Gerashchenko called for the punishment of Savchenko for illegal entry in the DNI

Anton Gerashchenko The real purpose of the visit of the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Hope Savchenko in the self-proclaimed Donetsk people’s Republic was not a desire to check conditions of detention of prisoners of security forces. This opinion was expressed on his page in Facebook Ukrainian MP Anton Gerashchenko. As the politician believes, the purpose of the trip, “put, most likely, its curators” — to enter the territory of the DNI outside CAT, “and, therefore, to show that if you want, anyone can pass on the temporarily occupied territory”. He believes that Savchenko and her attendants should be prepared administrative reports, “moreover, parliamentary immunity does not play any difference.” Materials on теме00:15 15 Dec 2016Lost Nadejdak Savchenko has become of the hero of Ukraine to the enemy Gerashchenko also called on those responsible for control at the border between Kiev-controlled territories and the DNI to draw conclusions about the

The young man fell into a coma after ski is tied to the machine “cheesecake”

A resident of the Kirov district of the Leningrad region in a coma after skiing on the “cheesecake”. On Sunday, February 26, reports the website According to the information portal, the incident occurred on the eve of horticulture “Mayak”. 19-year-old young man riding on the tubing attached to the car. At some point he flew into the oncoming lane and fell under the wheels of a passing car Peugeot. Before losing consciousness, the young man managed to call the name and age. In the district hospital he was taken to a coma. In early February it was reported about the death of Nizhny Novgorod female students ride on the “cheesecake”. During the descent from the slope, she and her friend crashed into a tree. The girl died on the spot. Her 21-year-old friend was hospitalized with a traumatic brain injury. A similar incident in the same month occurred in

Dading was released

Ildar Dading Activist Ildar Dading, justified this week the Supreme court of Russia, on Sunday, February 26, was released. About the penal colony №5 in Altai region in Rubtsovsk he meets his wife Anastasia Zotova, sister, activists of the local branch of the “Yabloko” party and journalists, reports “New newspaper”. February 22, the Supreme court overturned a guilty verdict against the Dading and decided to release him (asked for not only protection but also the Prosecutor). However, for several days did not let him go — this was due to the delay in the colony of court documents. Dading became the first convicted under article 212.1 of the criminal code “Repeated violation of the established procedure of organizing or holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations, marches or picketing”. She joined the penal code in July 2014. The maximum punishment on it — five years of imprisonment. In December 2015 the activist was

Samantha Power wrote an article on the work and friendship with Vitaly Churkin

Samantha Power Former official U.S. representative to the United Nations Samantha Power wrote an article on the work with his Russian counterpart Vitaly Churkin, who died 20 Feb. Material published in the newspaper the New York Times. Power said that during the joint work with the late (in 2013) was, perhaps, the most notable of his opponent. However, it called him a good friend. She stressed that the Russian became the only one of my colleagues at the UN, whom she invited to her house for thanksgiving. During a recent meeting, according to her, she offered Churkin after retirement together, to teach in any educational institution. “I am grief-stricken over his death,” — said the diplomat. Churkin, according to Power, was a brilliant storyteller with an incredible sense of humor. Their common passion was sport, although preferences were different — the Russians like hockey and tennis, but American prefer baseball,

The car crashed into a crowd in New Orleans

In New Orleans people hit the car, according to the portal News NOLA. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, February 25, near Carrollton Avenue and the Orleans Avenue. The car crashed into a crowd during a parade Krewe of Endymion. According to the police, 12 of the injured are in critical condition. According to the daily Mirror, as a result of a collision of a pickup truck injured at least 20 people. As stated by mayor Mitch Landrieu, the driver was in an alcohol intoxication. Eyewitnesses said that the young man, dressed in a purple shirt, was arrested at the scene, he was taken away in handcuffs. Five hours before that, another parade, one man received a gunshot wound. Police believe that the shot was fired accidentally in street toilet cubicles, the bullet hit the man, who was outside.

