Erdogan and trump have agreed to operate under the al-Bab and Raqqa

Recep Tayyip Erdogan The President of the USA and Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Donald trump agreed to cooperate in the attack on the Syrian city of al-Bab and raqqa. About it reports Reuters, citing its sources close to the Turkish leader. According to the Agency, in a telephone conversation held on the night of 7 to 8 February, the heads of state discussed the creation of a “security zone” in Syria, the refugee crisis and the fight against terrorism. It is also reported that Erdogan tried to convince trump to abandon support for Syrian Kurds, which Ankara considered terrorists. This issue will be discussed during the visit of the CIA Director Mike Pompeo in Turkey, which will be held on Thursday, February 9. In addition, it is expected that the parties raised the issue of extradition of living in the United States preacher Fethullah Gulen, whom Ankara accuses of

The source said the details of the death of the battalion commander Givi

A source close to the authorities of the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic (DPR) said “the” that the commander of the battalion “Somalia” Mikhail Tolstoy (call Givi) was killed in the explosion on the basis of units around Donetsk. According to the interlocutor, the explosion at the headquarters of “Somalia” started a large fire, in the time of the explosion Givi was in his office.

Chinese foreign Ministry suggested Washington to brush up on the history of the Second world war

Washington should brush up on the history of the Second world war after the remarks about disputed Islands in the South China sea. This statement was made by foreign Minister Wang Yi, reported on the Agency’s website on Tuesday, February 7. “In the Cairo Declaration of 1943 and the Potsdam Declaration of 1945, clearly indicated that Japan the results of world war II is obliged to return to China previously captured lands, including Islands of the Spratly archipelago (Nansha),” — said the Minister of foreign Affairs of China. Wang recalled that in 1946 Beijing with the assistance of the American side on the basis of the law returned the sovereignty over the Islands of the archipelago. Subsequently, however, he noted, some countries have illegally occupied part of the Islands that led to the emergence of tensions in the South China sea. The Minister stressed that the issues regarding the disputed

CNN reported about the plans of the senators to veto the lifting of sanctions against Russia

A group of senators of the U.S. Congress from the Republican and Democratic parties intends on Wednesday, February 8, to propose a bill that would allow to veto the President’s decision of Donald trump to lift the sanctions against Russia. About it reports CNN TV channel. According to the document, the White house will have to provide a detailed report on the reasons for lifting sanctions on Russia. After that within 120 days, Congress can vote against such measures. The initiators of the bill, as noted, are Republicans Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio (a former opponent of trump’s for the Republican nomination in the presidential race), John McCain, and Democrats Ben Cardin, Claire McCaskill and Sherrod brown. 6 Feb Graham said he will submit a draft law on anti-Russian sanctions for “intervention in election”. A bill blocking the abolition of the trump restrictions against Russia, announced by democratic Senator Chuck Schumer

Trump has accused Democrats in the interference with the formation of the administration

Donald Trump U.S. President Donald trump has accused the Democratic party that it interferes with his administration. He stated this in his Twitter. “It’s a shame that all my office isn’t ready, the longest delay in the history of our country. The interference from the Democrats.” — he wrote. According to TASS, after more than two weeks since the inauguration of the President, the Congress approved only six candidates for leadership positions in the administration of the 20 represented by trump. In particular, the nomination of the Ministers of defence, internal security, transport, education, and the Secretary of state and the U.S. permanent representative to the UN.

CNN learned of the discontent of the trump job of his press Secretary

Sean Spicer The President of the United States Donald trump is disappointed, how did the first two weeks, his spokesman Sean Spicer. On it informs TV channel CNN, citing sources. Spicer, as noted, currently replacing two positions: in addition to the White house, he also holds the post of Director of communications. According to sources, to facilitate his load, it was decided to find Spicer partner who in the new administration will handle public relations. Initially the position of Director of communications suggested the press Secretary of the transition team trump Jason Miller, but he refused to work in the White house. According to him, the decision was taken due to the fact that he needs to spend more time with family. On the appointment of Spicer to the position of the official representative of the White house it was reported on December 22. During the presidential campaign, trump he

The Pentagon confirmed the production of militants mustard at the University of Mosul

The building of the University of Mosul The militants of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) produced on campus in the Iraqi city of Mosul poison mustard gas. This was stated by Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis, citing the examination results, reports DNA. “The University of Mosul occupied a Central place in the production of militants chemical weapons,” said Davis. However, he noted that, most likely, the mustard had planned to use as a stimulus. According to him, the evidence that gas was used for killing, no. 28 January it was reported that the Iraqi military found in one of the liberated from the Islamic state group areas of Eastern Mosul the warehouse the toxic substances mustard gas. Subsequently, Colonel, U.S. air force John Dorrian confirmed this information. According to him, the campus was one of the “major laboratories” terrorists producing chemical weapons, RIA Novosti reported.

The foreign Ministry commented on the U.S. decision to revise nuclear doctrine

The building of the MFA of Russia Moscow hopes that new US nuclear doctrine provides an opportunity dimensionless using this type of weapon. On Tuesday, February 7, reported RIA Novosti source in the Russian foreign Ministry. According to him, the change of doctrinal settings — it is perfectly normal. “The question is in which direction the current doctrine will be revised,” — said the source. He reminded that the current concept “envisages the possibility of using nuclear weapons in all cases, when it affects the vital interests of the United States.” “What is it? Nobody knows. It will determine for itself the US administration, no clarity on this point,” said the source. The absence of criteria, he said, distinguishes the American from the Russian doctrine, which “clearly defines the circumstances in which it is theoretically possible to use nuclear weapons.” Earlier, on 7 February, the chief of staff of the

The Ukrainian authorities have postponed the sale of tickets for “Eurovision-2017”

The Ukrainian authorities have postponed the sale of tickets for the musical contest “Eurovision-2017”, which will be held in Kiev indefinitely. This decision was taken after the Antimonopoly Committee annulled the results of the tender on purchase of services of the official seller of tickets. On Tuesday, February 7, UNIAN reports with reference to the Deputy Director General of the National public broadcasting company of Ukraine Pavlo Gritsak. “I hope that the tickets will go on sale in February, we are actively working to realize this. It is worth noting that in the past was different date of commencement of sale of tickets for the contest — it happened in March”, — said Hrytsak. According to the publication, in 2009, the start of sales began on March 16 and in 2012-m — on March 12. Executive producer of the contest Jon Ola sand said that “disappointed because of the delay

Trump assured Erdogan allied support

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in conversation with Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan confirmed that Turkey is a strategic partner of USA and NATO ally. About it reports Reuters, citing the White house. Trump also said the “shared commitment to combating terrorism in all its forms” for both countries. In addition, the US President said that he welcomes Turkey’s contribution to the fight against “Islamic state”. Grouping “Islamic state” in Russia classified as terrorist, for participation in activities which provide for criminal liability.