In Poland, prepared for publication the “list of executioners” of Auschwitz

The Institute of national remembrance of Poland (IPN) has prepared for publication a list of the Warders of the concentration camp in Auschwitz. It is reported by Rzeczpospolita. The database contains 8.5 thousand names of the SS who served in a concentration camp in the period since its establishment to liquidation. “This is the only in Poland, and probably the world’s first database of information about the people who made up the personnel of the death camps,” — said the press Secretary of the Krakow branch of IPN Dorota of Korohoda. In addition to the names in the published documents and other personal data: date and place of birth, personal identification number, years of service in Auschwitz, education, citizenship. In addition, in some dossiers there are photographs of overseers and the court cases against those who were found after the war. According to the compilers of the list, several of

The President of Gambia asked for the Senegalese and Nigerian troops to stay

Adam Barrow The new President of the Gambia Adam barrow was asked to extend for six months the military operation carried out in the country States of the Economic community of West African countries (ECOWAS). About it reports Reuters, citing a statement by a senior United Nations representative in West Africa Mohammed Ibn Chambas. On 21 January the former head of state Yahya Jammeh left Gambia and went into exile in Equatorial Guinea. Before that he was under pressure from the international community resigned and handed over power to the winner of the presidential election Adam barrow. The new leader was scheduled for 19 January, but instead, Jammeh introduced a state of emergency, although previously conceded defeat. On the same day, the neighboring countries of the Gambia announced the beginning of military operations, which was supported by a resolution of the UN Security Council. On the night of January 20,

The Spanish Prime Minister has called the possible victory of Le Pen is a disaster for Europe

Mariano Rajoy The coming to power in France, the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen or the victory of the right-wing party “Alternative for Germany” election to the Bundestag would be a catastrophe for Europe. This was stated on Thursday, January 26, Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy in an interview with radio station Onda cero, El Mundo reports. “Liberal, people’s and social democratic parties has created a Europe that remains the best region”, — said the head of the Spanish government, noting that “populism is cheap demagogy and lies”. Rajoy said that lately “there has been a tendency to speak ill of Europe”. “It’s populism, which does not lead to anything, except poverty,” he concluded. The first round of presidential elections in France will take place on 23 April 2017, the second, if necessary, on 7 may. From the center-right party the Republicans as a candidate for the

Trump spoke about the feeling after receiving the “nuclear briefcase”

Donald Trump Getting the “gold” codes for the U.S. launch of ballistic missiles is very sobering. This was stated by the President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with ABC News, the content of the publication The Hill. “When they explain what it means, and what kind of damage are you talking about, this is very sobering. In a sense, very, very scary,” — said the American leader. He explained that insomnia because of this feeling he won’t, and he believes that will cope with the assigned responsibility. Previously, he also told the press that he likes the phone in the White house and the Desk in the oval office, which worked with presidents John Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama. The inauguration of the 45th President of the United States took place on January 20 in Washington. Before she passed, the

Victims of frosts in Afghanistan were 27 children

Kabul, Afghanistan Over the last few days in the North of Afghanistan due to snow and frost killed 27 children. On Thursday, January 26, reports “Xinhua”. According to Rahmatulla Hashar, head of the County Darzab, the road connecting the villages and health centres in the province of Jawzjan, were blocked by heavy snow. According to the Agency, in some areas of the province formed a half-meter layer of snow. The temperature in the North of Afghanistan these days dropped below zero. Cold is often the cause of death of people living in tropical countries. So, in January of 2016 due to the cold snap in Thailand killed 14 residents of the Northern and North-Eastern provinces. Then the temperature dropped to one or two degrees above zero.

The foreign Ministry called the draft of the Syrian Constitution a set of ideas

Maria Zakharova The Russian draft of the Constitution of Syria is not a fixed blueprint, but a set of ideas. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reported. “It’s kind of a starting point for discussion, to concentrate them [the Syrians] and their efforts are not empty talk, and the discussion of the draft future of their country,” — said the diplomat. According to Zakharova, the representatives of the Syrian government and the armed opposition should “keep developments in Astana, which hosted the inter-Syrian negotiations, and to consolidate them.” “They have each other to talk, to give their options to say what is acceptable, what is not” — she added. Foreign Ministry spokesman added that the Syrians themselves must determine the state structure. Russia, in turn, takes the position of a single secular, democratic state. On 24 January, the Russian delegation at

In new Delhi has died, the Ambassador of Russia in India

Alexander Kadakin In new Delhi due to illness on 68-m to year of life has died the Russian Ambassador to India Alexander Kadakin. About the Agency RIA Novosti reported the Russian Embassy. “At the head of the Russian diplomatic mission he worked from November 2009. All the diplomatic career of Alexander kadakina since 1971, was closely associated with the development of Russian-Indian relations”, — said the Embassy. Diplomatic work and life of Alexander kadakina were closely associated with India. His work towards India was very difficult, because after the collapse of the Soviet Union, relations between Moscow and new Delhi were in crisis. Kadakin, along with other professionals-ancient India worked actively on the fact that the country has reached such a level of strategic partnership, where they are currently. In 1972, Alexander Kadakin graduated from Moscow state University, then began the diplomatic service. From 1992 to 1997 he was Ambassador

Victoria Nuland leaves the U.S. state Department

Victoria Nuland during Euromaidan The assistant Secretary on Affairs of Europe and Eurasia Victoria Nuland and a number of high-ranking diplomats are leaving this week to their positions, leaving the Department of state. Reported by the Associated Press. In his post Nuland took an active part in the Euromaidan in Ukraine, often visiting Kiev in the midst of the protests. In December 2013, she gave protesters on independence square in Kiev treat. Russian media reported that it was cookies, however, Nuland States that gave hungry people sandwiches, not only protesters, but also fighters of special forces “Berkut”. In addition to Nuland, refers to the under Secretary for the administrative part of Patrick Kennedy, assistant Secretary Joyce Barr and Michelle bond. In addition, his post leaves the head of the office of foreign missions, gentry Smith. After the resignation of Secretary of state John Kerry, acting head of the Department of

Media reported that Russia’s proposal to create a Kurdish autonomy in Syria

The draft Constitution of Syria proposed by Moscow, includes a provision on establishment in the territory of the Arab Republic of Kurdish autonomy. About it “Interfax” said a source in the Syrian opposition, which handed over a draft document. However, the Syria should remain a unitary state. According to the Agency, the name of the country can eliminate the word “Arab”, leaving the name Syrian Republic. In addition, the Kurds may be able to officially use their language on par with Arabic. From the Constitution proposing to remove the paragraph about the rule of Sharia law, and to abolish the right to re-elect the President for a second seven-year term. It is also noted that from the basic law can disappear a provision stating that the head of state must be Muslim. Russia handed over to representatives of the armed Syrian opposition proposals for amendments to the Constitution of Syria

The Prosecutor’s office launched an investigation against the wife of françois Fillon

Francois Fillon and his wife Penelope French prosecutors have opened a preliminary investigation against the wife of the presidential candidate of the country Francois Fillon and Penelope. About it reports Reuters. Earlier on 25 January, the weekly Сanard enchainé (“the Chained duck”) published an article alleging that for several years, Penelope Fillon was listed as an assistant to her husband, at a time when he was a member of the National Assembly (lower house of Parliament), for which he received remuneration in the amount of 500 thousand euros. However, as writes the edition, for several years, during which Madame Fillon received a salary in the Parliament, in the workplace, no one’s seen her, about her activities as an assistant also do not know. As reported, in turn, BFMTV, the employment of a close person is not prohibited by law in the case, if this activity is not fictitious. Francois Fillon