In Moscow, arrested a pedophile

In Moscow on Friday evening, February 10, arrested a man suspected of committing a violent sexual assault against teenagers in the East of Moscow. About it “” said Yulia Ivanova, senior assistant to the head of the Moscow Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR). He is suspected of committing crimes under paragraph “b” of part 4 of article 132 (“Violent actions of sexual nature against persons under the age of fourteen”) and parts 2 of article 133 (“Coercion to commit other acts of a sexual nature”) of the Criminal code. “According to investigators, 49-year-old Gennady Semenov in the period from 2009 to 2017 in his apartment in Veshnjakovsky street were committed against two boys in 2001 and one of the boy 2003 year of birth sexual acts, and compel children to commit them,” — said Ivanov. According to TFR, the man, acquainted with the boys on the street,

In the crush at the stadium in Angola has killed 17 people

Fans of the national team of Angola football In a stampede that occurred during a football match between teams from the city of Uige in Northern Angola, killing at least 17 people. About it reports Reuters. “At the stadium there was a stampede. As a result, some people got out of the crowd literally on the heads of others. The incident injured 76 people, 17 of whom died,” said Ernesto Luis, the head of the local hospital. On 26 December the ship with the football team and fans on Board was wrecked on the shores of lake albert in Uganda. As a result, nine people were killed. As the witness said occurred, many passengers sat on the edge of the ship, forcing him to lose balance. Also, the commander of the local police, John Rothera reported that the steering of the ship and most people were in a state of

Mogerini questioned the determination of the US to keep anti-Russian sanctions

Federica Mogherini The head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini expressed doubt that Syria is a unified position in the United States. She stated on Friday, February 10, in his speech at the Atlantic Council in Washington, reports TASS. “We (in the course of meetings with representatives of the us administration) agreed that as long as obligations under the Minsk agreements are fully implemented, the sanctions will remain in force. However, I’m not sure that this remains a United position,” — said Mogerini. However, she noted that in the EU there is no dispute about the restrictive measures. “Sanctions are not a policy as such, and we (EU) do not receive pleasure from them. For us it is a tool,” — said the head of diplomacy. On 8 February a group of senators belonging to both leading U.S. parties, introduced a bill providing for the need for the President to obtain

Pence has promised to destroy all the enemies of the United States

Mike Pence The United States will not rest until I destroy all his enemies, including the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). As reported by Politico, said Vice-President Mike Pence, speaking at the Military Academy at West point. “Be assured that the President [Donald] trump, his administration, the entire country will not rest until you have destroyed her enemies and people will be safe again,” said Pence. As noted by the Vice President, the United States faced many threats in its history. Radical Islamists, in his words, seek to “destroy not only the American people, but life itself”. “The barbarians of ISIS dealt harshly with those who interfere with their attempts to create a global Caliphate. And they won’t stop until unless we stop them. And we will stop them”, — quotes RIA Novosti policy. In late January, the US President Donald trump tasked his administration to

French police have arrested two suspects in the preparation of a terrorist attack involving a suicide bomber

In the French city of Montpellier (centre of the region of Occitania, the South of the country) the staff of the counterterrorism police arrested four people suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. On Friday, February 10, reports BFMTV. The group included three men and a 16-year-old girl. During the search police seized a small amount of acetone peroxide (the substance known as “Mother of Satan”), as well as the ingredients necessary for the production of explosives in the handicraft way. As suggested by the investigators as a suicide bomber was planned to involve 22-year-old young man who is the groom a member of the group. The attack was to take place shortly after the wedding, and then she planned to go to Syria and to the status of “widow of a Martyr”. It is implied that in the territories controlled by the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG,

Assad expressed readiness to leave the post with the loss of support from the people

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said he was ready to leave his post as soon as he loses the support of the Syrian people. The leader of the Arab Republic stated in an interview with Yahoo News, according to Reuters. The head of state noted that this is his principled position. According to Assad, if his actions do not enjoy support of the population, it will become a big problem, and “he can’t stand it.” Assad has repeatedly said that his departure from the presidency depends on the will of the people and Parliament. On 7 February he announced that Syria does not belong to his family any citizen of the country can take the lead. “Syria belongs to the Syrians,” — said the head of state, answering a question on whether he could imagine that his family will not be in power. Bashar al-Assad, son of former Syrian

In a residential complex in the northeast China, an explosion occurred

In a five-storey residential complex in Jilin province located in northeast China, an explosion occurred. On Friday, February 10, RIA Novosti reported, citing China News Service. The incident occurred around 07:00 a.m. local time (02:00 GMT). In one of the entrances broken glass. Rescue services find out whether there are victims or victims. The causes of the explosion are established. At the end of October in one of the buildings in the County of Fugu province in Central China — Shanxi — explosion. The incident occurred near the hospital building, seriously damaged several nearby buildings and parked near the scene of the car. Several people were injured. On 4 October as a result of explosion of household gas in one of the houses in Harbin killed three people. Multi-storey building suffered serious damage.

Assad has called the idea unrealistic trump of creating safe zones in Syria

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has described as utterly unrealistic the idea of a President Donald trump of creating safe zones on Syrian territory. The head of the Arab Republic, said in an interview to the Internet portal Yahoo News. At the same time, Assad said that still hopes to cooperate with the Bush administration, but only “after the rapprochement between the US and Russia.” On 8 February, the permanent representative of Russia to UN Vitaly Churkin called the idea of creating in Syria a security zone for the solution of the refugee problem late. The diplomat said that currently in Syria there is a regime of cease-fire and “fastened the process of negotiations” between the Syrian government and the opposition, including armed. Churkin added that the time is approaching when we need to raise the question of the return to their homes of refugees and displaced persons. The

Reuters reported the White house plans to reform the US intelligence

The President of the United States Donald trump is going to entrust the head of the investment company Cerberus Capital Management’s Stephen Feinberg (Stephen Feinberg) to perform the activities of American intelligence agencies and to evaluate the possibility of reform. On Friday, February 10, Reuters reports, citing current and former employees of the presidential administration. According to the Agency, until the decision on the appointment of Feinberg. However, if he will take the post, he will develop a program to rationalize the 17 different agencies with a budget of $ 70 billion. These departments employ tens of thousands of employees. In particular, as noted by Reuters, the administration is interested in reforming the office of the Director of National intelligence. The Agency, created after the attacks of 11 September 2001, coordinating units of American intelligence. While neither the White house nor Cerberus Capital Management has not commented on the information

McCain has accused Moscow of meddling in the Afghan conflict

John McCain Russia currently interfere in the conflict in Afghanistan in order to thwart U.S. attempts to resolve the situation in the country, said on 9 February, us Senator, Republican John McCain. The text of his speech at the meeting of the Senate Committee on armed forces published on the website of the policy. “Reports that Iran is arming and financing the Taliban. And the situation would not be so difficult, if Russia had not intervened in Afghanistan with the apparent attempt to support the Taliban and to undermine the [activities] of the United States,” McCain said. The Senator added that [banned in Russia] terrorist organization “al-Qaeda” and the group “Haqqani Network” continue to threaten US interests in Afghanistan and beyond. Earlier that day President of the United States Donald trump on Twitter advised McCain not to talk to the media about the failures and successes of military missions. “It