Announced the date of the first hearing on the “intervention” of Russia in the U.S. presidential election

Devin Nunes The first public hearing in connection with the investigation of alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election will be conducted by the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the us Congress on March 20. As reported on Wednesday, March 8, “Interfax”, this was announced by its Chairman Devin Nunes. “Today we would like to announce that at 10 am (18.00 GMT) on 20 March, Monday, will be held the first public hearings”, — quotes its words Agency. Also at the hearing will discuss relations with Russia, which are attributed to the President of the United States Donald Trump and members of his team. However, Nunez noted that the Committee has no evidence that Moscow has “helped to elect Donald trump President.” “I don’t think so and what evidence of this exists. But we are in the framework of its own investigations want to

Hawaii has expressed its intention to challenge in court a new decree trump

Donald Trump Hawaii is going to court to seek a temporary ban on the implementation of the decree of the President of the United States Donald trump on the limitation of immigration. About it reports Reuters. A lawsuit was filed on Tuesday 7 March. Before that Hawaii was going to challenge the first order of trump, however, that complaint was pending, the decree was previously blocked on the initiative of a number of other States. According to Hawaiian lawyers, the new Executive order covers less than the first, but it prescribed a ban on entry, however, continues to violate the established norms. Trump signed a new Executive order to toughen immigration policy March 6. The document will come into force on 16 March. The decree for 90 days forbidden to enter the United States to citizens of six countries — Iran, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan. From the

Ex-COP accused Duterte 200 extrajudicial killings

Rodrigo Duterte In the Philippines, a former senior police officer has accused the country’s President Rodrigo Duterte more than 200 extrajudicial killings. This reports the South China Morning Post. According to Arturo Askanase, he was the death squad, which was led by Duterte, who was then the mayor of Davao city. On the direct orders of the current President were killed, for example, 11 Chinese suspected of drug trafficking, he said. “Sometimes we are overwhelmed doubt. We discussed them in the circle of friends, but loyalty to mayor Rudy always won,” explained the former guardian of order. Your statement Lascalas made during the open hearings in the Senate, which was unexpectedly interrupted after his statement about Duterte. Press Secretary of President Ernesto Abella called the former policeman “an unacceptable fabrication”. 29 Dec Philippine leader threatened to corrupt officials that will drop them from a helicopter. “I’ve done it before, so

Chinese parents protested the seksprosvet in elementary school

In China, the scandal of sex education textbooks for pupils in primary schools. About it reports The South China Morning Post. In books drawn the genitals of men and women depicted sex couples, and the questions about sex and sexual violence, which children can ask their parents. Textbooks published by Beijing normal University, one of the oldest universities of China, and is intended for children from 6 to 12 years. “Do you want the tutorials were structured in such a way? I blush when I read it!” — quotes the edition the statement of the mothers of one of the students. Someone however commended the authors for an honest and unbiased approach to the reflection of reality. The head of the Department of education of Zhejiang province explained that these textbooks are not included in the list of mandatory, however, the editors noticed that 18 primary schools for migrant children

Dozens of people were injured in the collision of a train and a bus in the US

In the US, a freight train collided with a bus. On Tuesday, March 7, WLOX reports, citing the head of the local police, John Miller. According to him, the incident occurred at a railway crossing in Biloxi, Mississippi, around 14:15 (23:15 GMT). Killing at least four people, the account of victims goes on tens. Miller said that the bus was traveling from Austin, Texas, there were about 50 passengers, most elderly people. The fire, which in the United States also perform rescue functions had to dig the injured from the damaged vehicle through the Windows. Hospitalized 35 people, some of them were taken to medical facilities by air. It is composed of 52 of the carriage 27 with a load and empty of 25, he was flying from New Orleans to Alabama. According to witnesses, crossing the rails, the bus is stuck and stopped. However, Miller has not confirmed this

In India uncovered a gang hunted orphans of pedophiles

Indian police have arrested six people suspected of creating an organized pedophile community in Kerala. It is reported by Hindustan Times. Criminals, according to law enforcement, a few months raped seven orphan girls aged 12 to 16 years. They were offered candy, lured into the storeroom located next to the shelter of the store, and then forced to watch videos of sexual content, and mocked them. After being photographed naked and blackmailed, demanding to remain silent and not to tell anyone about the incident. All the injured were sent for medical examination which confirmed sexual abuse. The atrocities were not known for several months, until one of the guards of the orphanage noticed that one of the girls left the store in tears. The police are talking to all the residents of the shelter to find other victims of rapists. Six alleged cyber criminals charged and another three possible accomplices

The white house dismissed speculation about mistrust to trump the FBI Director

Sean Spicer The White house rejected suggestions that the US President Donald trump is not supported FBI Director James Komi. As reported Tuesday, March 7, RIA Novosti, about this at the briefing said the press-Secretary of the head of state Sean Spicer. “I see no reason to believe that he does not support the Director of the FBI,” he stressed. On March 5 the New York Times, citing senior sources in Washington reported that FBI Director James Comey has asked the U.S. justice Department to publicly refute or explain trump’s words, accusing his predecessor of Barack Obama listening to his telephone conversations during the election campaign. According to the publication, the demands of the Komi Republic related to the fact that the statement trump casts a shadow on the FBI. A day earlier trump in his microblog on Twitter wrote that Obama supposedly ordered to organize the tapping of his

In the United States arrested a Ukrainian for illegal export of night-vision scopes and thermal imagers

In the United States on Tuesday, March 7, was arrested a citizen of Ukraine on charges of illegal export of technologies used in military equipment. This was reported on the website of the American Ministry of justice. Vladimir Nedovic had a residence permit in the United States. According to the investigation, the accused conspired with other persons both in Ukraine and in the USA, for the purchase of U.S. companies of goods subject to control, and export it to Ukraine. The device, which was purchased by criminals in the US — the most high-tech night vision sights and thermal imagers. In the United States, this equipment is sold by law enforcement agencies. The participants of the scheme in violation of the law has not granted a license for this activity. With the intent to conceal illegal activities, they posed as suppliers for U.S. citizens. The suspect and his co-conspirators also

WikiLeaks has published a major new archive of CIA documents

Network project WikiLeaks The organization of whistleblowers, WikiLeaks published the massive archive of classified CIA documents. About it reports The Independent. It was called “Asylum 7” and consists of 8761 document, which, as stated by the founder of the organization, “contains information about the whole hacking the CIA.” Common array only one of the first in the future are expected new publications in the framework of the “Asylum 7”. As noted in the WikiLeaks, the CIA has de facto lost control of my hacking Arsenal, which allows you to control multiple computers from around the world: we are talking about programs that allow you to access the phones running iOS and Android, computers running Windows and smart TVs from Samsung. And do malware has not been published — their publication is expected in the case of a social consensus on the analysis and “neutralization” of such applications. The source of

An avalanche in the French Savoie has covered several skiers

An avalanche descended upon one of the ski resorts of the French Savoie region, has covered several skiers. It is reported by Le Parisien. The mass descended from the mountains of snow crossed the ski run Carline. “Under the rubble can be buried a large number of people,” said the local police. The exact number of victims is still unknown. Over the scene, circling helicopter of the gendarmerie. As noted, from-for difficult weather conditions it is difficult to estimate the thickness of snow cover and to notice movement underneath the survivors. February 13, the area is also avalanche. Then killed a family of three people and the instructor. 6 February it was reported that the victims of a descent of several avalanches in the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and Pakistan were more than 100 people. The largest number of deaths was noted in Nuristan province on the Pakistani border: there