In Novosibirsk have caught the school cleaning lady drug pusher

In Novosibirsk police have arrested a school janitor with a large batch of heroin, according to GU MVD of Russia in the region. When it happened, not specified. The suspect was caught red handed in the Leninsky district of the city. A woman born in 1986 tried to pick up a major tab. It is known that she planned to engage in further marketing of the drug. In the process of inspection of the proposed location of the heroin the police had discovered a bag the seeds hidden inside narcotic substance with a total weight of 525 grams. The police refused to disclose information about the location of a suspect. It is known that earlier it came into the view of law enforcement. Concerning the woman criminal case is brought.

Media have reported the responsibility of the IG for the launch of missiles toward Eilat

ABOUT the armed forces of Israel One of the branches of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG) claimed responsibility for launching seven rockets from Egyptian territory of the Sinai towards the Israeli resort of Eilat. On Thursday, February 9, reports the Jerusalem Post. According to the publication, four rockets reached Israeli territory, and the rest were intercepted by missile defense system “Iron dome.” As a result, four people were taken to hospital in a state of shock. Late in the evening of 8 February the IDF reported the shelling of the Eilat by Egypt. Eilat had been subjected to attacks from Egypt, where the terrorist group. All attacks still were no casualties and material damage.

After the date of introduction of a visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU

Rikard Jozwiak The journalist of “Radio Liberty” Rikard Jozwiak announced that visa-free regime between Ukraine and the EU will enter into force on 12 June 2017. About this he wrote on his page in the microblog Twitter. According to Joswiak visa-free regime with the European Union to Georgia will start to operate on March 29. On 2 February the deputies of the European Parliament (EP) voted for the abolition of the visa regime with Georgia. Georgian citizens — holders of biometric passports had the opportunity in the EU for 90 days during six months for business, travel or family trips, but without the right to work. The regime of free movement have to earn, once entered into force it of the emergency suspension. It was announced that this will happen before the end of March 2017.

Moscow saw a threat in missile defense on the territory of Romania

Alexander Botan-Kharchenko In Moscow after the appearance on the territory of Romania of elements of missile defense believe her country is an Outpost that poses a threat to Russia’s security. On Thursday, February 9, in interview to Agency “Interfax” said the head of the fourth European Department of the Russian foreign Ministry Alexander Botan-Kharchenko. According to him, all these decisions are directed primarily against Russia. “The fact that it is extremely complicated interaction and cooperation is a fact. However, it is necessary to preserve and to use the opportunities that are there,” — said the diplomat. Botan-Kharchenko added that the Bucharest “observed the blatant anti-Russian, and even Russophobic line inspired with the implementation of sanctions and avidly anti-Russian rhetoric.” The diplomat noted that Russia and Romania are the basis for cooperation, “the point on which to rely in order to overcome the unfavorable situation in the relations.” In may of

Syrian media reported air strike by Israel

Quneitra, archive The Israeli air force launched an airstrike on the Syrian town of Quneitra, located in the South-West of the country. On Thursday, February 9, reported Reuters citing a source in Syrian military circles. The helicopter of the Israeli air force attacked one of the houses. Thus in Syrian airspace it did not go. Rocket, according to SANA, was released from the “occupied territories” — the Golan heights. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. In Damascus called such a blatant attack, noting that the aim is to help gangs. According to representatives of the Syrian authorities, the attack will not force the Syrian army to abandon the fight against terrorists. In mid-January, the Syrian army command announced that Israeli air force bombarded the military airport of al-Mezze, located to the West of Damascus. Relations between Damascus and tel Aviv remain tense, particularly over the territorial dispute over

Russian tour operators have abandoned the burning stages

Russian tour operators have almost completely abandoned the sale of hot tours. If the vouchers with significant discounts accounted for 20 percent of sales, now we are talking about isolated cases. According to “Kommersant”, the format disappeared amid ongoing within two years of the crisis in the tourist market. The representative of “Onliner” Igor Blinov said that if until 2014, about 15 percent of the vouchers sold at a significant discount, and now these proposals the company has almost no. “Requests from clients left, but to find them something almost impossible: the cost of the tour, bought a few days before departure, now is 30-40 percent higher than in the pre-sale, and not Vice versa,” — said the expert. I agree with Blinov Director of the Association of tour operators of Russia Maya Lomidze. It is estimated that over the past two years, the proportion of burning stages decreased from

Detained a top Manager of Tatfondbank

Employees of the main investigation Department of the MIA for the Republic of Tatarstan detained the Deputy Chairman of the Board Tatfondbank, reported on Thursday, February 9, at the Agency’s website. Police the name of the detainee is not called, however, the “Interfax” reports that it is likely about Vadim Merzlyakov. We are talking about the embezzlement of funds transferred into trust management of OOO IK TFB Finance”, “daughter” of the Bank. The amount of damage, according to preliminary calculations, is estimated at more than 90 million rubles. On 11 January, Russian media reported that two thousand depositors of Tatfondbank fraudulently turned into clients of its affiliated investment company. Now their funds are not subject to insurance reimbursement. The substitution was discovered after the introduction of the Central Bank provisional administration to the credit institution December 15, 2016. Payments to depositors of the Bank began on December 26. At this

On a cruise ship in New Zealand, an explosion occurred

On a cruise ship Emerald Princess in the new Zealand port Chalmers, an explosion occurred. Killing one person, presumably a member of the crew. Among the passengers nobody has suffered. On Thursday, February 9, reports Radio New Zealand. According to eyewitnesses, presumably, a gas cylinder exploded at the stern of the vessel. The liner itself was not harmed. According to TASS, the ship Emerald Princess with a displacement of 8.4 thousand tons, can accommodate more than three million passengers and 1.2 thousand crew members.

The President of Somalia was a US citizen

The new President of Somalia was a former Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, also known as Mohamed Farmaco. On Wednesday, February 8, according to Reuters. The vote of parliamentarians was held in a hangar at the airport of the Somali capital Mogadishu, the object is considered to be one of the most secure. In the final third round was also a previous leader of the country Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, however, on the eve of a crucial vote, he conceded defeat and has refused the further struggle. According to the news Agency, Mohamed has taken the oath before Parliament. According to TASS from 1989 to 1993 he studied history at the University of Buffalo (new York), received a bachelor’s degree, and then graduated from a magistracy majoring in “political Science and international relations”. Upon graduation, Mohamed held several positions in the administrations of municipalities and counties, as well as in the

Published a letter of the main accused in the case of the September 11 attacks Obama

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the main accused in the case of the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 in the United States, wrote to now former President Barack Obama. On Wednesday, February 8, reports the Miami Herald. According to the newspaper, contained in guantánamo, Mohammed wrote a letter in January 2015, however the prison administration refused to send it. In September of the same year, the us Treasury attorney filed a motion for delivery of mail, and a year later, judge James Paul gave consent. At the time Obama was getting ready to leave the White house in connection with the termination of his second term. In message of 18 pages, the publication gives only the most expressive excerpts from it. In particular, Mohammed calls Obama a “snake’s head” and President of “the country of oppression and tyranny.” “We didn’t start the war against you on the day