Washington refused to tolerate “provocations” from Iran

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump said that Washington will not tolerate “provocations,” the Navy of Iran. As reported RIA Novosti, said the press Secretary of the White house Sean Spicer. “The President, of course, reported on the U.S. ship that was close [with Iran]. The President has made clear that (USA) will not tolerate these provocative actions [Iran],” said Spicer. March 6, Reuters reported that the ship measuring complex “invincible”, the US Navy was intercepted in the Strait of Hormuz, ships of the Islamic revolution guards Corps (IRGC) of Iran and was forced to change course. A Pentagon spokesman called the actions of the Iranians “dangerous and unprofessional.” In Tehran approval of the American side called “untrue”. Incidents involving ships of the U.S. Navy and Iran in the Strait of Hormuz occur regularly. The last of them dates from the beginning of January, then the American destroyer “Mahan”

The media learned about the transfer to Syria of the U.S. Marines

The US deployed a few hundred Marines to Syria to support the attack on the city of raqqa, which is the de facto capital of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). It is reported by The Washington Post, citing high-ranking sources in the Pentagon. Soldiers of the 11th expeditionary force of the marine corps, according to the newspaper, went to Syria on Navy ships back in October of last year from a base in San Diego, California. Their task is to organize the firing points for artillery shelling terrorist positions of the 155-millimetre M777 howitzers. As the source noted, the deployment of the Marines is not associated with the plan of the new US President Donald trump to defeat ISIS. The Pentagon has officially refused to comment on the information, citing security concerns, reports RIA Novosti. Reuters reports that the trump is also considering the deployment

The newspaper reported about the trump choice of candidate for the post of U.S. Ambassador to Russia

John Huntsman The US President Donald trump has offered to become Ambassador to Russia, former Governor of Utah John Huntsman. About it reports on Wednesday, March 8, the Politico. A proposal to the Huntsman, according to the newspaper, was sent early in the week, he should send the White house the documents confirming readiness to take the post of Ambassador. After that will be officially announced the nomination of Huntsman, which must be approved by the Senate. The former Governor has not yet commented on this information, however, Politico claims that he is ready to accept the offer trump. That huntsman is seen as a candidate for the post of U.S. Ambassador to Russia, March 1, CNN reported. John huntsman, who in March will be 57 years of age, in 1992-1993, he held the post of U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, 2005-2009, was Governor of Utah, 2009-2011 — United States Ambassador

Saudi Arabia has denied accusations in the murder of two police officers transgender

The police of Saudi Arabia did not kill two detained Pakistani transgender people. This was stated by the authorities of the Kingdom, their words reports The Independent. “It’s all true, besides, there was no torture”, — said the interior Ministry. The authorities explained that one of the detainees, 61-year-old Pakistani transgender, actually died of a heart attack, and Islamabad are already working to take his body home. Last week, media Kingdom said that the police made a RAID on one of the parties, where there were 35 men in makeup and women’s clothing. The word “transgender” media is not used, nor were there reports of killings. That two people beaten to death, said a Pakistani transgender Farzana Riaz — according to her, 35-year-old Amna and 26-year-old Minot police put in bags and beaten with sticks. Saudi Arabia officially has no laws against transgender people, but men who dress like women,

The militants took hostage the staff and patients at Kabul hospital

Attacked one of the hospitals in Kabul, the terrorists took hostage medical personnel and hospital patients. On 8 March, reports the TV channel Khurshid, the content of issue reports “Interfax”. As reported by Reuters, an eyewitness of the incident, dressed in a white medical gown gunman pulled out a hidden gun and opened fire on civilians, killing one medic and one visitor. Then the attackers occupied the upper floors of the building and clashed with the special forces personnel arrived on the scene. “Our security forces there, the battle is very serious,” — said the press Secretary of the Ministry of defense dawlat Vaziri and said that one commando was killed and three wounded. Also killed one of the attackers, the two continue the confrontation. The Ministry of health reported that two dead and 12 wounded were evacuated to other hospitals. President Ashraf Ghani in a televised address on International

