Japan sent a protest to Russia due to naming five of the Kuril Islands

The government of Japan sent a protest to Russia because of the naming of five unnamed Islands in the Kuril chain. This was stated by the Secretary-General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Suga at a press conference in Tokyo, which took place on Tuesday, 14 February, reports TASS. “This is unacceptable and contrary to the position of Japan. On February 13 we sent a protest to Russia through diplomatic channels,” he said. 13 February, the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree on the naming of five of the Kuril Islands. With the corresponding initiative was made by the Sakhalin branch of the Russian geographical society (RGS). Geographic features were named after Lieutenant General Kuzma Derevyanko, diplomat Andrei Gromyko, former Governor of Sakhalin Igor Farkhutdinov, the General-Lieutenant Alexey Gnecco and captain Anna Shchetinina. After the Second world war between Moscow and Tokyo have not signed a

The murder of the leader of the Ku Klux Klan accused his wife and stepson

Frank Ancona The leader of radical ultra-right organization Ku Klux Klan Frank Ancona, was found dead on the banks of the Missouri river in Belgrade, was killed. The accusations of crime brought against his wife and stepson. On Monday, February 13, writes The New York Times. According to the publication, Ancona was killed during a family quarrel, which occurred at his home on Thursday, February 9. After that, the wife of 44-year-old Malissa Ancona and stepson 24-year-old Paul Jinkerson drove the body of 51-year-old man to the river, where on Saturday 11 February it was discovered. Law enforcement officers found the corpse of a gunshot wound to the head. According to one version, the murder was committed with a shotgun, another a pistol. Ancona was a member of the organization for over 30 years. Currently in the U.S. there are almost 30 competing groups, the ku Klux Klan. They compete

Playboy will return to the page pictures of naked women

Playboy men’s magazine in its print version will resume posting photos of fully naked women. On Monday, February 13, said the son of the founder of the Empire and the creative Director of publications, Cooper Hefner in his Instagram. According to him, the former concept of the magazine with naked women is really outdated. However, he noted, Playboy shouldn’t have to completely deprive nudity, because it was never a problem. “Today we returned our distinctive feature and again Express myself,” added Hefner. #NakedIsNormal Photo published @playboy In addition, Playboy microblog on Twitter posted a picture of the cover of the next issue with a naked model. — Playboy (@Playboy) On 13 February 2017, 15:00 In October 2015, the men’s magazine announced the refusal to publish in its print version of fully naked models. The publication refused to take such pictures to the magazine received a rating of PG-13 and was

Mnuchin appointed Secretary of the Treasury

Steven Mnuchin Steven Mnuchin nominated by the President of the United States Donald trump on a post of the Minister of Finance, approved by the Senate in the office. About it reports Reuters. For the appointment of a majority vote of the members of the upper house of Congress, 53 to 47. The only Democrat endorsed candidate, was Joe Manchin. Earlier, during the hearings in the Senate, Mnuchin said, against the lifting of sanctions against Russia, but not sure that they need tightening. He assured that he “absolutely” would support their extension. However, he could not answer the question, does it necessary to strengthen sanctions pressure, explaining that “does not have sufficient information on this issue”. Mnuchin stated that he would support sanctions only if Russia will not “is the best deal.” What exactly was going on, he said.

The UN security Council condemned the North Korean tests of ballistic missiles

The UN security Council condemned the North Korean tests of ballistic missiles conducted in violation of six resolutions on 11 February 2017 and 19 October 2016. It is reported by RIA Novosti. “These launches are a serious violation of international obligations of the DPRK on Security Council resolutions 1718, 1874, 2087, 2094, 2270, 2321”, — the statement, endorsed by the security Council. In addition, the Council members agreed to continue to monitor the situation and to take “further significant measures, in accordance with previously expressed intentions of the Council.” “The members of the Security Council expressed regret that the DPRK is directing resources on ballistic missiles, when the people of the DPRK is in great need,” — the document says. The members of the security Council gathered in closed consultations after the first of this year’s testing of ballistic missiles of the DPRK at the initiative of two member countries

