Yonhap reported on the murder of the eldest brother, Kim Jong-UN

Kim Jong Us Brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN killed in Malaysia. This is with reference to sources in the government on Tuesday, February 14, according to South Korean news Agency “Yonhap”. According to the Agency, Kim Jong Us, was attacked at the airport two unknown women, armed “poisoned needles”. The local police believes that the murder has been backed by the DPRK authorities. Reuters reports that the Malaysian police have not yet confirmed the death of Kim Jong-Nam. She reported only that a citizen of North Korea was taken by ambulance from the airport and died on the way to the hospital, but his identity has not been established. In 2015, another brother, Kim Jong-UN, Kim Jong-Chul, was spotted in London at a concert of musician Eric Clapton and after the event disappeared. Police the British capital said that it did not intend to find him, as on

The organizer of the terrorist attack in Istanbul the club was a citizen of France

In Istanbul detained a French citizen of Turkish origin, who was suspected of organizing the terrorist attack at a nightclub Reina. On Tuesday, February 14, the newspaper Cumhuriyet. The man’s name was not called, known only by his initials — A. S. in Addition, it is reported that he lived in France since 2009. Sputnik said that the detainee also was wanted on suspicion of having links with a terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, the organization banned in Russia). The attack on the night club Reina in Istanbul’s Ortakoy district was committed on the night of 1 January. Unknown went to school and first shot a policeman guarding the facility, and then barged inside and began shooting at people. Victims of the attack were 39 people, almost 70 injured. The attackers managed to escape, he was later arrested. He was a native of Uzbekistan Abdulqadir Masharipov. In court he admitted

In some regions of Indonesia have banned Valentine’s Day

The authorities of several regions of Indonesia banned the celebration of Valentine’s Day. According to them, the holiday is contrary to the Muslim traditions. On Tuesday, February 14, reports The Independent. In the framework of the execution of a precept by the police in Makassar on the island Sulawesi held a mass removal of condoms from store shelves. Local authorities have indicated that implementation of contraceptives was carried on uncontrollably. From now on, employees of minimarkets are prohibited from selling them to teenagers and young people. C 2012 the celebration of Valentine’s Day forbidden by the local religious authorities of the country. In Surabaya, the second largest city of Indonesia, the government has forbidden to celebrate this holiday within the walls and outside the school. Nevertheless, the majority of the country’s Muslims are tolerant of who came from the West to the holiday. He acquired a special popularity in the

Peskov said Putin to personal insults

Dmitry Peskov Russian President Vladimir Putin is ready to reasonable criticism in the media, however, considers unacceptable personal insults in his address. On Tuesday, February 14, said the press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports the correspondent of”.ru”. “You know that the President himself is quite structurally related to the political content, it is especially relates to structurally balanced and intelligent critical comments”, — said Peskov. However, according to him, the President and his administration is totally against media materials, which contain personal insults. The representative of the Kremlin stressed that the Russian legislation stipulates a set of mechanisms to protect the honor and dignity of any citizen. “As the personification of the President in this regard, it is necessary to seriously study this issue, perhaps above all, lawyers should study this initiative, it is necessary to study the international experience. So, of course, it is not necessary neither

Vice-President of Venezuela came under U.S. sanctions

Tarek El Aisami The U.S. Treasury Department has made in the sanctions lists of the Vice-President of Venezuela, Tarek al Aissami. This was reported on the website of the Department. American authorities believe that a high-ranking official is one of the organizers of the logistical chain for export of drugs. In particular, it is argued that al Aissami was in charge of aviation and Maritime transportation of large consignments of drugs, patronized leaders of the Venezuelan criminal clans and organized several schemes to launder money. ABC News, in turn, implies that the American authorities will lead to increased tensions between the US and Venezuela, as al Aissami is the highest-ranking official from the Latin American country ever to fall under the us restrictions. Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has not commented on the situation. On 19 November last year it became known that the U.S. Supreme court were convicted of transporting

The UK government has rejected a petition for the cancellation of the visit trump

