The Australian foreign Ministry questioned the prospect of moving unwanted refugees in the United States

Nearly two thousand refugees who were not in Australia and sent to special camps may lose the opportunity to move to the US. About it reports The South China Morning Post, citing the words of Australian foreign Minister Julie Bishop. The foreign Minister spoke with Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, however, refused to confirm that the two men discussed the deal for the expulsion of refugees. “I believe that the US and Australia will continue to work and mutual aid in the protection of borders,” she explained. The publication notes that the contract of shipment to the US 1800 refugees was signed by the previous President Barack Obama in November 2016, and the administration of current President Donald trump has not made any statements concerning this agreement. 25 Jan trump has signed the decree about the protection of state borders, involving the construction of a wall on

Hungary decided to strengthen ties with Russia and the USA simultaneously

Peter Siyyarto Hungary intends to strengthen ties with Russia and at the same time, hopes for closer cooperation with the United States after the election of the President of Donald trump. This is with reference to the head of the foreign Ministry of Hungary Peter Siyyarto, reports Reuters. “We believe that sanctions are useless, — said the Minister, Recalling that his country had lost due to restrictions on trade and investment in Russia $ 6.5 billion. — Should we rejoice at the problems in the Russian economy? No, we are sorry about them.” The Minister added that Budapest does not consider Moscow as a threat, and noted that anti-Russian sanctions have crippled the economy and failed politically, because they couldn’t find anything to compel the Russian Federation. According to Szijjártó, Hungary intends to develop cooperation with Russia in the energy sphere, because Moscow is much more reliable partner than the

The white house confirmed the study by the trump of the topic of lifting sanctions against Russia

Donald Trump Advisor to the President of the United States, Kellyann Conway confirmed in an interview with Fox News that the administration is working toward lifting the us sanctions against Russia. “All these topics are pending. Naturally, as the questions of improvement relations with leaders and countries around the world,” she said on Friday, January 27, responding to a question about whether trump and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Saturday to discuss on the phone, the lifting of the measures from Moscow. Late in the evening of January 26, fellow at the Atlantic Council Fabrice pottier (Fabrice Pothier) wrote on Twitter: “Sources in Washington said that the administration is ready to trump an Executive order lifting the sanctions against Russia. The U.S. President will speak with [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel, and then with Putin on Saturday.” On Friday, the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer announced that

Trump and Merkel will discuss the Russian on the phone

Angela Merkel The President of the United States Donald trump and German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold on Saturday, January 28, a telephone conversation, the main theme of which will be Russia. On January 27, reports Reuters, citing its sources. Presumably, the us leader will discuss with the head of the German Cabinet of Ministers the issue of the abolition of the U.S. sanctions imposed against Moscow. An unnamed spokesman made clear that if Washington will take this step, it is unlikely that the European Union will follow suit. January 24 Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen announced that Berlin opposes a full or partial lifting of sanctions against Russia in exchange for agreement on the reduction of nuclear weapons. January 15, in an interview with Bild newspaper the Times and Donald trump made for the conclusion of nuclear agreements with Moscow in the framework of negotiations

The new head of the German foreign Minister said about the desire to have good relations with Russia

Sigmar Gabriel The new Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel, is interested in establishing good relations with Moscow. It is reported TASS citing a statement by the press Secretary of the German foreign Ministry. “The new Minister is interested in how to maintain relations with Russia on the possibility of a prosperous and good”, — noted the official representative of the foreign Ministry of Germany Martin Schaefer. How exactly is Gabriel going to do it, he said. Sigmar Gabriel, being economy Minister, was appointed foreign Minister on Friday, January 27. His predecessor Frank-Walter Steinmeier left the foreign office to fully focus on the preparations for the presidential elections, which he goes from “Christian democratic Union” (CDU) and Social democratic party of Germany (SPD). Gabriel is known for his Pro-Palestinian position: in 2012, he called Israel “a country with an apartheid regime”. He also took a moderate stance on

