Malaysian authorities released the results of the autopsy of Kim Jong-Nam

Kim Jong-Nam The reason for the death of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, was a strong paralysis caused by nerve substance. On Saturday, February 25, Minister of health Malaysia Subramaniam Sathasivam, reports the Associated Press. According to him, the autopsy confirmed that the death came quickly due to a “serious paralysis”, caused by the action of highly toxic chemical known as nerve agent VX. He stressed that the substance in high doses can quickly lead to death. On 24 February, the Malaysian police reported that half-brother, Kim Jong-UN was killed from exposure to nerve agent VX. As specified law enforcement officers in the course of the research chemists-experts took swabs from the face and eyes of the victim. Kim Jong-Nam, was killed on 13 February at the airport of Kuala Lumpur where he was going to fly to Macau to his family. Subsequently, the network appeared

In Ankara held a rally against the annexation of Crimea to Russia

The Embassy of Russia in Ankara on Saturday, February 25, a protest was held, timed to the third anniversary of the annexation of Crimea, Anadolu Agency reports. The rally was organized by the Association of NGOs of Crimean Tatars. The action was attended by dozens of ethnic Tatars living in various regions of Turkey. Protesters laid to the building of the diplomatic mission a black wreath in protest against the policy of Russia towards Ukraine. February 8, Crimean Tatar public organization “kyrym birligi” called on the UN to recognize the occurrence of the Peninsula in structure of Russia the relevant rules of international law and to abolish imposed by the West anti-Russian sanctions. The leader of the movement Remzi Ilyasov announced he was ready to speak to the UN a report on the life of their compatriots in the Russian Crimea. According to him, the Crimean Tatar people portray opponents

The crash on the Polish road killed Russians and two Belarusians

On the Polish route Warsaw-Bialystok accident in which three people were killed: the Russians and two citizens of Belarus, another was injured. About it reports Reuters with reference to the press service of the foreign Ministry of the Republic. The cars with Belarusian registration plates, in which were four people, collided with a wagon on Saturday, February 25, at about 09:00. The truck drove into oncoming traffic. The driver of the truck explained what happened a broken wheel. The consular section of the Belarusian Embassy in Poland found that the victim, which was not discovered documents, is also a citizen of Belarus. He was taken to hospital, his life threatens nothing. April 13 on the road between the cities of Elblag and Grzechotki in Poland accident, which killed three people: the poles and two Russians, and two others were injured. During overtaking the car running 20-year-old driver-pole head-on collided with

Syria’s opposition has demanded direct talks with Damascus

Salem al-Muslat Representatives of Syria’s opposition demanded direct negotiations with Damascus in the presence of an international mediator in order to reduce the confirmation time of the real intentions of the parties. On Saturday, February 25, a spokesman for the opposition of the Higher Committee on negotiations (CPSU), Salem al-Muslat, reports RIA Novosti. “We demanded at Geneva-3 and before coming to Geneva-4. Direct talks, which we wanted to reduce the time and will become the guarantor of the real intentions of the parties,” he said. The permanent representative of Syria to the UN Bashar al-Jaafari, in turn, said that Damascus is ready to sit down at the negotiating table only with a single delegation of the opposition which “condemns terrorism which doesn’t work on foreign agenda. According to him, all the negotiators must condemn the attack in HOMS, Syria. “If one of them refuses to do so, we will consider

Stifled people the driver in Heidelberg was a citizen of Germany

The person who is driving a car made arrival on pedestrians in Heidelberg German is a citizen of Germany. It is stated in a joint statement released by local police and prosecutors. The incident occurred on Saturday, February 25, Bismarck-Platz, near the bakery, around 16:00 (18:00 GMT). A group of people drove a black car, at the wheel which was 35-year-old German citizen. If detained by police, he received a gunshot wound. It was reported that he was carrying a knife. As a result of hitting three people were injured — a 32-year-old Austrian, 29-year-old resident of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 73-year-old German. The latter died in the hospital two hours later, two other victims after rendering of medical care they have released. The suspect was hospitalized and operated. His condition no information. According to preliminary data, the incident is not a terrorist attack.