Theresa may and Donald trump Prime Minister Theresa may has officially rejected a petition for the abolition of the state visit to the Kingdom by US President Donald trump, which attracted 1.8 million signatures. About it reports The Telegraph. In a statement the head of the Cabinet of Ministers said that the government take seriously the opinions of those who signed the appeal, however, do not support it. “We look forward to meeting with President trump after the agreed deadlines and technical details of the visit”, — said in the text. January 27 in the course of negotiations may trump the Prime Minister on behalf of the Queen invited the American leader to visit Britain on a state visit. Immediately after this, on the website of the British Parliament was a petition titled “Prevent the state visit of Donald trump to the United Kingdom”. In the text, it was stressed

Rostec commented on the situation with the supply of s-400 to India

Contract to supply anti-aircraft missile system s-400 in India is not yet signed, consultations are under way. As reported RIA Novosti, said the Director for international cooperation and regional policy of the state Corporation “rostec” Viktor Kladov at the exhibition Aero India — 2017, which opened in Bangalore. Earlier, in October 2016, was signed the intergovernmental framework agreement on the supply of a large batch of weapons from Russia to India. Among other things, the agreement provided for the purchase of anti-aircraft missile systems s-400. In December 2015, the defense Ministry of India has approved the possible purchase of Russian dvuhpilonnogo five regiments of s-400 system and six thousand rockets for a total of about six billion dollars. S-400 “Triumph” long-range multi-channel anti-aircraft missile system, equipped with several types of missiles of various ranges. Developed in 2000-e years in the NGO “Almaz” under the leadership of Alexander Leman, develops solutions

Russia started manufacturing anti-aircraft systems s-400 to China

Russia has begun production of anti-aircraft missile systems (WRU) s-400 for China. On Tuesday, February 14, a spokesman for the state Corporation “rostec” Viktor Kladov, reports “Interfax”. He also noted that a number of countries intend to buy the system from Russia. “Really, s-400 is in great demand in the global market. A number of countries expresses a desire to purchase s-400, but the possibility of production is not unlimited”, — quotes its words of RIA Novosti. In November 2016, it was reported that the Istanbul talks with Moscow on the purchase of air defense missile systems long-range s-400 “Triumph”. A month earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narendra modi signed an agreement to supply air defense systems to India. In July, the interest in complexes expressed Vietnam. That China signed a contract for the purchase of systems s-400, announced in April 2015. Presumably, Beijing

CNN found out about Flynn’s resignation from the post of adviser to the President on national security

Michael Flynn Advisor to the President of the United States Donald trump on national security, Michael Flynn, resigned. On Monday, February 13, CNN reported, citing sources in the White house. In his statement on the dismissal Flynn pointed out that “not fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and others on your conversations with the Russian Ambassador”. “I sincerely apologized to the President and Vice President, they accepted my apology,” — said in a statement. Trump accepted the resignation of Flynn. Acting in this position appointed retired General Joseph Keith Kellogg. According to one source channel, the candidates for the post of adviser to the President on national security are former CIA Director David Petraeus and Vice Admiral Robert Harward. Earlier, on 13 February, the Washington Post (WP) reported that Flynn is in danger of losing the confidence of colleagues after publications that he tricked high-ranking administration officials, discussed the sanctions with

To search for the fallen in the Altai helicopter started to use deep-water apparatus

In the Altai Republic on the morning of Tuesday, February 14, resumed the search for the Robinson helicopter that crashed in the area of lake Teletskoye. The work was started more than 160 people, reported “Interfax” in the press center of EMERCOM of Russia. “Today will involve deep-water apparatus Falcon and we have high hopes the device will be able to see even what is on the bottom of the lake at a depth of 300 meters”, — said the Agency. The device will be submerged, and radio control will be implemented by the operators of the boat “Yaroslavets”. The device can be lowered into the water to a depth of 300 meters, the experience of the search operation, conducted in 2011. “The search area on the lake is divided into squares, and search will be carried out in each square. While there is no new information, while the search