Youth national team of Russia on hockey sent 42 goals against the team of Turkey

The national team of Russia on hockey defeated the team of Turkey with the score 42:0 in the framework of the European youth Olympic festival. About it the correspondent “Tapes.ru”. The meeting was held in Turkish Erzurum. In the first period of Russian hockey players managed to score in the opponent’s 15 goals, the second — 12, third — again 15. In the next match of the tournament, the Russians will meet with team France. The record in official hockey game was installed in September 2008. Women’s team of Slovakia defeated the girls from Bulgaria 82:0. European youth Olympic festival takes place from 12 to 19 February in Erzurum.

Zakharov responded to a hoax on the appointment of Russian Dolittle Chapter Limpopo

Maria Zakharova The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova on his page in Facebook commented on the hoax of a member of the house of representatives of the U.S. Congress Maxine waters of Moscow’s intervention in the elections in Limpopo, which is arranged pranker Vova, and Lexus. “The President is Sick ay from the country of Limpopo … Russian fairy tales become true. Lord, don’t leave America!” — Zakharov wrote. 13 Feb pranker Vova, and Lexus called waters on behalf of the Prime Minister of Ukraine Vladimir Groisman. During a telephone conversation, they touched on the topic of anti-Russian sanctions and said that the Russian hackers attacked the servers of the Limpopo and “established a regime of their puppets Dr. Dolittle.” According to “Groisman”, the President of Limpopo wants to move to Ukraine because of fears that it “might do something”. As noted, during the conversation the member

Trump has promised a “very determined” to deal with North Korea

Justin Trudeau (left), Donald trump The US President Donald trump said that “very strongly” will North Korea after it tested a ballistic missile of a new type. About it reports Reuters. “Obviously, North Korea — a big, big problem, and we are very strongly going to do it,” trump said during a joint press conference at the White house with the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. The American leader did not disclose exactly how he will respond to North Korea’s actions. Sunday, February 12, North Korea launched the ballistic missile Pukguksong-2 (“Pukhansan-2”, “Severnaya Zvezda-2”) medium-range class “Musudan”. In testing was attended by the country’s leader Kim Jong-UN. Pyongyang said that the test was successful. Last year, North Korea conducted more than 20 launches of ballistic missiles and two nuclear tests. Pyongyang’s actions violate the resolutions of the UN security Council.

The media reported on the request of the Istanbul terrorist to give him a death sentence

Abdulqadir Masharipov, executor of the terrorist attack that occurred on new year’s eve in a club in Istanbul, told the court about to be sentenced to death. It is reported by Sabah. According to the publication, in the course of the hearing, the accused confessed to belonging to terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), and also spoke in detail about where and when he trained. Masharipov said that originally planned to attack people walking in Taksim square, but changed their plans due to the large number of police guarding the approach and decided to attack elsewhere. As the transcripts of the testimony of a terrorist, he did not repent of the crime. “My mission was to kill Christians as revenge for killings of Muslims,” said Masharipov, speaking in court on February 11. On the night of January 1, the terrorist broke into the nightclub Reina and opened

Nearly 30 people died in the capsized bus in Taiwan

In Taiwan due to a rollover tour bus has killed at least 28 people. On 13 February, according to the Central news Agency of Taiwan (CNA), citing rescuers. The accident occurred at 21:00 local time (16:00 GMT) near the city of Taipei. In the bus there were 44 people — mostly elderly people who went to one of the local farms to enjoy the blooming cherry trees. Earlier it was reported 17 dead. Rescuers arrived quickly on the scene, however, immediately found a lot of people with no signs of life. They continue to help survivors. There is a lot of emergency vehicles. The police assumes that the cause of the accident could be the speeding, but no official data.