The white house denied the investigation against trump

Sean Spicer The President of the United States Donald trump is not the object of any investigation. As reported Reuters, said on Wednesday, March 8, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “There is no reason to believe that the President is the subject of any investigation,” said Spicer. March 8, first Deputy press Secretary of the White house Sarah Sanders has denied media reports that Donald trump was meeting with the Russian Ambassador in Washington Sergei Kislyak in April 2016. On 7 March it became known that on 20 March, the special Committee on intelligence of the house of representatives of the us Congress on 20 March will hold the first public hearing in connection with the investigation of alleged Russian interference in the elections of the President of the United States. Earlier, us lawmakers announced the initiation of an investigation into cyber attacks committed during the presidential election campaign against

Syrian air force struck a massive blow to the terrorists in Hama

Military-air forces of Syria attacked the positions of terrorists “Islamic state” and “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (both group banned in Russia) in the West of the country in the province of Hama. This Agency SANA said the army source. According to him, in the areas of al-Buweida, Kleib Al-thawr and al-Luvaria destroyed 40 fighters. Materials on теме00:08 21 Feb 2017Taught home bombattak father raised from the teenage son in the Thriller “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra” Another source told the Agency about the fighting that government forces are in the city of Deraa in southwestern Syria. The military took control of several buildings, destroying a large number of terrorists. On February 17 in Deraa was liquidated one of the leaders of “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra”. According to the Lebanese TV channel Al Jadeed was killed known as Khaled, Sahadi al-Alul nicknamed Abu Munzer Jordan. Clashes between the Syrian army and militants of “Jabhat EN-Nusra” in the area

Police in Kabul, repulsed the attack of terrorists in the hospital

Afghan police have eliminated all the militants who attacked a military hospital in Kabul. About it reports Reuters. According to security officials, the attackers were three, they managed to kill more than 30 people. Employees of law enforcement services will check all the hospital premises. According to the Ministry of health, three dead and 66 injured (mostly women and children) were evacuated to other hospitals of the capital. Earlier on March 8, a suicide bomber detonated at the gates of the hospitals, and then doctors disguised as militants entered the building and opened fire on civilians. Responsibility for attack was assumed by the terrorist group “Islamic state”, while the Taliban of their involvement in the attack rejected (both organizations are banned in Russia). March 1, the Taliban staged a double bombing in the Afghan capital. First, extremists attacked the headquarters of the Afghan intelligence in the Eastern outskirts of Kabul

Pakistan suspected Indian hundred-meter flag in the work of exploration

Pakistani authorities suspect that India’s on the border of the giant flag can be used for spying on their country. About it writes The Independent. According to Khaleej Times, the flag was raised on 5 March, its length is 36 meters, width — 24. The flagpole is almost 110 meters. The banner can be seen from the large Pakistani city of Lahore, near the border. The base of the structure, which weighs 55 tons, is made in such a way that it could withstand wind speeds of 180 kilometers per hour. The cost of the project amounted to 36 million rupees (more than 530 thousand dollars). The maintenance contract for the building concluded with a private company for three years. — BSF (@BSF_India) 05 March 2017, 13:51 It is assumed that this flag, which is raised to the maximum height of India, will become a tourist attraction. Apparently, writing the

The Commissioner spoke about the end of Europe in case of victory of Le Pen

Pierre Moscovici Victory in the French presidential election candidate from the far-right party “national front” marine Le Pen essentially means the end of Europe in its current understanding. This was stated by European Commissioner for economic and financial Affairs Pierre Moscovici in an interview with Die Zeit, his words, reports the Epoch Times. According to Moscovici, if France, in accordance with election promises, Le Pen out of the EU and the Euro zone, then Europe will cease to exist. But the European Commission, according to him, such scenario is not even released. “Our “plan A”: it will lose. I hope she loses, this is an important sign that the French did not succumb to her persuasion. I do politics for many years, and my experience tells me that to “plan B” to prepare do not — this means that you no longer believe in your original plan,” explained the Commissioner.