Chinese parents protested the seksprosvet in elementary school

In China, the scandal of sex education textbooks for pupils in primary schools. About it reports The South China Morning Post.

In books drawn the genitals of men and women depicted sex couples, and the questions about sex and sexual violence, which children can ask their parents. Textbooks published by Beijing normal University, one of the oldest universities of China, and is intended for children from 6 to 12 years.

“Do you want the tutorials were structured in such a way? I blush when I read it!” — quotes the edition the statement of the mothers of one of the students. Someone however commended the authors for an honest and unbiased approach to the reflection of reality.

The head of the Department of education of Zhejiang province explained that these textbooks are not included in the list of mandatory, however, the editors noticed that 18 primary schools for migrant children are using them in the educational process.

The tutorial also describes same-sex relationships: one of the pictures the students ask the teacher about women who live together. The teacher replied that most people prefer heterosexual relationships, and some gay and that is perfectly fine.

As the newspaper notes, the official organ of the Communist party of China Renmin Ribao defended the controversial textbooks: they are, according to the editorial, give children an objective picture of the sexual side of human life.

