The President of the United States found it effective decree to toughen immigration policy

Donald Trump A decree to toughen immigration policy of the United States is not directed against Muslims, while it has already shown its effectiveness. As reported by Reuters, said the US President Donald trump. “This is not a ban for Muslims. It [the decree] is working fine. This can be seen in airports, it can be seen everywhere,” — said the head of the White house. He added that the decree provides for “very severe” restrictive measures and very thorough inspection of entering the United States. The decree trump to toughen immigration policy, signed January 27, applies to nationals of the seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population. The list of those States were not disclosed, but, according to Reuters, the sanctions will affect the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. The decree trump to toughen immigration policies have led to the fact that some

The Kremlin revealed the contents of Putin’s conversation with trump

Continued: the Federation Council and the state Duma commented on the conversation between the presidents of Russia and the USA Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed during a telephone conversation with his us counterpart Donald trump, the conflicts in Syria and Ukraine, as well as the opportunity of a personal meeting and strengthening economic ties. This was announced on Saturday evening, January 28, the press service of the Kremlin. “Discussed topical international problems, including combating terrorism, the situation in the middle East, the Arab-Israeli conflict, strategic stability and non-proliferation, the situation around the Iranian nuclear program and the Korean Peninsula. Also touched upon the main aspects of the crisis in Ukraine. Agreed to establish a partnership on these and other directions”, — stated in the message. The two leaders noted as a priority the need to combat international terrorism and agreed to coordinate the Russian and American military to defeat the

Hollande has called the US President a prerequisite for the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions

Francois Hollande Anti-Russian sanctions can be lifted only after the settlement of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine under the Minsk agreements. As reported on Saturday, January 28, TASS reported, citing a statement from the Elysee Palace, the French President Francois Hollande said during a telephone talks with his us counterpart Donald trump. However, Hollande announced the intention to “continue and intensify the dialogue” with Russia “on all subjects”. In addition, the President of France has told about the intention to continue the strengthening of the European Union “in all areas, including defence, in the interests of transatlantic relations in the field of security.” He stressed the “vital” role of NATO, also warned trump “about the economic and political consequences of a protectionist approach” and expressed the opinion that “in the current unstable and uncertain world, a closure is a hopeless answer.” The interlocutors also discussed the normalization of the situation

Holders of green cards from seven countries came under the ban on entry to USA

The decree of the President of the United States Donald trump to toughen immigration policy also applies to citizens of seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population, who are the holders of so-called green card. This was reported in the Ministry of internal security of the United States, informs Reuters. “[The decree] will ban the entry [in the US] to holders of green cards,” — said in response to the acting press-Secretary of Department Gillian Christensen, the Agency via e-mail. Thus in the Ministry have confirmed that the entry into the United States temporarily banned just to citizens of seven Muslim countries in the Middle East and Africa, as previously mentioned in the media. The list of those States were not disclosed, but, according to Reuters, the sanctions will affect the citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. Also on 28 January it became known that

Began a telephone conversation between Putin and trump

Donald trump, Michael Pence and advisers to the US President in the oval kabinet.premijera: Putin and trump made a phone conversation The President of the United States Donald trump began a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. On Twitter reported the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. Trump talks with Putin in the company Vice-President Michael Pence and his advisers. From the Russian side in the negotiations involved only the head of state. This is the third of five planned for January 28, conversations the US President with foreign leaders. Before the conversation with Putin, the us President talked with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He will also talk to French President Francois Hollande and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Previous conversation Putin and trump was held on 14 November last year. They discussed relations between the two countries and spoke about

The media learned about the intention of the trump to develop a plan for the fight against ISIS

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump is planning to sign a number of decrees, one of which will instruct the joint chiefs of staff of the Armed forces of the United States within 30 days to develop a plan to destroy the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports on Saturday, 28 January, Reuters, citing a source in the White house. When the trump will adopt a document concerning the fight against ISIS, a spokesman said. In addition, on January 28, U.S. President can sign a decree on the reorganization of the national security Council and its activities. In addition, there may be adopted a document on the ban of the lobbying activities of former us officials for five years. While lobbying for the interests of other States will be prohibited for them for life. 27 Jan trump has signed a

Putin and trump made a phone conversation

Donald Trump A telephone conversation between the presidents of Russia and the U.S., reports Reuters, citing a senior official in the White house. The conversation of Vladimir Putin and Donald trump lasted about 45 minutes. On the American side in the negotiations involved the advisers trump and Vice-President Michael Penny. The Russian head of state. The details of the conversation, the source Agency does not. This is the third of five planned for January 28, conversations the US President with foreign leaders. Before the conversation with Putin, the us President talked with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, and then he will talk to French President Francois Hollande and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Previous conversation Putin and trump was held on 14 November last year. They discussed relations between the two countries and spoke about the need to unite efforts in the fight against international terrorism

Russia has agreed to shelter the Ukrainian aircraft designers

Dmitry Rogozin The Russian authorities are ready to accept aircraft of the Ukrainian state enterprise “Antonov”, said Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin. He said this during a visit to the Voronezh aircraft joint-stock companies on Saturday, January 28, reports TASS. “We are waiting for the transfer to Russia of Ukrainian aircraft designers, to create “An”. Ready to receive them and to ensure that is not dead school Antonov”, — said the Deputy Chairman of the government. Ukrainian aviakontserna in 2016 not released any new aircraft. This situation is due to rupture of cooperation ties with Russia, which resulted in the “Antonov” has ceased to receive the Russian components. Now the management company is engaged in the search for alternative suppliers. In November of the same year, the company lost its General designer Dmitry Kiva. How wrote portal he quit and moved from Kiev to Baku, where he plans to

Dozens of Turkish troops from NATO bases in Germany sought political asylum

About 40 Turkish soldiers from NATO bases in Germany, asked the German authorities to grant them political asylum. About this newspaper Spiegel. Deserters declare that they left their posts because it fell under a “cleansing” at home after a failed coup in July last year. According to one of 40 soldiers, they “do not feel sympathy for the putschists”. 18 January it was reported that Turkish prosecutors issued a warrant for the arrest of 243 military. Operation on their detention was held simultaneously in 54 provinces. Military personnel suspected of involvement in the rebellion. In November 2016, several soldiers of the Turkish army at Ramstein air base asked for asylum in Germany. As said a local official Paul Junker, the family members of the military also apply for asylum. According to him, the requests come from “more than one family.” While other details he said. On 15 July last year

The new head of the German foreign Ministry called the only path to lifting sanctions against Russia

Sigmar Gabriel The only way to the lifting of EU sanctions in force against Russia, related to the implementation of the Minsk agreements, said the foreign Minister of Germany, Sigmar Gabriel at a meeting in Paris with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault. About it reports Reuters. “Germany and France have a clear position on sanctions. We want to achieve implementation of the Minsk agreements. This is the only way to the lifting of sanctions,” he said. Gabriel was appointed to the post of head of the German foreign Ministry on January 27. In this position, he was replaced by Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who like his successor, linked the process of lifting restrictions against Moscow with the progress in the implementation of “Minsk-2”. “A package of measures to implement the Minsk agreement” was signed in February 2015 the leaders of Russia, Germany, France and Ukraine. The document spelled out the ceasefire in