Media reported about the discussions the White house the opportunity to withdraw from the UNHRC

The administration of President Donald trump is considering withdrawal from the Council for human rights of the UN, writes Politico, citing several former and current officials. As noted, this issue will be resolved before the next Council session, which begins on Monday, February 27. However, the discussion of such possibility is. The final decision on membership in the Council are likely to accept the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson, the US Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, as well as the trump. As noted, in Washington, in particular, believe that the Council was biased against Israel, promoting the UN decision contrary to it. Unlike the previous President Barack Obama, trump is a consistently Pro-Israel. Shortly before the termination of the tenure of Obama, 23 December 2016, the UN security Council demanded that Israel cease construction of settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The resolution was supported by all members of

WSJ learned about the use of militants quadcopters in Mosul

The militants of the international terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) used against the Iraqi military in Mosul commercial drones quadcopters. On Saturday, February 25, writes The Wall Street Journal. With the help of the aircraft, according to the newspaper, the Islamists on the military dropping grenades. Quadcopters, as noted, may with sufficient accuracy to put live ordnance from a height of about 300 metres. In addition, the militants are using these devices to attack civilians and humanitarian workers. “The problem with the drones we are concerned. While we have no technical means to stop militants”, — said the representative of the Iraqi army, Brigadier General Yahya Rasoul. To counter quadcopters soldiers use high-tech gadgets that can detect them using radio waves. However, as noted, such devices are insufficient and the military has had to shoot virtually silent aircraft machine guns. Earlier on Saturday it was reported

The new head of the democratic party promised to limit the Board of trump one term

Thomas Perez Chairman of the National Committee of the US Democratic party (DNC) on Saturday, February 25, was elected former Secretary of labor Thomas Perez, reports The Washington Post. He became the first representative of the Latin American Diaspora, who occupied this post. In his speech, Perez promised to do everything possible to “trump was only one presidential term”. “Someday will study this era of American history. We ask the question: “Where were you in 2017, when we had the worst President in the history of the country?” We can reply that the Democratic party was at the head of the resistance,” he said. The President of the United States Donald trump commented on the choice of the DNC. “I Congratulate Thomas Perez. I’m very happy for him and the Republican party,” he wrote in his microblog on Twitter. February 24, RT reported that in the Democratic party developed a

The media learned about the plans of Japan for the joint activities on the Kuril Islands

The government of Japan intends to provide Russia detailed plan for joint economic activities on southern Kuriles. On Sunday, February 26, RIA Novosti reported, citing the Nikkei newspaper. Suggestions are expected, the parties will discuss at the talks in Tokyo, scheduled for March 18. The plan contains initiatives on medicine, fisheries, environment and tourism. So, the Japanese government proposed the idea of remote medical care to the inhabitants of the Islands. It is expected that this will deal with doctors working in hospitals on the Northern island of Hokkaido. They will be able to advise as to Russian physicians and patients, reports TASS. In the matter of tourism, Tokyo, expects to organize cruises for the Japanese tourists on some Islands of the South Kuril Islands. Regarding fisheries, Japan has offered Russia a joint venture for the processing of salmon and other fish, as well as for the production of valuable

Honorary President of the ROC called a real step WADA statement on the report of McLaren

Vitaly Smirnov The head of the independent public anti-doping Commission of the Olympic Committee of Russia, honorary President of the ROC Vitaly Smirnov in the First channel, commented on the announcement by the world anti-doping Agency (WADA) that the report of Richard McLaren is not enough evidence about the involvement of the Russians to doping violations. According to him, “this is a very real step, which suggests that the international Olympic Committee (IOC) is aware that it is not so clear and naked to admit all the allegations contained in the report, of course, impossible”. “Even the same McLaren changed his point of view. He made the accusation that was a state system of organization of doping and so on. It was a recognition on his part that he made the allegations unsubstantiated,” said Smirnov. Earlier statement, WADA assessed the head Minproma Pavel Kolobkov and the official representative of Russian