The head of the French foreign Ministry called unacceptable the cyber attacks from Russia

Jean-Marc Ayrault The Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault called the unacceptable cyberattack from Russia on the website of the presidential candidate of the country of Emmanuel Macron. It is reported by the Journal du Dimanche. According to Herault, during the French presidential campaign, Russia prefers candidates marine Le Pen and françois Fillon. In this occupy Pro-European positions macron becomes the target of cyber attacks, says the Minister. “This form of interference in the democratic process in France is unacceptable, I reject it. It is Russia always the first to remind everyone that non-interference in internal Affairs is a principle of international life,” said Eero. February 14, the official Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow never interfered and does not intend to interfere in the Affairs of other countries, especially in electoral processes. Thus he commented on statements that the site of the campaign headquarters of Macron

During clashes in Kiev police officer broke his fingers

In Kiev during clashes between protesters and police officers affected employee of the patrol police. As reported on the website of the National police of Ukraine, the woman received a fracture of the fingers. Instituted criminal proceedings under article 345 (“Threat or violence concerning the employee of law enforcement Agency”) Criminal code of the country. Earlier it was reported that the clashes injured member of Parliament Yegor Sobolev. According to the ambulance staff and volunteers of the red cross, injured ten protesters. Detained five protesters, among them the leader of the Volunteer movement in Russia banned the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN) Nikolay Kohanivsky. February 19 rally of the third anniversary of the Maidan. During the rally, demonstrators tried tried to pass on Bankova street where the presidential administration of Ukraine. The law enforcers obstructed them in the result between protesters and police clashes. Hundreds of activists came to the

Robinson helicopter flight over lake Teletskoye passed without notice

Service air traffic management have not received notice of the flight of the helicopter Robinson R-66 in the area of his intended crash site on February 12. This was reported on the website of the Western-the Siberian investigatory management on transport of Investigatory Committee of Russia. The investigation is considering among the basic versions of the fall of the piloting error, adverse weather conditions and technical malfunction of the aircraft. However, employees conducting technical maintenance of the helicopter, revealed during interrogation that the helicopter was in good technical condition. The helicopter crashed February 12, in the territory of the Altai Republic in the waters of lake Teletskoye. Criminal case on signs of the crime provided by part 3 of article 263 of the Russian criminal code (“Violation of safety rules of air transport, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons”). According to preliminary data, onboard the helicopter, owned

WP found out about the impending meeting of the representatives of the DPRK and former U.S. officials

Senior representatives of the DPRK can spend in the United States talks with former us officials, The Washington Post reports. As noted, this meeting, for the first time in five years, indicates a potential willingness of the North Korean authorities to start a dialogue with the new administration of Donald trump. The preparation of this meeting is complicated by a number of incidents such as the recent test of North Korean ballistic missiles, as well as the murder of half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN — Kim Jong-Nam, who, as many suspect it is the head of the country. As analysts say they doubt very much that the DPRK, which seeks to ensure that its acknowledged nuclear power, to ease its stance on the issue of arms. According to the newspaper, negotiations could not take place in new York over the next few weeks. The US state Department still

In the state Duma has developed a bill on black lists of air passengers

The state Duma Committee on transport has developed amendments to the Air code of Russia providing for the creation of a unified register of persons who for three years forbidden flights. On Monday, February 20, writes “Kommersant”. The black list is requested to enter data of the citizens, whose conduct on Board creates “a threat to the safety of the flight” or “life and health of other persons”, or causing “damage to their health.” The right to form a registry of offenders are invited to provide to the airlines. The crew will have to make the citizen act and to assure him of the captain. After that the data within three days sent to the Federal air transport Agency, and there, in turn, shall within five days make them in a single register. From this point the offender prohibits the sale of tickets and flights for three years. As an

Exit polls reported on the leadership of Lenin Moreno at the election of the President of Ecuador

Lenin Moreno In the first round of elections of the President of Ecuador the lead candidate of the ruling left bloc “Alliance Country” former Vice President Lenin Moreno, reports TASS with reference to the results of several exit polls. According to the survey of the company Market, Moreno gets 36.2 per cent of the votes. In second place is the representative of the center-right Movement CREO, a former banker Guillermo Lasso, with 26.1 percent of votes, the third — the right Cynthia Viteri of the Social Christian party, the result is 23.1 per cent. According to the exit poll company Opinion Publica, Moreno received 42.5 percent of the vote, Lasso — 27.7 percent, Viteri — 14.7 percent. Center for the study of public opinion Cedatos reported that Moreno gaining 39.4% of the votes and Lasso — 30.5 per cent. Thus, it is unclear, will there be a second round. According

Trump explained his words about the problems in Sweden.

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump explained his statement about the problems in Sweden because of immigrants. He said on Twitter that his words were based on the story of the Fox News channel. “My statement regarding what is happening in Sweden, was based on transmission of Fox News, which touched on the theme of immigrants and Sweden,” wrote trump. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) 19 February 2017, 21:57 Press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer, in turn, also said that the President was referring to the increase in crime because of the refugees as a whole and not any particular incident, reports Reuters. Previously, the Stockholm asked US to explain trump’s words about what happened in Sweden on Friday, February 17. 18 Feb trump spoke to supporters in Florida. During his speech, he mentioned an incident with migrants in a European country. “Look, last

The NYT found out about getting Flynn offers for trump to lift sanctions against Russia

Michael Flynn A week before Michael Flynn resigned as adviser to the President of the United States national security, his office was delivered a package of proposals about how the head of the White house Donald trump could lift sanctions against Russia. This writes the newspaper The New York Times. In the preparation of a document outlining possible ways of normalization of Russian-Ukrainian relations, according to the publication, was attended by the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Andrey Artemenko member of the faction of the Radical party Oleg Lyashko. In the document, in particular, provides information on the corrupt activities of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko — company names, Bank transaction. These data, according to the plan of his opponents, can be used for his removal from office. It is reported that the document was delivered to Flynn’s personal counsel to trump, Michael Cohen. Also in this

In Moscow train knocked down salesave on the platform man

In the North-East of Moscow, the train to death brought down the man who tried to climb onto the platform. On Sunday, February 19, reported on the website of the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport of Investigatory Committee of Russia. The incident occurred around 19:00 on Malenkovskaya train station of the Yaroslavl direction of the Moscow railway. “The man tried to climb from the tracks onto the platform in front of an oncoming train, but failed and was injured. From the received traumas it has died on a place of incident”, — noted in Department. The victim’s identity is established. As noted, he is about 40 years. On the given fact check launched. “The complex of necessary verification measures, aimed at establishing all the circumstances and causes of the incident. By results of check will be a procedural decision”, — said the investigators. February 13 at the station Sergiyev

Renzi resigned from the post of leader of the ruling party of Italy

The former Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi Former Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi resigns from the post of Secretary of the Democratic party holding the majority in Parliament. He stated this during the National Assembly of the organization held in Rome, reports the newspaper Il sole 24 ore. Among the reasons for this decision called the pressure on Renzi from the intra-party opposition. Its members threatened to split the movement because of disagreements on the question of the Congress party and the need for early national elections. “The word “schism” makes me sick, even worse — blackmail. The work of the party should not end due to the dictatorship of the minority”, — commented on his action Rienzi. Statutes of the Democrats provides the opportunity to choose a new Secretary at the ongoing Assembly. If this happens, political power will have to convene a national Convention, to be held