The German authorities have threatened to ban Turkish politicians entry into the country

Peter Altmaier The German government reserves the right to impose a ban on the entry of Turkish politicians. This was stated by the head of Department of the Federal Chancellor of Germany, Minister for special Affairs Peter Altmaier (Peter Altmaier), reports on Wednesday, March 15, Die Zeit. “The ban on the entry would be the last resort. We reserve the right to use it” — he said, noting that the German office is still “not exhausted by its international legal opportunities.” Altmaier added that the German government “will not tolerate Nazi comparisons and grotesque assertions”. “Turkey has always attached great importance to the fact that not damage her honor. In Germany, too, there is honor!” he said. Relations between Berlin and Ankara have sharply become aggravated after the authorities of Germany have forbidden speech in the country two Turkish politicians who had to campaign living in Germany of Turkish citizens

Officers of the U.S. Navy issued service information in exchange for a sex party

Blue Ridge Eight officers of the naval forces of the United States charged with corruption. According to the investigation, the officers received from working in the Singapore businessman Leonard Glenn Francis, carrying out defense contracts, bribery in the form of expensive gifts, prostitutes and living in luxurious hotels, the newspaper the Washington Post with reference to the materials of the Ministry of justice. Among those formally charged, — rear Admiral Bruce loveless, a retired marine corps Colonel Enrico de Guzman, the four captains in resignation. Sam Francis had previously pleaded guilty to defrauding the Navy in the amount of tens of millions of dollars. The charges in the case cover the period from 2006 to 2014. In particular, according to the materials of the case, the businessman gave his naval “contractors” watch, boxes of cigars, bottles of brandy. He also sponsored a sex party for the officers of the Seventh

In South Korea, called the date of early elections of the President

Early presidential elections will be held in South Korea on may 9, the decision was made at a meeting of the state Council of the country. On Wednesday, March 15, according to Reuters. According to the Agency, Prime Minister Hwang Gean (Hwang Kyo-ahn), who since December of last year duties of the President, will not participate in the elections. The vote will take place in connection with the removal from power of President Park Geun-Hye due to a major corruption scandal. March 10, the country’s constitutional court approved the decision of Parliament about her impeachment. The reason for the scandal was a fortune teller and a close friend of President Choi sung-SIL. She is accused of pressure on dozens of major firms with the purpose of transfer of their money in two non-profit Foundation. In case of figures, the sum of 77.4 billion won ($65.6 million).

The body of Kim Jong-Nam was embalmed

Kim Jong-Nam The body of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN, Kim Jong-Nam, who died in the attack, was embalmed. It is reported by Malaysian newspaper the Star. As told reporters the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Malaysia Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, this measure was necessary in order to preserve the remains. “If the corpse continue to keep in the morgue, it can decompose,” explained the Minister. Body kept in the morgue of the hospital Kuala Lumpur for more than a month since 13 February, when the capital’s airport was killed, a citizen of North Korea with passport in the name of Kim Chol. According to the Malaysian police, it was Kim Jong-Nam, brother of North Korean leader Kim Than the UN. The leather men had traces of the nerve agent VX, prohibited by the international chemical weapons Convention. South Korea have argued from the outset

European employers have the right to prohibit religious clothing at work

The European court gave the right of employers to ban the wearing of religious clothing in the workplace. On Tuesday, March 14, reported Reuters. In placing the court stated that this permission is granted only if the organization has internal rule, “which prohibited the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign”. In any other case it will be regarded as direct discrimination. The trial began after suits brought by two Muslim women from France and Belgium who were fired for refusing to remove the hijab. In the summer of 2016 in some areas of France have banned the wearing burqini, a Muslim swimwear that covers the body. However, in autumn, on 6 September, President Francois Hollande acknowledged that the decision is illegal, in consequence of which they are wearing again allowed. France became the first country, who decided on a total ban of the hijab (in April 2011).

In Antwerp banned the rallies of far-right Turkish

The authorities of the Belgian city of Antwerp has banned rallies Turkish nationalists. About it reports The Daily Sabah. The opposition of the Turkish “nationalist movement Party” (MHP), standing on right-wing positions, has applied for two events on the future constitutional referendum in Turkey. It was approved, but after a few hours, organizers said that the meetings are cancelled. In the words of mayor Bart de Weber, a member of the far right Belgian party “Flemish interest”, this is done for security reasons. PND with the ruling Turkish Party of justice and development in favour of the constitutional change that President Recep Tayyip Erdogan will receive additional powers. According to functionaries of the IPA, the Belgian authorities regularly banned the rallies in support of Erdogan, while allowing the events of his opponents. On 11 March, the Netherlands refused to accept the plane, the foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu, who

Erdogan reminded the Netherlands about their role in the massacre in Srebrenica

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan reminded the Amsterdam on the role played by the Dutch peacekeepers in the massacre in Srebrenica. The words of the Turkish leader is quoted by The Daily Sabah. “The Netherlands has not surprised us, we knew that the Dutch have problems with morality, the level of civility and manners, — Erdogan said. We found out due to the role they played during the genocide in Srebrenica”. The Turkish leader has hinted at the indecisive actions of the Dutch peacekeepers in 1995, when they are being deployed in declared “security zone” Srebrenica, did not resist the advancing Serbian troops, allowing them to occupy the city. “No one should try to teach us lessons of morality — especially those whose hands are stained with blood, concluded Erdogan. — Carrying out state terror against our politicians, the Netherlands has harmed the EU and its values”.

The Minister of defence of Japan has refused to resign because of the scandal with kindergarten

Tomomi Inada The Minister of defense of Japan Tomomi Inada refused to resign over allegations of lying to Parliament. About it reports The South China Morning Post. Monday, March 13, the opposition demanded Inade to answer, not whether it was 13 years ago is connected with a kindergarten financed by the Fund “Moritomo Gakuen”. The Minister categorically denied any involvement, but on Tuesday, March 14, deputies received the court records that proved otherwise. Inada was forced to admit that previously represented the interests of the Fund as counsel, and explained that she “changed memory”. In response to the demand of the opposition to resign Tomomi Inada said that it intends to continue to faithfully execute their duties. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe supported his Minister. The scandal surrounding the children’s garden Fund “Morimoto Gakuen” began in February 2017, when the Japanese media found that the land for its construction was bought

In the United States from Norway extradited a suspect in a cybercrime Russian

The building of the US Department of justice From Norway to the US extradited a Russian citizen accused of cybercrime. This was reported on the website of the American Ministry of justice. According to authorities, mark Vartanian, also known as Kolypto, suspected to be developed, improved and supported malware named “Citadel”. Clarifies that Vartanyan was brought before the Federal court after his extradition from Norway in December 2016. The Ministry of justice explained that the complex “Citadel” is a set of malware designed to infect computer systems and steal credentials, financial accounts and personal identifying information. Starting around 2011, “the Citadel” were offered for sale in limited registration Internet forums, where he spoke in Russian cybercriminals. The hackers used a “Citadel”, infiltrated the computer network of the largest financial and governmental institutions around the world, including several financial institutions in the United States. According to estimates by industry, the program