Ukrainian radicals seized the Donetsk filter station

Ukrainian fighters from the radical nationalist divisions in the night of Saturday, February 25, seized the Donetsk filter station (DFS). It is reported Donetsk news Agency, citing Eduard Basurin, Deputy head of the operational command of the self-proclaimed DND. According to him, the radicals from the occupied territory are shooting at militia positions and residential areas Yasinovataya and the village of Spartak. Basurin added that the security forces use mortars and heavy machine guns. “Knowing that our units adhere to the Minsk agreements and not open fire on the objects of life, the enemy felt their full impunity”, — he stressed. The representative of the operational command of the DND also expressed doubts that the Kiev authorities control the situation. “In this regard, we call on world leaders to withdraw the troops of nationalists from the area of ATO (anti — terrorist operation in Kiev called the fighting in the

The US state Department sabotaged negotiations with representatives of North Korea

Negotiations between senior representatives of North Korea and former U.S. officials appeared frustrated after the state Department revoked the visa of the head of the division of States relations of the foreign Ministry of the DPRK Choi sung Hwi (Choe Son Hui). On Saturday, February 25, according to The Wall Street Journal. As stated in the material editions, the meeting was scheduled on 1 and 2 March in new York city near the headquarters of the UN in Manhattan. The talks were expected to be the first contact between the American authorities and representatives of North Korea after the inauguration of US President Donald trump. It is noted that these meetings belong to the so-called expert diplomacy — civil mediation in dealing with various foreign policy issues. In such negotiations involved former officials and experts on international relations. The reason for the refusal of a visa to Choi sung hee

The Gorbachev Foundation has denied the existence of the London archive

Representatives of the Gorbachev Foundation stated that the organization never had no office, no archive in London. There’s also deny the fact of cooperation with the International Association of public relations (International Public Relations Association), in the former premises of the British squatters allegedly found documents of the Fund, founded by the first President of the USSR. This was stated by the representative of the organization Vladimir Polyakov, reports on Saturday, February 25, RIA Novosti. “The Gorbachev Foundation never had office in London, and with any such organizations, we do not cooperate, at least I do not know, although I work with the beginning of the Foundation,” said Polyakov. Previously, the newspaper The Guardian reported that the squatters, who had seized the mansion in front of Buckingham Palace, found in the premises of the archive of the Gorbachev Foundation. In their hands, in particular, was a confidential letter signed by

The Turkish foreign Minister pledged to continue operations in Syria

Mevlut Cavusoglu The Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu expressed the readiness of Ankara to participate in the operation to liberate the city of raqqa and the rest of the territory of Syria from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). On Saturday, February 25, according to Anadolu. Commenting on the progress of the operation “shield of the Euphrates”, Cavusoglu said that it is also necessary to release the city of Munich, where there are supporters of another terrorist organization, the YPG, which is a subdivision of the Kurdistan workers party (banned in Turkey). According to the Minister, the Turkish side expects the moves that representatives of this group of cities from the United States. “Then we plan an operation in Raqqa,” — said the Minister. Further action in Syria were discussed with the States parties of the international coalition led by the United States.

In the PMC called the approximate release date of the Dading to freedom

Ildar Dading Activist Ildar Dading, who was acquitted by the Presidium of the Russian Supreme court, will be released not before February 28. About it “Interfax” said the Chairman of the Public oversight Commission (POC) of Altai Krai Alexey Belous. “During the broadcast of the meeting of the Presidium of the Supreme court Dading was in the room alone, without staff of the Federal penitentiary service, so they are not notified of the decision of the court. The management of the institution is waiting for the document sent by courier service to avoid forgery. In this regard, currently, the leadership from a legal point of view there is no reason to free Dading. I believe that his document will not come until Tuesday,” — said Bilous, noting that the paper was sent from Moscow on February 22. The Chairman of the PMC also reported that the opposition leader is in

WP learned about the environment attempts to trump to deny the media contacts with Russia

