The chief executioner of the ISIS killed in Iraq

In Iraq, the unknown dealt with the chief executioner of the “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports The Daily Mail, citing the Iraqi news Agency. “Unknown armed group killed on Sunday, January 29, with the most famous executioner of the ISIS — the so-called Abu Sayyaf — said one of the agencies a source in the security forces of the country. — He was lured into an ambush near the al-Dawasa in the West of Mosul. He has received several stab wounds and died on the spot.” According to others, the Abu Sayyaf ambushed. Abu Sayyaf, in his career, beheaded more than 100 people were also the head offices of the ISIS in Nineveh province. He received notoriety including that collected the heads of their victims and repeatedly appeared on propaganda videos of ISIS. In Mosul now ongoing military operation. It involved units of the regular

Yemeni rebels fired rockets at the UN office in Saudi Arabia

Yemeni rebels, the Houthis fired missiles at the building of the UN office in Saudi Arabia. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement aired by Al Arabiya TV. The incident occurred in the province of Asir on the border with Yemen. Rocket jet systems of volley fire struck the entrance to the building of the UN mission. About victims and victims is not reported. Neither the UN nor the cosity of the incident did not comment. From what MLRS rocket was fired, not reported. On arming the rebels are numerous examples of Soviet equipment, including some BM-13, also known as “Katyusha”. In Yemen for several years civil war continues. One of the warring parties are the military wing of the Houthis, the Shiite movement “Ansar Allah” and those loyal to former President Ali Abdullah Saleh of the army, the other troops expelled their Sunni President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi

Unknown shot the visitors of the restaurant in Istanbul

In Istanbul, unknown persons opened fire on visitors of the restaurant. As a result one person was killed and at least two were injured, reports The Daily Sabah. According to preliminary data, the attack in Beykoz district, not a terrorist act: the shooter suddenly recognized one of the visitors of a person 12 years ago who killed his father, and decided to take revenge. He did it — he killed the alleged perpetrator. According to the police, other visitors were injured or as a result of ricochet bullets off of walls, either in a stampede when frightened crowd rushed to the exit. On the night of 1 January in club Reina in Istanbul, an unidentified terrorist opened fire. The victims were 39 people, including a Russian woman Nurana Hasanova. Responsibility for attack was assumed banned in the Russian terrorist group “Islamic state”.

An American soldier was killed in the first military operation by order of the trump

Archive photo In Yemen for the first time in the history of the conflict killed an American soldier. It is reported by The New York Times. Attack on camp of insurgents “al-kaidy” in the Central part of Yemen became the first counter-terrorist operation, sanctioned by Donald trump as President. The attack was conducted by soldiers of the unit SEAL Team 6 on a moonless night, to fully use the advantages of American night-vision devices. In the result, they were killed 14 militants, including the brother of the former leader of the Yemeni jihadist Anwar al-Aulyaki. Americans one person was killed and three wounded. Initially it was reported that among the civilians there were no casualties, but the military later said that the test reports of the deaths of women and children during the attack. As notes the edition, the operation against the Yemen wing of “al-Qaeda” has been discussed for

Lavrov commented on the results of the conversation between Putin and trump

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump during a telephone conversation on January 28 showed the desire to rely on its national interests. About it reports “Interfax”. According to the head of the foreign Ministry, the conversation showed the mutual respect and the desire of leaders to communicate without moralizing. “The conversation that took place (…) between presidents Putin and trump was good and in the political and human sense,” — said Lavrov. He said that the conversation was focused on conceptual matters, without going into details, has revealed a number of areas in which the interests of Russia and the USA coincide. According to the head of the foreign Ministry, the leaders agreed to continue the work at expert level. “Focus on achieving results are, but practical work is yet to come”

The Iraqi Parliament adopted a resolution in response to the decree trump the migrants

The Iraqi Parliament voted for the adoption of retaliatory measures in connection with the signing by US President Donald trump of the decree for the restriction of entry into the country of Muslims. It is reported by Al Sumaria. As explained by the source channel, the decision was made on the recommendation of the Committee on international Affairs. The resolution refers to the response from Baghdad if Washington does not change its position. In addition, the document contains an appeal to the UN and the Arab League (the Arab League) to take a firm and unequivocal stance condemning the actions of the American authorities. As explained by an unnamed source, Iraq is also in favour of convening an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic cooperation. In turn, the publication Politico says that a specific retaliatory measures against US citizens are not reported, but it is also unclear whether they

The Arab League is concerned by the prohibition of trump’s entry into the United States Muslim migrants

Donald Trump The Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (LAS), Ahmed Aboul Gheit called on the President of the United States to reconsider its position on the question of restrictions on the entry of Muslims in the United States. It is reported by Anadolu on Monday, 30th January. “The decision of Donald trump to strike at the unity of the family and relations between the peoples of the United States and Arab countries in General,” he said. According to him, given the scale of the tragedy in Syria, a ban on entry of its citizens in the United States cause for concern. January 27, trump signed a decree according to which the U.S. prohibits the entry of holders of green cards to citizens of seven countries: Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. In addition, according to the document, for a period of 120 days will be

In a major accident in France suffered 65 people

In a major accident in the suburbs of Paris affected 65 people. It is reported BFMTV. The accident occurred at 4:30 local time (6:30 GMT). For an unknown reason, collided with a truck, two passenger buses and four cars. In the result, slight injuries and injuries to 60 people, five others are in serious condition. All the victims received medical treatment. Currently, traffic on the highway is blocked, at the place of accident rescuers work. On January 26 in Poland, an accident involving nearly 40 vehicles. A string of smashed cars stretched for 500 meters. One of the cars burned. Injured 20 people. Rescuers have called a miracle the fact that in this accident no one died.

In Poland, there was another accident with the us military

American military truck drove into a guardrail near the Polish town gorzów Wielkopolski (Lubusz to the West of the country). It is reported portal Kontakt 24. The incident resulted in no injuries. According to available information, the driver of the car could not fit into the rotation. “In Poland the roads are good, but a little tight,” said being in the place of American soldiers. Over the last few days this is the third incident involving American military personnel stationed in the country. January 24 near the town of żagań, in the same province, as a result of collision of the American military pick-up-and Polish bus two passengers were injured. According to preliminary data, the culprit of the accident became an American driver. Two days earlier in the same area turned over an American military truck carrying ammunition for tanks. It was reported that the driver of the truck was

Police said the number of victims of the shooting in Quebec

The number of victims of the shooting in Quebec has risen to six. On Monday, January 30, reported the press-Secretary of police of the province of Coulomb Christine (Christine Coulombe), reports ABC News. Another eight people were wounded in the attack. As noted by Coulomb, the remaining 39 are present at the Islamic center at the time of the attack did not receive any injuries. The Prime Minister of the canadian province Cuyar Philippe (Philippe Couillard) called the incident a terrorist attack. “After the attack I went to the National Assembly of Quebec, with the request to lower the flag of Quebec,” wrote he in his Twitter. Three armed criminals broke into the Islamic cultural centre in Quebec city, which is called “great mosque” of the city during evening prayers on January 29. The attackers, shouting “Allah Akbar!” opened fire. At this point in the room, according to various estimates,