

In Ankara, said about the involvement of intelligence to attack at Istanbul night club

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus said about the involvement of the intelligence attack on the club in Istanbul new year’s eve. About it reports on Monday, January 16, The Independent. What country is this intelligence service, he said. According to the politician, the attack was carried out professionally. Other details Kurtulmus did not report. On suspicion of involvement in the terrorist attack in Turkey was arrested and questioned dozens of people. The police said that he had established the identity of the terrorist who is currently at liberty, but declined to give his name. The attack on the night club Reina in Istanbul was committed on the night of January 1 of this year. Armed man opened fire on visitors. The victims were 39 people, including a Russian citizen Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in the Russian terrorist group “Islamic state”.

Victims of snowfall in Japan were three people

In Japan due to heavy snowfall killed three people. It is reported Japan Today. According to others, disaster victims were seven people. Some died in accidents, while others fell off a roof when he tried to clean them with snow and ice. 88-year-old resident of Kyoto Prefecture crushed the roof of the greenhouse that collapsed under the weight of snow. The number of victims over 300 people. 130 flights canceled, delayed bullet train, one train stopped in the road due to drifts in the total of 39 passengers had to reach the nearest station on foot. In some areas the temperature dropped to minus 16.5 degrees Celsius. In Aomori, the snow depth was 2.5 meters. Fallen trees have damaged the wire of power lines, without electricity there are about 11 thousand houses.

Prosecutors in South Korea have requested a warrant for the arrest of the Deputy head of Samsung

If Jean Prosecutors in South Korea have requested a warrant for the arrest of the Deputy head of the Samsung Corporation Lee Jaena in connection with his involvement in the corruption scandal. About it tells Yonhap. As suggested in law enforcement, in 2015, the businessman has authorized the transfer to the accounts of the company, registered in Germany and owned by Choi sung-SIL, a friend of President Park Geun-Hye, a 22 billion won ($18.3 million). These funds, according to prosecutors, could be a fee for support of the merger of the two Samsung affiliates in contravention of the existing legislation. January 13 Whether Jean was called in for questioning, which lasted 22 hours. After talking with investigators, the top Manager did not answer the journalists ‘ questions. Law enforcement reported that the Deputy head of Samsung partially admitted his guilt. If Jeena — part of a series of investigations that

Surrounded by Putin and trump spoke about the future of relations between Russia and the United States

Dmitry Peskov The Kremlin respects the willingness of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump engage in dialogue and to separate truth from falsehood. However, to understand what will be a new bilateral relationship, we need to wait for the start of the new leader of the United States. About it the press-Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said in an interview with U.S. television channel NBC. “We respect his willingness to talk, we respect his readiness to try to understand what is fake and what is not. We also respect his willingness to solve problems through dialogue and not through open confrontation,” — said Peskov. He stressed that “we have been waiting for a long time.” Earlier, Kremlin spokesman has already expressed hope that President Vladimir Putin will get along with the new American leader. “Of course, we welcome this new tone, Peskov said, but stressed that

Trump said that there are problems at the NATO

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump believes that NATO is an obsolete organization. This opinion he expressed in an interview with the newspaper the Times and Bild. “I have long said that NATO has problems. First, she dated, because it was designed many years ago,” said trump. “Two countries are no longer paying what they should pay,” he continued. Also, according to trump, NATO is not enough attention to terrorism, and this is a disadvantage, indicating that the Alliance is outdated. The President-elect said that now only five countries — NATO members spend on defense as much as needed. Among them he called the UK. Thus, according to trump, despite all this, NATO is “very important for him”. During the election campaign, April 3, trump made the collapse of the North Atlantic Alliance and called it obsolete. He said that if the allies do not begin to pay, it

The Turkish Parliament has approved in the first reading amendments to the Constitution

The Turkish Parliament has approved in the first reading amendments to the Constitution. It is reported by Anadolu. The draft of the new Constitution provides for a sharp increase in the powers of the President. In particular, the head of state will be able to lead the Cabinet of Ministers or to single-handedly appoint the Prime Minister. Also in case of adoption of the document in direct subordination of the head of state will pass the country’s armed forces and intelligence agencies. Currently they are governed by a collegiate body — the Supreme military Council. Another important innovation may be the return of the death penalty. In addition, under the draft Constitution, the lower age limit for the nomination of deputies will be reduced from 25 to 18, the number of MPs will increase from 550 to 600, and those related to military service, will be deprived of passive suffrage.

Serbia after the incident Raschke threatened to send troops into Kosovo

Serbian President Tomislav Nikolic Belgrade send troops to Kosovo in case, if living there, the Serbian population there is a threat from the Albanians. This was stated by President of Serbia Tomislav Nikolic amid a sharp deterioration of relations with the authorities partially recognized state, RIA Novosti reported. “If they kill Serbs, Yes. And not only the army, we’re all going. I’ll go first, I’m no stranger,” said Nikolic after meeting of the Council for national security. According to the President, Serbia is committed to the conflict and does not want to attack, but as a state under the Constitution is obliged to protect its citizens. “Until I in this post, I will try with no one to fight, but if this cannot be avoided, I as the Supreme commander will assume responsibility for every decision,” said Nikolic. A new round of crisis in the relations between Serbia and Kosovo