Donald Trump Us intelligence officials and members of Congress from among the supporters of President Donald trump tried to refute media allegations that an employee contact his campaign headquarters with representatives of Russia. It is reported by The Washington Post (WP), citing its sources. Officials, according to the newspaper, they were calling the media on behalf of the White house. They expressed disagreement about the alleged contacts of team members trump with the Russian side. Calls, according to the publication, were organized after the presidential administration failed to involve the FBI. In dealing with the press, according to WP, was attended by lawmakers with access to classified intelligence, including Republican Senator Richard Barr and his fellow party member of the house of representatives Devin Nunes, who headed the Committee on intelligence in the upper and lower house of Congress. Barr acknowledged the talks, saying that he had discussed with a

London activists found in the seized mansion of the archive of the Gorbachev Foundation

The squatters discovered the documents of the Gorbachev Foundation, founded by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, they had seized the mansion in front of Buckingham Palace in London. About it reports The Guardian. The seven-story building, which belongs to banker from Bahrain to Abdulrahman al-Jasmi seized activists of the “Autonomous nation of anarchist libertarians”, sulaymania in luxury real estate to draw attention to homelessness. Earlier in the mansion, located at Buckingham gate, 19, was located the office of the International Association on public relations (International Public Relations Association), one of which was Gorbachev. The squatters, according to the Guardian, managed to find an archive of the Gorbachev Foundation. In their hands, in particular, was a confidential letter signed by former Soviet leader. Paper files include letters to various multinational corporations to Finance initiatives of the Foundation. In the documents there is also a failure on the part of companies as

Trump called CNN and the New York Times anecdote

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump once again has accused CNN and The New York TImes, whose correspondents were not allowed at the briefing the White house of spreading false news. About this he wrote on Twitter. “The media fake news deliberately not telling the truth. A great danger for our country. Admitting missteps New York Times turned into a joke. Exactly the same as CNN. Sad!” — said trump. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 25, 2017, 03:09 24 Feb journalists of CNN and major Newspapers The New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Politico without explanation not allowed at the briefing in the White house. Edition of CNN and The New York Times condemned the decision of the White house, expressing protest. The journalists of the news agencies Associated Press and weekly Time in solidarity boycotted the briefing. 18 Feb Donald trump called NBC TV, ABC, CBS,

Trump made an appointment with him have angered Kim Jong-UN

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump did not rule out his meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN. He stated this on Thursday, February 23, in an interview with Reuters. “You should never say no. Although it may already be too late, especially given the current picture,” — said the American leader. He also stressed that the actions of the North Korean leader “really angered” him. The US President was referring to the ongoing Pyongyang ballistic missile tests. He also expressed the opinion that the accelerated creation of a missile defense for Japan and South Korea is one of the many possible options for the deterrence of the DPRK. “This is very dangerous, had long ago to do something about it. Very dangerous and simply unacceptable and unfair to Japan,” said trump. According to him, China could very easily solve the problem posed by North Korea

Media reported about concerns of the authorities of the Czech Republic for the life of the uncle of Kim Jong UN

Kim Pyong Il The North Korean Ambassador to the Czech Republic, Kim Pyong Il, who is the uncle of the North Korean leader, Kim Jong Ynu, almost never appears in public, his life could be in danger. This writes the South Korean newspaper the Dong-A Ilbo. According to the publication, Kim Pyong-Il, half-brother of former North Korean leader Kim Jong-Il, almost never participates in social activities since then, in January 2015, presented his credentials to the Czech President Milos Zeman. Before his transfer to Prague, Kim Pyong Il for 16 years headed the diplomatic mission of the DPRK in Poland. “Only a few of the foreign ambassadors in the Czech Republic ever met Kim Pyong Il. I think he tries not to appear in public, limiting movements from his official residence to [North Korean] Embassy,” said a source in the South Korean foreign Ministry. The Dong-A Ilbo, citing the Hong