The newspaper reported the start date Brexit

Theresa May Became known the likely date of launch of Prime Minister Theresa may exit the UK from the EU. On Friday, March 10, according to British newspaper The Daily Telegraph. According to her, Mei can do that already on 14 March, after the evening of March 13 both houses of Parliament — the House of Commons and the House of lords will approve the corresponding bill. Peers made two amendments — the protection of the rights living in the UK of EU citizens and requires the government to obtain the sanction of Parliament before signing with the EU of an agreement on the exit. It is expected that the Cabinet may reject both. According to the publication, a number of British Ministers calls on Prime Minister launched the Brexit procedure as soon as possible, in order to switch the attention from announced by Finance Minister Philip Hammond of the

Trump has invited Abbas to the White house

Mahmoud Abbas The US President Donald trump has invited the head of the Palestinian national authority (PNA) Mahmoud Abbas to visit the White house. On Friday, March 10, RIA Novosti reported with reference to press Secretary of the American leader Sean Spicer. “Yes, I can,” replied Spicer asked by journalists if he could confirm the invitation. Earlier on March 10, between trump and Abbas held a telephone conversation. According to the press-Secretary of Palestinian leader Nabil Abu rudeina, in the course of the meeting the President of the United States intends to discuss ways interrupted about three years ago the process of settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli problem. “President Abbas stressed their commitment to peace as a strategic option for the creation of a Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel,” added Abu Rodan. In mid-February in the past at the Washington talks with the Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

Russian arrested in Sweden on charges of bribe for the conclusion of the contract

In Sweden arrested a Russian citizen on suspicion of committing a criminal offence. This was reported on the website of the Russian Embassy in Facebook. Diplomats informed about the detention of Russian Evgeny Pavlov born in 1979. He was placed in the Central prison of Stockholm. “Citing “privacy case”, the police refused to inform of the charges in the address of the Russian prosecution. The lawyer of Russian citizen reported that he will be indicted for fraud”, — stated in the message. According to the defense, the prosecution, the Russians are not yet filed. Soon there will be a hearing in the case. The Embassy demanded from the Swedish authorities visit Pavlov, Consul. The police don’t give the answer, referring to the necessity of obtaining the consent of the detainee to such a meeting. As reported TASS, Russian works in the subsidiary of the canadian Bombardier in Sweden, and he

The UN said about the new oppression of the Muslim Rohingya people in Myanmar

Speaking out against the Muslim Rohingya people in Myanmar Human rights defenders the UN announced a new “crimes against humanity” in relation to people of Rohingya by the police and the authorities of Myanmar, reported BBC News. The UN special Rapporteur on the protection of human rights in this country Yangi If after talking with refugees in Bangladesh noted that the situation is even worse than she expected. “The government should immediately reply in all cases of mass torture and inhuman treatment by law enforcement officers” —said Lee. The Minister for foreign Affairs and leader of the opposition party “National League for democracy” Aun San Suu Kyi refused to comment on the situation. A senior source from her party said that the problem is exaggerated and is purely internal. “We are a young state and strive to achieve international standards. And so we have thousands of problems,” he said. Over

Trump finds out the views of Merkel on Ukraine and Putin

Donald Trump The President of the United States, Donald trump intends to discuss with German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Ukrainian question and the relations with Putin. About it reports Reuters. According to a senior Agency source in presidential administration of the USA, trump is going to hear the views Merkel on the settlement of the conflict in the East of Ukraine. In particular, the President is interested in what role in this process, according to the Chancellor, could play United States. In addition, trump wants to see the views of Merkel on how to best negotiate with the President of Russia. The visit of Angela Merkel to Washington scheduled for next week. German Chancellor expected in Moscow on Thursday, March 9, Vladimir Putin during a meeting with the foreign Ministers of Russia and Germany Sergey Lavrov and Sigmar Gabriel said he invites to Moscow Merkel and of President Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

In the U.S. lawyers filed a lawsuit against the attorney General because of conversations with the Russian Ambassador

