“Spartak” has bought 18-year-old Cameroonian and Portuguese

Moscow “Spartak” announced the transition to the club Cameroonian defender Audrey Yola Tepatti and Portuguese striker Idrisi Sit Samba. On Thursday, February 23, reported on the website red-and-white. Both players are 18 years old. Zapata played for Cameroon “universal Stars”, Samba — Portuguese “Port”. The amount of the transfers and contract details were not disclosed. The Cameroonian defended the colors of “universal Stars” in 2014. The Portuguese is a graduate of the Lisbon “sporting”. In 2015 played for Porto U19. From 2013 to 2016, the forward played for Portugal youth teams (U15, U16, U17, U18). On 14 February it became known that they have acquired 19-year-old Zambian Fashion to the Sakala. The agreement is for three years, the amount of transfers amounted to 150 thousand euros (159 thousand dollars). After 17 rounds of the Russian football Prime Minister-League “Spartak” has headed the table with 40 points. The second coming of

Russia lost a dispute with the WTO over the European pigs

The world trade organization (WTO) rejected an appeal against the decision on recognition discrimination for the refusal of Russia from European pork. About it reports Reuters. “Today’s verdict confirms that the measures taken by Russia against the EU, have little in common with any real sanitary risk. European products from uninfected areas safe,” — commented the decision of the WTO appellate body in the European Commission. In Brussels, urged Moscow to abandon the “unnecessary action” and noted that the supply of most products to Russia are still impossible due to the current in 2014 in relation to the EU and other countries food embargo. Russia banned the import of pigs, pork and certain pig products from the EU in early 2014 due to cases of African swine fever. In April of the same year, Brussels has initiated a legal battle with Moscow to the WTO. In August 2016, the panel

The lower house of the Dutch Parliament approved the EU Association and Ukraine

The lower house of the Dutch Parliament on Thursday, February 23, approved the ratification of the Association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, reports TASS. For made the majority of deputies, despite the results held on 6 April 2016, the referendum, the results of which 61 percent of participants voted against ratification. Then is to vote in the upper house of Parliament. According to experts, it will occur not earlier than autumn, and almost certainly, the Association of EU and Ukraine is approved. At the final EU summit on 15 December it was agreed the ratification of the Association agreement of Ukraine with the EU taking into account the conditions of the Netherlands. Ukraine was denied the right to become a candidate for membership in the European Union, as well as providing military guarantees and additional funding. The agreement does not allow the Ukrainians to live and work in

Fought in Syria, the sailors complained to Putin on NATO ships

The Minister of defence of Russia Sergey Shoigu and President Vladimir Putin Sailors at a meeting with President Vladimir Putin announced that eight NATO ships were near the Russian naval contingent operating off the coast of Syria. On Thursday, February 23, reports “Interfax”. “With us, solved the problem of NATO ships. Constantly on the move from the Mediterranean sea in a designated area and back next to us was about eight NATO ships. And their action was far from being of a friendly character,” said the servicemen of the Northern fleet. Putin in turn said that Russian Navy was sent to the coast of Syria on his initiative. “You coped brilliantly with the tasks,” — said the head of state. He also said that the experience acquired by sailors during the execution of this military operation, will be carefully studied and used in the future. On the Day of defender

Trump was going to go to Mexico and immigrants from other countries

Donald Trump New instructions the U.S. administration require the deportation of illegal immigrants to Mexico, even if they do not have citizenship of this country. It is stated in the Memorandum published by the Department of homeland security 20 Feb 2017. A link to it Thursday, February 23, Buzzfeed pointed out. The document contains an indication that all immigrants caught without documentation should be deported to Mexico, where they will await shipment home. According to “bi-Bi-si Ukraine”, the Minister of foreign Affairs of Mexico Luis Videgaray was outraged by the decision of the American President Donald trump and said that his country is ready to turn to the UN. Now in Mexico are the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson and the Minister of internal security John Kelly, who plan to soon hold talks with Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto. Relations between the two countries recently intensified because of the views

