CNN learned about the Pentagon’s plans to send ground troops to Syria

The U.S. Department of defense is considering the deployment in the North of Syria’s regular land forces to combat terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by CNN, citing a source in the Pentagon. “Perhaps you will see how the regular armed forces land at some time in Syria,” — said the interlocutor of the channel. However, he noted that the final decision rests with the President of the United States Donald trump. Currently in Syria there are only American special forces, whose main task — the training of opposition fighters opposing ISIS. In late January, the US President Donald trump tasked his administration to find new foreign partners for the coalition leading the fight against “Islamic state”. He instructed to proceed immediately to the creation of a comprehensive plan to defeat ISIS. Within 30 days the Minister of defence James Mattis obliged to submit

Reuters named the new assistant at the trump national security

Robert Harvard Vice-Admiral Robert Harvard can become the new assistant to the President for national security. About it reports Reuters referring to own sources. According to unnamed officials, it’s unclear if the Admiral’s offer. Harvard held the posts of Deputy commander of the Joint special operations command, U.S. and inter-service command of the U.S. Armed forces, Deputy commander of Central command. On 13 February, the President of the United States Donald trump has adopted a statement of Michael Flynn’s resignation from the post of national security adviser. In the document he pointed out that not fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and other members of the White house about his conversations with the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak. Acting judge appointed a retired General Keith Kellogg.

Trump made the rejection of creating a Palestinian state

Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald trump For the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict does not necessarily the establishment of two States. As reported RIA Novosti, said on Wednesday, February 15, the President of the United States Donald trump during a press conference with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. “I see two States and one state, and I like what I like for both parties”, — said the head of the White house. He noted that for a long time pursued the idea of creating two States but agree with the decision, “which suited both parties”. Speaking about the construction of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories, trump has offered Netanyahu “a little refrain” from it. He also urged the Israeli side to show more flexibility in negotiations with the Palestinians, recognizing that “make it hard”. In addition, the President noted that “very strongly” hoped to transfer the American Embassy

Press Secretary of the White house confused the name of the canadian Prime Minister

Sean Spicer Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer during the conference for the media incorrectly called the name of the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. Reported by Toronto Life. “The President of the United States held very productive talks with Prime Minister of Canada Joe Trudeau, dedicated to our shared commitment to close cooperation in solving the tasks standing before our country and before the world,” said Spicer following the meeting of the leaders of the United States and Canada on 13 February. Video: @kylegriffin1 / Twitter Clause caused a wide discussion in social networks. Some Twitter users said that after such errors Spicer is not surprising parodies in television shows Saturday Night Life (SNL), overlooking the channel NBC. Other users have suggested that Joe Trudeau is just a DoppelgangeR of Justin Trudeau, “which Canada sends a trip, which is a waste of time.” There was also

The reason for the death of his brother, Kim Jong-UN remains unclear after autopsy

Malaysian forensic experts has completed the autopsy of Kim Jong-Nam, eldest brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, but have been unable to determine the exact cause of his death. This is with reference to the Japanese Agency Kyodo on Wednesday, February 15, RIA Novosti reported. Edition of the New Straits Times notes that the body of Kim Jong-Nam is still in the hospital. The decision about his transfer to the authorities of the DPRK will be made after the approval of the Malaysian foreign Ministry and the police. Reuters reports that in the country North Korean diplomats had opposed the autopsy and wanted to collect the corpse. Earlier on Wednesday it became known that the murder of the detained woman. According to various sources, she is a citizen of Myanmar or Vietnam. Information about the murder of Kim Jong-Nam appeared 14 Feb. It was noted that the man at

In Turkey, detained another suspect of involvement in the murder of Ambassador Charles

The police of Ankara detained one person who may be involved in the murder of the Ambassador of Russia to Turkey Andrei Karlov. On Wednesday, February 15, reports Anadolu. According to the Agency, the detainee with the initials E. B. delivered to the Department on the fight against terrorism, he is being questioned by investigators. It is known that the alleged perpetrator of the crime had contact with the murderer of a Russian diplomat. Currently under arrest in connection with the murder of Charles are three people, two of them are police officers. Andrei Karlov, was shot dead on 19 December during a speech at the opening of the photo exhibition in Ankara. The attack was made by a former police officer mevlüt MERT Altıntaş, which subsequently eliminated the local security forces. The Russian foreign Ministry has described the incident as a terrorist attack.

In the case of the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN arrested a citizen of Myanmar

Malaysian police detained a woman who, presumably, is related to the murder of Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. On Wednesday, 15 February, Facebook reported in the Malaysian news Agency Bernama. The woman is a citizen of Myanmar. According to the police report, a copy of which is published in the Agency’s Twitter, her name is Doan thi Huong (Huong Doan Thi). She was captured at the airport of Kuala Lumpur. Other details, in particular her role in the crime, were not disclosed. In addition, according to the Telegraph, arrested the taxi driver, who drove away from the airport of the alleged killers. Earlier, the media published a photo of one of the participants of the attack on Kim was taken by a surveillance camera. About the assassination of Kim Jong-Nam, on 14 February, reported South Korean Agency “Yonhap”. According to his version, the man in the

UAE Ambassador in Afghanistan has died from the received wounds in the terrorist attack

Juma al-Kaabi The Ambassador of the United Arab Emirates in Afghanistan Juma al-Kaabi died from wounds received during the January terrorist attack in Kandahar city. It is reported by Khaama Press. “With deep sorrow we mourn the Martyr, fallen in the name of the nation, and private debt — righteous son of the Fatherland Juma Mohammed Abdullah al-Kaabi, who gave his pure soul for the whole world”, — quotes Agency the statement of the foreign Ministry of the UAE. Al-Kaabi was trying to save in a month, but to do that doctors were unable. All the victims of the attack, which occurred on January 11, were seven people, 18 injured. Among the dead — five of UAE nationals. According to Abu Dhabi, they were members of the humanitarian mission was engaged in educational activities and development projects. In Afghanistan’s civil war. The Taliban defeated the Americans and their local allies

Trump ruled out any connection with the Russian special services

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump has ruled out any contacts with representatives of the Russian special services. About this he wrote on his Twitter page. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2017, 12:08 “The relationship with the Russians is nonsense that tries to cover a lot of mistakes committed by team Hillary Clinton during the presidential campaign,” wrote trump. Thus the American leader commented on the article in The New York Times, which asserted that the members of the election headquarters of Donald trump had contact with senior officials of Russian intelligence. This, according to the authors, evidenced by the phone records and intercepted calls. According to the publication, the interviews were not only officials of the headquarters of the trump, but other associates of Republican. From the Russian side the talks were attended by representatives of countries not belonging to the security services. The names of

The Russian Ambassador in the USA met with one of the leaders of the state Department

Sergey Kislyak Acting Deputy Secretary of state Thomas Shannon met in Washington with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. About it RIA Novosti said the representative of the American foreign Ministry. The state Department said, without revealing the contents of the conversation that “it was a long-planned meeting.” The Russian Embassy declined to comment. Earlier Kislyak called some of the topics that will be discussed. In particular, he said that it is planned to start training the new Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, and the head of Russian foreign Ministry Sergei Lavrov. In addition, the parties intend to begin preparation of the meeting of the presidents of the two countries, which, according to Kislyak, “there is an active need”. The conversation of the diplomats took place on the background of the resignation of the adviser to the President for national security Michael Flynn. Leaving the post, he acknowledged that gave the White