Jeff Sessions Lawyers in the US filed a lawsuit against attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions because the Senate Committee of Congress, he hid “relations with the Russian government.” This writes the newspaper The Washington Post. The so-called “ethical claim” was sent on behalf of the American Council for civil liberties (ACLU) advocates disciplinary Commission of the Alabama. Sessions is a member of the bar of this state since 1973. In the ACLU claim that the sessions violated the professional rules of lawyers of Alabama, prohibiting to participate in actions related to the “dishonest acts, fraud, deceit or misrepresentation”. Earlier, the WP reported that in 2016 sessions twice met with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak and concealed this fact when he in January 2017 at a meeting of the relevant Senate Committee asked about contacts with Russian officials. The disciplinary Committee of five members will determine whether

In South Africa taxi drivers blocked the largest airport in Africa for Uber

The office of Uber in Johannesburg In South Africa taxi drivers blocked the largest air Harbor of Africa in protest against Uber. On Friday, March 10, according to Reuters. Hundreds of taxi drivers blocked the main road leading to the airport o R Tambo on the outskirts of Johannesburg. They need to ban the activities of Uber, arguing that it threatens them with ruin. “Uber is illegal, said the spokesman of the taxi drivers, Siia Reuben (Reuben Mzayiya). — If you want to carry people, it must register with the Department of transportation and to fulfill their requirements. “Uber” nothing does. He simply created a parallel structure”. As the result, thousands of people risk being late for flights, the airport is negotiating with airlines about a possible delay in emergency circumstances. Passengers are advised to leave for the airport several hours early. At the moment in South Africa there are

Erdogan called for a ban in Russia, the Gulen organization

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for a ban in Russia, the activities of the gülen. About it reports “Interfax”. Speaking at the Council of high level cooperation, Erdogan said: “as a terrorist organization, FETO, unfortunately, we know that they are under the guise of some other organizations carry out their activity in some cities of Russia, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Believe that the Russian authorities will take steps to stop it.” FETO — opposition to the current Turkish leadership group, chaired by hiding in the U.S. preacher Fethullah gülen. Ankara accuses of attempting a coup d’etat in July 2016. The Turkish authorities stated that the Gulen organization involved in the murder of Russian Ambassador Andrei Karlov on 19 December of the same year.

Off the coast of Libya detained the Russian vessel

The Cargo Ship “Merle” Off the coast of Libya detained the Russian ship, the diplomatic mission to Tripoli finds out circumstances of the incident. On Friday, March 10, reported the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reported. “The shipowner company MT Group from St. Petersburg. The crew consists of seven people, all citizens of Russia”, — she noted. According to Zakharova, the cargo ship “Merle” was convoyed to the port of Tripoli. According to the newspaper Libya Observer, March 5, Libya’s coast guard detained a Russian ship near the Eastern coast of the country. It was headed to the Libyan port of Zuwara to deliver the scrap metal from Turkey. Trade this stuff in Libya is illegal. In addition, the ship did not receive permission for entry into Libyan territorial waters. The official representative of the Russian foreign Ministry said that all measures will be taken

The cause of the crash in Istanbul helicopter with the Russians on Board

The wreck of vertoletostroenie: In a network there was video of the helicopter crash with the Russians on Board The cause of the helicopter crash in Istanbul was a collision with a tower. It is reported The Independent citing a statement by the Turkish authorities. The pilot of the aircraft due to heavy fog could not see the obstacle and crashed into him. Helicopter Sikorsky S-76 fell on the highway in the district of Buyukcekmece. According to the newspaper, talking about the tower Endem — structure with a height of 236 meters located closed a few years ago, a restaurant and an observation deck. On Board the crashed ship were seven people — two pilots, a Turkish employee of the Eczacıbaşı group of companies and its four Russian colleagues: Alexander Vanin, Igor Kochergin, Lyudmila Churov and Elena Batagai. Earlier on March 10, in the Internet appeared the video from the