The scientist and the guide survived after falling into the crater of an active volcano

The crater of the Masaya volcano Argentine scientist volcanologist Rodolfo Alvarez (Rodolfo Alvarez) and his guide survived after falling into the crater of an active volcano Masaya in Nicaragua. About it reports The Independent. Elderly researcher and 25-year-old conductor fell into the crater 635-metre volcano due to a broken rope. There they found fire. Men suffered from dehydration, but now they feel good. The Masaya volcano is located 20 kilometers from the capital of Nicaragua. It was formed about two and a half thousand years ago. The last eruption, as open data, was recorded in 2008. In 2001 in the crater Maasai, a powerful explosion occurred, which for a distance of 500 meters was thrown out the debris. Then one person was injured. In September 2014, canadian broadcaster George Kourounis took a selfie while in the crater of an active volcano Marum on the island of Ambrym (Vanuatu) in the

In Minsk refused to believe in Russia’s plans to invade Belarus

Andrei Ravkov The Minister of defense of Belarus Andrei Ravkov have answered the fears of the sceptics on the relocation to the country of Russian military equipment in the framework of the exercises “West-2017”. The words of the head of Department leads the website of the newspaper “Sovetskaya Belorussia”. “The flood last time, some “experts” hysteria about alleged possible occupation of Belarus by Russian troops — no more than an attempt of some marginal structures to gain political dividends or to increase your rating due to the exploitation of the topic of the Belarusian-Russian relations”, — said the official. He encouraged the skeptics to “look into the legal and normative documents regulating the issues of ensuring military security” of the Republic, and also to study the Military doctrine, priority of which is the strengthening of the collective security system and the further development of relations with Russia. As for joint

Australia stood up for Jewish settlers

Malcolm Turnbull The Prime Minister of Australia Malcolm Turnbull has refused to condemn Israel for building settlements in the Palestinian territories. About it reports Reuters. “My government will not support one-sided resolutions critical of Israel, like the one that recently was adopted by the UN security Council,” he said. “We condemn the boycott campaign designed to delegitimize the Jewish state,” added Turnbull. However, he noted that Canberra remained committed to the middle East question through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state that would exist side by side with Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu thanked the Australian counterpart for courage. “Australia has repeatedly bravely punched a hole in the wall of the UN of hypocrisy — he said. UN — able to do a lot of nonsense, and it is important that there are countries such as Australia who look at the world soberly and quietly, and return this

The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Philippines questioned the imminent resolution of the territorial dispute with China

Perfecto Yasai The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Philippines expressed concerns that the territorial dispute with China will be resolved soon. About it reports Reuters. “I personally do not believe that this problem will soon be resolved, — explained Perfecto Yasai. — We may not live to see the moment she is settled. Grounds for optimism, given all of the information that I have not, but about the war and the speech can’t be”. The Yasai upheld the decision of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte not to put pressure on Beijing to force him to enforce decisions of international arbitration that awarded the disputed Islands of the Filipinos. According to the Minister, the situation is deadlocked, and the best solution would be to focus on cooperation with China for mutually beneficial projects. In January 2013, Manila filed a lawsuit in the international court of justice with a request to invalidate

Japan sent a protest to Russia in connection with plans to place a division on the Kuril Islands

The government of Japan sent a protest to Russia in connection with the Ministry of defense plans to place up to the end of the year division in the Kuril Islands. On Thursday, February 23, reports TASS with reference to the Secretary General of the Cabinet of Ministers of Yoshihide Sougou. “We are closely watching the actions of Russia in the four Northern Islands. Now we collect additional information in connection with the recent reports of plans to deploy the division,” said Suga. Thus, according to him, Tokyo “stands for continuation of talks on the issue of these Islands and find a mutually acceptable solution”. The foreign Ministry of Japan also said that strengthening Russia’s military presence on the Kuril Islands “is contrary to the Japanese position, which is that it is primordial territory of Japan”. A day earlier, the Japanese Ambassador to Russia, Toohey Kozuki warned that the deployment