Churkin agreed to cooperate with the new U.S. permanent representative to the UN

Vitaly Churkin Permanent representatives of Russia and the United States to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin and Nikki Haley agreed to cooperate in the framework of the UN. About it reports on Friday, 3 February, the Russian mission to the world organization. “The Russian Ambassador took Nikki Haley at his residence. Both sides expressed the intention to cooperate closely in the UN, in accordance with the mood in their capitals”, — stated in the message. 2 February, speaking at a meeting of the UN security Council for the first time in the status of a permanent representative of the United States at the world organization, Haley said that restrictive measures against Russia could be lifted only if the return Crimea to Ukraine. Permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, commenting on the statement of his American colleagues, he quoted the U.S. Constitution. “It is impossible not to recall

Citizens caught in the decree of the trump countries were allowed entry into the United States

Customs and border service of the USA on the basis of the decision of the Federal judge in Seattle has allowed airline passengers from the countries affected by the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration policy. About it reports on Saturday, 4 Feb, Reuters. In connection with the suspension of the decree returned to the old order of entry of foreigners in the United States. Air carriers are allowed to take on Board citizens of the countries that fall under the administration’s decision to trump, if they have us visa. The White house said that a ban “lawful and appropriate”. The Ministry of justice to urgently appeal the judge’s decision from Seattle to recover the Ordinance. On the verdict of the court notified the U.S. State Department. The foreign Ministry stated that currently with the Department of homeland security find out how the judgment will affect

The white house commented on the statement of U.S. permanent representative to the UN on the Crimea

Nikki Haley Statement by the permanent representative of the United States to the UN, Nikki Haley of belonging of Crimea to Ukraine reflects the position of the US administration on this issue. This statement was made on Friday, February 3, at the briefing the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “I think the Ambassador Haley is a very clearly expressed our concern about the Russian occupation of Crimea. I think she spoke very clearly and definitely on this issue”, — said the representative of the White house. 2 February, speaking at a meeting of the UN security Council for the first time in the status of a permanent representative of the United States at the world organization, Haley said that restrictive measures against Russia could be lifted only if the return Crimea to Ukraine. Permanent representative of Russia to the UN Vitaly Churkin, commenting on the statement of

The media learned about blocking daughter trump the decree on the abolition of protection of the LGBT community

Ivanka trump and Donald trump The daughter of Donald trump, Ivanka and her husband Jared Kushner helped block the project of the decree of the President of the United States, which has cancelled the former head of state Barack Obama’s protection against discrimination of the LGBT community. It is reported Politico, citing informed sources. Kushner, senior adviser to the President, and his wife, according to the publication, has made to the draft order on the abolition of the decree of Obama in 2014, which banned discrimination against gays and lesbians in the workplace, did not come back to the White house. In addition, thanks to Ivanka trump and Jared Kushner, the White house on January 31 issued a statement which said that trump intends to protect the rights of all Americans, including members of the LGBT community. “The decree signed in 2014, which protects workers from discrimination in the workplace

The White house said on trump’s conversation with Poroshenko

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump will be on Saturday, February 4, telephone conversation with Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the press service of the White house. The conversation is scheduled for 16:45 US Eastern time (00:45 GMT Sunday). On the same day, as expected, trump, who went on a weekend in his Villa in Florida, will hold telephone talks with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg and Prime Minister of Italy Paolo Gentiloni. On January 28, a telephone conversation of the U.S. President with Russian leader Vladimir Putin. Official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described the conversation as positive and constructive in terms of the application. As noted in the White house, “a positive conversation” trump Putin was “an important beginning of the development of relations between Russia and the United States who are in need of restoration.” January 18, Petro Poroshenko expressed

Washington announced a review of policy towards Cuba

Sean Spicer The United States began to reconsider its policy towards Cuba. As reported RIA Novosti, said Friday, February 3, the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “We’re doing a complete overhaul of US policy towards Cuba,” said Spicer, explaining that the priority is the question of human rights. The results, according to him, to speak while early. The spokesman also said that Washington would continue to tighten policy against Tehran. “We have taken today’s action after careful study and continue to meet appropriate actions,” he said. In December 2014, Barack Obama, who was then President of the United States, and the head of Cuba Raul Castro announced the beginning of a gradual normalization of relations between the two countries. Was restored diplomatic ties, resumed regular commercial flights, weakened a number of anti-Cuban sanctions. However, the U.S. authorities imposed in 1960, a trade embargo was not lifted. February

Media called the name of the attacked military patrol near the Louvre Museum

An attack on a military patrol near the Louvre Museum in Paris made a 29-year-old native of Egypt Abdulla Reda al-Hamami. About it reports Reuters with reference to sources in power structures of Egypt. Al-Hamami, according to the Agency, is a native of the governorate (province) of the dakahlia governorate, situated North-East of the capital Cairo. Egypt’s interior Ministry has already received confirmation from the Embassy in Paris that the assailant was an Egyptian. Earlier it became known that he entered the territory of France at the end of January this year. On the morning of 3 February armed with machetes the man, shouting “Allahu Akbar”, attacked a military patrol guarding the order around the Paris Museum. In response, soldiers opened fire on the attackers. He was injured and was taken to the hospital. Slightly injured one of the soldiers, he was also hospitalized. According to the head of the

Adviser to trump refused to tolerate “provocations” from Iran

Michael Flynn Washington will not tolerate “provocations” from Iran, which threaten the interests of the United States. As reported Reuters, said on Friday, February 3, the US presidential Advisor for national security Michael Flynn. “The international community was too tolerant of bad behavior of Iran, said Flynn. — The days when he ignores the hostile and belligerent actions of Iran against the United States and the international community, over”. As noted by Advisor to the President of Donald trump, emergency meetings and the statement of the UN Security Council in connection with the actions of Tehran is not enough. “The trump will no longer tolerate Iran’s provocations, which threaten our interests”, — quotes its words of RIA Novosti. The tramp, answering questions of journalists, evaded a direct reply whether he intends to take additional measures against Iran, saying only that Tehran is “misbehaving”. In turn, Iranian foreign Minister Javad Zarif

Judge from Detroit suspended the anti-immigrant decree trump

Donald Trump District judge of the American city of Detroit, Michigan, temporarily suspended the decree of the President of the United States Donald trump about the restrictions against immigrants. About it reports Reuters. Thus, according to the decree issued by the judge of the Eastern district of Michigan, Victoria Roberts, is prohibited “to refuse entry to the United States to those who live in the country legally on a permanent basis, as well as those who have a valid immigrant visa”. It clarifies the Agency, initially unnamed, the plaintiff asked for a permanent injunction on the Ordinance. Earlier, the judge Ann Donnelly of the Federal district court for the Eastern district of new York allowed foreigners with a valid us visa which has already arrived in the United States and came under the decree on toughening of immigration policy, to temporarily stay in the country. 27 Jan trump has signed

The media reported details about the person who attacked a military patrol near the Louvre Museum

The man who made morning of 3 February, an attack on a military patrol near the Louvre Museum in Paris, is a native of Egypt. About it reports Reuters, citing a source close to the investigation. It is noted that he entered the territory of France at the end of January this year. In the morning, armed with machetes man, shouting “Allahu Akbar”, attacked a military patrol guarding the order around the Paris Museum. In response, soldiers opened fire on the attackers. He was injured and was taken to the hospital. Slightly injured one of the soldiers, he was also hospitalized. According to the head of the Paris police, Michel KADO, a separate replica of the attacker suggests that he intended to carry out a terrorist attack.