Indonesia got $ 90 for the murder of his brother, Kim Jong-UN

One of the suspects in the murder of Kim Jong-Nam, half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong UN, got $ 90 for his poisoning. On Saturday, February 25, the Associated Press reports. According to the Deputy Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia, Erwin Andrian (Andriano Erwin), which is about half an hour talked with the suspect, 25-year-old Indonesia Siti Aisha (Siti Aisyah) I was sure that taking part in a television raffle, for which she was promised 400 MYR (almost $ 90). Despite her statement, Malaysian police say that Aisha along with the other suspect — a girl-Vietnamese Doan thi Huong (Huong Doan Thi) was well aware of the properties of the poison that Malaysia put on Kim Jong-Nam. “They were instructed to wash off the liquid with a hand immediately after the murder,” — said the law enforcement agencies. Earlier in February, the Malaysian chemists-experts found out that the half-brother of

Ustyugov commented on the first world Cup gold in his career

Sergey Ustyugov Russian skier Sergei Ustyugov expressed satisfaction with the victory in the skiathlon at the world Championships in ski sports, held in the Finnish Lahti. His words on Saturday, February 25, leads TASS. “Very happy to win, we did it today. I understand that Martin Sundby will play with me, will run away. But I also made a breakthrough. Saw that he fell, then I realized that you need to take your chances and pushed through,” said Ustyugov. Earlier on February 25 Ustyugov won the skiathlon at the world Cup. He overcame a 30-kilometer distance in 1 hour 9 minutes, 16.7 seconds. Second and third place went to Norwegians Martin jonsrud Sundby (+6.7 seconds) and Finn Haugen Krog (+31.8 per second), respectively. This is a world Cup gold was the first in the career of 24-year-old Russian. February 23 Ustyugov won the silver medal in the sprint. The competitions

In Iraq was found the largest mass grave

In Iraq found a mass grave with four thousand bodies. As reported on Saturday, February 25, The Telegraph, is the largest mass grave in the country. According to the newspaper, the militants of the “Islamic state” (IG; the activities of the group banned in Russia) began to use the naturally formed crater in the area Hasfa for burial almost immediately after seized Mosul in 2014. It is not far from the road connecting the city with Baghdad. Witnesses say that the terrorists in trucks took people to the funnel, shot them and dumped the bodies into the pit. Of the people killed were security forces, captured during the capture of Mosul. On 24 February, the Iraqi army has taken control of Mosul airport and seized the nearby camp of the militants. The week before the Prime Minister of Iraq Haidar al-Abadi announced the beginning of the offensive on the Western

The free Syrian army said the terms of cooperation with Moscow

Negotiations in Geneva in March 2016 The free Syrian army (FSA) does not exclude coordination with Russia in the fight against banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”, if Moscow will change its policy toward President Bashar al-Assad. This was stated by TASS, one of the commanders of the operation “shield of the Euphrates” Ahmed Usman. “We call on Russia to act decisively against terrorism, and not to defend the regime. We believe that the regime has given rise to ISIS. However, we hope that Russia will join the fight against ISIS,” said Usman, who is included in the delegation of the Syrian opposition of the Higher Committee on negotiations (BCP) in Geneva. Answering the question of the Agency about the application of Russian air force strikes on the positions of terrorists near the town of al-Bab, later taken under the control of Turkish troops and detachments of the Syrian opposition, he

NASA has published a unique photograph of the surface of Mars

The staff of the National Directorate of the USA on Aeronautics and space research (NASA) has posted a unique picture of the Martian surface, which allows you to see the bedrock of the red planet. The corresponding image was published on the website NASA/JPL-Caltech/Univ. of Arizona Based on the obtained images, the researchers suggested that the surface of Mars is covered by fine-grained materials, under which, according to the researchers, can escape the rock and valuable minerals. The picture shows one of the “naked” reliefs, partly covered by sand dunes. “The colors are enhanced by the contours of the depressions, revealing red layers” — they say. Survey of the red planet was carried out using the camera’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) aboard the spacecraft Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, specifically designed for Mars exploration. In early February, experts NASA has revealed three areas of the red planet favourable for