The media learned the name of the new press Secretary of the US Department of state

Heather Nauert The journalist of Fox News channel Heather Nauert (Heather Nauert) will be the spokesperson for the US state Department. About it Bloomberg reported two unnamed sources familiar with the situation. Officially on the appointment has yet to be announced. 47-year-old Noort leads the morning program Fox & Friends, one of my favorite programs of the President of Donald trump. The news Agency said that the decision to appoint Neuert the position of press-Secretary of the foreign Ministry was taken this week. Neuert will represent the state Department, including the traditional daily press briefings. Such activities were temporarily suspended shortly before the inauguration of trump 20 Jan. The state Department promised that the briefings will resume on March 6, while they will keep acting press Secretary mark Toner. It is noted that Neuert makes no secret of his political beliefs, in his Twitter she supported a daughter trump Ivanka,

The term of office of the Prime Minister of Japan was extended to 9 years

Shinzo Abe The powers of the leader of the ruling party of Japan, who is also Prime Minister, will be extended from 6 to 9 years. As reports on Sunday, March 5, TASS, the decision to amend the Charter was adopted at the Congress of the liberal democratic party (LDP). Thus, if the LDP manages to hold the position, this innovation will mean that the authority Shinzo Abe will expire in 2018, he will remain in office until 2021. Won the elections to the lower house of the Japanese Parliament political Association offers a candidate for Prime Minister. Earlier, the Prime Minister could occupy the post for two three-year terms now for three terms. In the fall of 2018 in the LDP elections of party Chairman. It is expected that the current Prime Minister will nominate a candidate. The leader of the liberal Democrats, Shinzo Abe became Prime Minister in

More than 70 percent of the French favoured the output of the Fillon from the presidential race

Francois Fillon The candidate from the party “the Republicans”, the former Prime Minister françois Fillon should withdraw from the struggle for the presidency. As writes on Saturday, March 4, the newspaper Journal du Dimanche, this opinion was expressed by most participants of a public opinion poll conducted for it by Ifop. “The survey shows that 71 percent of French voters want Fillon refused to fight for the presidency”, — says the publication. In addition, supporters of the Republicans has fallen from 70 to 53 percent. This is due to the continuing investigation of the involvement of Fillon to embezzlement of public funds. Earlier on March 4 in a country manor house and the Paris house Republican and his wife Penelope were searched. 1 Mar Fillon has declared that does not intend to withdraw from the presidential race, despite the case of fictitious employment of his wife. However, he confirmed the

Politico learned of the date of signing trump new immigration Ordinance

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump needs to sign a new decree on immigrant policy on Monday, March 6, at the Ministry of national security. On Saturday, March 4, according to the newspaper Politico, citing senior government officials familiar with the situation. According to them, it is not clear whether this document is significantly different from the previous or the White house going to court to defend the old stuff. Other details about the new decree, the newspaper reported. February 28, Associated Press with reference to a number of officials said that the new decree trump Iraq will be excluded from the list of countries whose nationals are denied entry in the United States. According to the Agency, this decision was taken under pressure from the Pentagon and the state Department urging the White house to reconsider the administration’s position because of the key role of

In the USA there were demonstrations in support of trump

In some States of the USA on Saturday, March 4, performances in support of President Donald trump, writes USA Today. The protest was called March 4 Trump — “March of the tramp”, also this phrase is a play on the date of the event, March 4. Thousands of supporters of the President gathered in new York at the residence of the trump — Trump Tower, near the Washington Monument in the capital and in dozens of other cities across the country. In some localities supporters trump has faced opposition from citizens who do not support the policy of the new administration. The most acute was the conflict in California Berkeley — there have been several clashes between supporters and opponents of the President. Four people were arrested. In Columbus, Ohio, protesters chanted “No Trump, no ku Klux Klan, no fascist USA!” they tried to shout down the supporters of the

Ukraine has signed a Memorandum of cooperation with the IMF

Ukraine has signed a Memorandum of cooperation with the International monetary Fund (IMF). On Saturday, March 4, reports TASS with reference to press Secretary of the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance Valeriy Melnichuk. “Yes, I confirm the signing of the Memorandum,” she said. “We reached an agreement with IMF on revision of cooperation program and the removal of a question on allocation of next tranche to the Board of Directors of the Fund. This is the result of Ukraine agreed with the IMF reform program and the joint coordinated work of the President, the government and the National Bank”, — wrote on his page in Facebook the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr danylyuk. Earlier on 4 March, the IMF issued a statement of the head of the IMF mission in Ukraine, Ron van Roden, an agreement with Kiev on the third revision of the program of the extended financing facility.

The white house announced the intention to reduce financial assistance to other countries

Mick Mulvany The white house intends to cut financial assistance to other States. On Saturday, March 4, said on Fox News the Director of the office of management and budget (OMB) Mick of Malvani. “We intend to offer to cut aid to foreign countries, and we are going to offer to spend the money here (in the USA approx. “Of the”), “—said he. Malvani stressed that means “pretty significant reduction”. According to him, the purpose of this measure is the increase in defense spending of 54 billion dollars. Earlier, the Associated Press reported on the consent of the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson on White house proposals to reduce the budget of his Department (which includes the Agency for international development) by 37 percent, but offered to do it not once, but for three years. However, the Congress was given to understand that this initiative of the White house

Near the border with Turkey fell fighter of the Syrian air force

The MiG-23 Syrian air force The MiG-23 Syrian air force crashed near the border with Turkey. About it as informs television channel Haber Turk, said the Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim. According to him, the pilot managed to eject, he could land on the territory of both Syria and Turkey. The search for the pilot of the gendarmerie and the police. Earlier on Saturday, gunmen from the organization “Ahrar al-sham” claimed to have shot down in the North-West of Syria MiG-21 belonging to government forces. The extremists said in his Twitter that shot down the plane with a 23-millimeter machine gun. Turkey is already more than six months spent in the North of Syria a military operation against Islamists. In February, the Istanbul began to coordinate his actions with Moscow and official Damascus. At the end of the month the Turkish military managed to free from terrorists banned in Russia

Obama’s spokesman has denied the charges trump the wire

Donald trump and Barack Obama Former US President Barack Obama and members of his administration did not organize the surveillance of the current us leader Donald trump. As reported on Saturday, March 4, Reuters, this was stated by Obama’s spokesman Kevin Lewis. “Neither President Obama nor any White house officials never gave the order to conduct surveillance of any U.S. citizens. Any suggestion to the contrary is simply wrong,” said Lewis. He also stressed that the previous presidential administration did not interfere in an independent investigation American Ministry of justice. So Obama’s spokesman has denied the statement trump made earlier on Saturday. “Just found out that Obama tapped telephone conversations in the “trump tower” in front of my victory. Haven’t found anything. This is McCarthyism!” — wrote the current U.S. President on Twitter, calling it a new bottom and comparing with the Watergate scandal. Donald trump added that the wiretapping

In Thailand, a lost tourist from Russia

Valentina Russian tourist Was lost while traveling in Thailand. This reports the Bangkok Post. According to the newspaper, 23-year-old woman settled in one of the hotels in Koh Tao on 11 February and five days later had to hand over the keys and leave, but didn’t. The hotel staff waited a few days and decided to explore her room, they found personal belongings of a woman, her passport and mobile phone. Relatives of the missing woman appealed to the authorities of the country and said that can’t get in touch with Novozhenova and also do not have any information about her whereabouts. Police began the search: investigators learned of her personal belongings, information about calls from mobile phone and interviewed the owners of nearby shops, but found nothing suspicious. Soon they intend to read the records from surveillance cameras.