Consulate General of Turkey sent a request on the trial of the seven Russians

The Consulate General of Russia in Istanbul sent a request to the judicial authorities of Turkey about the local media about the trial of seven Russians who planned the attacks. About it RIA Novosti said the representative of the Embassy. According to him, the Turkish authorities did not inform Russian diplomats not only to start court process but also about the detention of these persons. January 25, Hürriyet Daily News reported that a court in Istanbul considered the case of nine suspected militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), including seven Russian citizens. They, in particular, is accused of preparing terrorist attacks in Istanbul with the use of drones. For data publication, we are talking about Zelimkhan Zausaeva AZE of Beljakova, Sucre borchashvili, Salman Dakaeva, Kyuri Hazeva, Became Alimhanova, Hassan Orstkho, Fuat Gonese and Fatma Altıntaş. According to investigators, the defendants planned to commit a

In Indian Kashmir, an avalanche killed 19 people

In the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir because of avalanches killed 19 people. About it reports Reuters. Most of the dead were soldiers patrolling the Line of control (conditional boundary separating the territory under the control of India and Pakistan). In total, the armed forces lost 15 men, four of them — on the morning of Friday, January 27. Killed four civilians, including two children, descended snow mass covered hut at the foot of the mountain, where their family lived. Several villages remained without electricity and heat because of downed wires. In the coming days the number of victims can increase: forecasters expect that avalanche danger will remain until the end of the weekend. The territory of the former Principality of Jammu and Kashmir is actually divided between India and Pakistan, although each side claims over full control of Kashmir. Because of the constant clashes on the separation line

Steinmeier called efforts by Russia and Turkey on Syria an intermediate stage

Frank-Walter Steinmeier The Minister of foreign Affairs of Germany Frank-Walter Steinmeier believes that the efforts of Russia and Turkey in the negotiations in Astana will remain “intermediate stage”. He stated this in an interview with Sueddeutsche Zeitung, reports RIA Novosti. According to the foreign Ministry, the Russian military operation in Syria “contributed to the fall of Aleppo” and supported the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. “But that’s not the solution for Syria. Both Russia and Turkey know that the solution to this conflict can succeed only with the participation of those players who has always been involved in the Syrian conflict… Both countries are interested to share responsibility for a political decision between several participants,” he said. Steinmeier expressed confidence that Moscow and Ankara “will give talks under the trusteeship of the UN.” However, he noted that the Syrian conflict is an example of the inability of the security

Trump confirmed his intention to get along with Russia and “to knock out spirit” of the IG

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump confirmed his intention to get along with Russia and joint efforts “to knock out spirit” of international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). He stated this on Friday, January 27, live on Fox News, the corresponding video is published in a microblog channel on Twitter. “We have to get along with Russia, as with the others. There is a possibility that we will fail but we will try… If we get along with Russia, it’s wonderful. It is good for Russia, good for us,” said the American leader. While the IG he called “this disease”, reports RIA Novosti. Earlier it became known that trump hopes to speak by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin this coming weekend, January 28-29. January 25, White house spokesman Sean Spicer said that the American leader’s conviction that his country will be

The newspaper reported freezing “Palestinian tranche” Obama

Continued: Palestine announced the receipt of the tranche Obama The President of the United States Donald trump froze the transfer of 221 million dollars, which his predecessor, Barack Obama has written to the Palestinian authority. It is reported by The Times of Israel with reference to its sources in Ramallah. According to the newspaper, the state Department had notified the Palestinian authority that funds will not be transferred in the near future. It is noted that Washington will study the feasibility of this operation. On January 24 it became known that Obama gave the order on transfer of money to the Palestinians against the wishes of Republicans in Congress. These funds are intended for humanitarian assistance to the population of the West Bank of the Jordan river and the Gaza strip, as well as support for reform. In addition, some of the money must go on preparing for the implementation