Trump has appointed General McMaster as his adviser on national security

Herbert Raymond McMaster US President, Donald trump declared that the post of national security adviser is General Herbert Raymond McMaster. About it reports Reuters. Prior to this, McMaster has served in various command positions in the army of the United States, participated in operations in Afghanistan and Iraq. In turn, the retired General Keith Kellogg, who since the departure of Michael Flynn temporarily fulfilled duties of the adviser, will manage the office of the Council of national security of the United States. Flynn resigned after the publication in the Washington Post, where he provided details of his conversation with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak. The edition, in particular, wrote that in conversation it was about anti-Russian sanctions. After that, Flynn has submitted his resignation, indicating that it is fully informed Vice-President Mike Pence and other members of the White house about his conversations with Kislyak. Trump’s resignation

The Georgian was detained for trying to enter into Turkey in a suitcase

In the Turkish province of Artvin, the border guards detained a citizen of Georgia, who attempted to smuggle in a suitcase across the border her compatriot. On Monday, February 20, reports Daily Sabah. The incident occurred in the Turkish city of Hopa, on the checkpoint Sarpi. One of the Georgian citizens seemed suspicious police and law enforcement officers asked him to open the suitcase. As it turned out, hid inside a woman. During interrogation it was revealed that 28-year-old Georgian woman was deported from Turkey three months ago after the expiry of her visa. A man and a woman was taken to the police station. Police are still investigating the incident. At the end of December 2016, a citizen of Morocco, was detained while attempting to cross the Spanish border of Ceuta with a young African in a suitcase. The staff of the National guard noticed in the queue for

Foreign Minister of Burkina Faso endorsed the idea of Putin about the anti-terrorist front

Alpha Barry Foreign Minister of Burkina Faso, alpha Barry said that he supports the idea of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on the establishment of anti-terrorist front. Such statement the Minister made at a meeting with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov on Monday, 20 February, reports TASS. “The Sahel region is now in a difficult situation. As you know, the conflict started in Libya and then spread to Mali, and now it covers all of our countries (…) this evil must be fought,” — said Barry. The head of the diplomatic Department said that in early February in the capital, Bamako, held a meeting of the “group of five”, which includes Burkina Faso, Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad. The forum discussed the development of a common strategy to combat terrorism and drug traffickers that Fund the extremist organization. “We appeal to the international community and ask you to support

In the United States fired dozens of walk work for trump migrants

More than a hundred migrants, who skipped work in order to participate in the March against the policies of US President Donald trump, were dismissed from their posts. About it reports The Independent. For example, 20 employees of the company producing paint products Coatings Bradley February 15, notified the employer that will go to the meeting and not to work, and compensate for time this weekend. In the company’s management this step was not appreciated and all 20 activists were fired. According to The Independent, in a similar way did many businesses across the country: for example, jobs lost 30 builders in Denver and 12 of the restaurant’s employees in Oklahoma. Activists on Twitter called on people in the US to boycott those businesses who fired workers for participating in protest antitrombinom. On February 16 the United States was the “day without migrants”: people from other countries went on a

The Minister of defence of Poland forbade the generals to talk with the President

Anthony Macierewicz The head of the Polish Ministry of defense Anthony Macierewicz banned the Supreme military command of the country to communicate directly with the President Andrzej Duda. About it reports Gazeta Wyborcza. The order was given verbally last fall and for the chief of the General staff, the operational commander of the armed forces and commander of the land forces. According to the portal 300Polytika, this was done to ensure that the generals could not keep the President informed about the true state of Affairs in the Polish Army, the more informed senior officers complained to the head of state on his boss. The publication writes that the impression that President Duda already resigned to the fact that has no influence on the army. According to sources in the administration, in the circle of the closest advisors and assistants head of state complained that problems with Makarevichem is not

Zarif responded to the attacks trump on Twitter

Mohammad Javad Zarif The Minister of foreign Affairs of Iran Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter-the threat of U.S. President Donald trump. About it reports The Independent. “Now it is very fashionable tweet”, — said the foreign Minister during an international security conference in Munich. His phrase provoked laughter in the audience. “We don’t respond to threats, we don’t react to violence and we do not respond to sanctions,” stressed Zarif. Earlier, trump wrote on his Twitter, “took a pencil,” the actions of Iran after the testing of ballistic missiles. Republican senators are planning to expand the range of sanctions against the Islamic Republic in response to the testing of ballistic missiles. According to the White house, Iran violates the terms of the UN resolution and destabilizie the situation in the region. Relations between the two countries deteriorated after the statement of Vice President Michael Pence: he said that Tehran

In Germany they check mobile phones deported refugees

Refugees to be deported from Germany, were forced to check mobile phones. This became possible after the adoption of the new law on repatriation of migrants. On it informs edition Spiegel-Online. Under the new rules it will be possible to circumvent the person’s consent to the processing of personal data: earlier check phones was allowed only with the permission of the applicant or by court order. In the local offices of the Federal office for migration and refugees will install software that allows you to test up to 2400 units a day. Evaluation of the Central register on foreigners, about 213 thousand people are subject to immediate expulsion from the country. January 29-German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble acknowledged that the decision about the mass admission of refugees in 2015 was incorrect. 11 January, the interior Minister of Germany Thomas de maizière announced a sharp reduction in the number of refugees

In France there have been numerous protests against corruption

In several large French cities — Paris, Lyon, Lille, Toulouse, and some other there have been numerous demonstrations against the corruption of elected officials. It is reported BFMTV. In the French capital, the protesters carried placards with slogans: “Corruption in the trash”, “Down with privileged”, “visit to jail, corruption is a poison.” In Toulouse protesters demanded the return of illegally obtained dishonest politicians money, and also proposed creating millions of fictitious jobs for them. According to police estimates, was attended by several thousand people. The reason for performances was the recent scandal with fictitious employment of relatives of the candidate for the President of the country Francois Fillon. On 25 January, the weekly Сanard enchainé (“the Chained duck”) published an article in which he argued that his wife Penelope for several years was listed as an assistant to her husband during the period when he was a member of the

In the Crimea has responded to the proposal of the member of Parliament for the lease of the Peninsula Russia

Grigory Ioffe Proposal for the transfer of Crimea to Russia in the long term it is impossible to consider seriously the question of the status of the Peninsula is finally solved. This opinion was voiced by the head of the Public chamber of the Republic Grigory Ioffe on Monday, February 20, RIA Novosti reported. “This is insane, if anyone thinks you can hire people. Crimeans in March 2014, your final choice is already made,” said Ioffe, commenting on the initiative of the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Andrey Artemenko. The official stressed that Ukrainian politicians must stop in order to exaggerate the Crimean issue, as “Russia has never and with anybody will not discuss this issue.” Earlier Artemenko said that he had prepared for the administration of the President of the United States Donald trump’s plan for lifting the sanctions against Moscow. In particular, it involves the transfer of the

In of the Malaysian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of the DPRK

Police in Kuala Lumpur Of the Malaysian foreign Ministry summoned the Ambassador of Korea to request explanations with regard to diplomat accusations against the authorities of the country. This is stated on the Agency’s website. During the press conference, Ambassador Kang Chul hinted that the Malaysian government had “something to hide” in the case of assassination of the North Korean citizen on February 13, pointed out the Minister. Also, the diplomat argued that Malaysia is in cahoots with external forces. The Embassy was informed that the death of a citizen was classified as sudden and, accordingly, must be conducted all necessary research. The Embassy also said that after the investigation is over, the body will be transferred to close relatives in accordance with existing Malaysian laws and procedures. The Malaysian government has been transparent and kept the Embassy informed of developments on this case, and so considers criticism from the