Netanyahu explained the RAID launched by Israeli aircraft in Syria

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that air force planes struck targets in Syria to prevent advanced weapons falling into the hands of the Lebanese movement “Hezbollah”. A statement from the office of the Prime Minister was distributed on Friday, March 17, reports TASS. “Our policy is consistent: in case of detection of attempts to transfer advanced weapons “Hezbollah”, and if we have intelligence, if we have the operational opportunity we do the work to prevent such a development,” — said Netanyahu. “This is what happened, and that’s what will happen,” he added. About the RAID by Israeli aircraft in Syria became known on Friday morning. In Damascus said that four Israeli aircraft violated the air border of Syria, one of these machines was shot down by air defense forces. According to the military, another aircraft was damaged. It was explained that the aim of the Israeli aircraft were

Trump complained about the bad behavior of North Korea

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump criticized the behavior of the authorities of the DPRK. He told about it on Friday, March 17, in his Twitter. “North Korea very bad behavior. Over the years, they are deceiving US,” wrote the President in his microblog. He also noted that China has done little to assist. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 17, 2017, 13:07 Previously, on 17 March US Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the us authorities do not rule out military action against the DPRK if it is to threaten South Korea and American troops stationed there. “Of course, we do not want to bring before the military conflict,” he said. On 7 March the United States began deploying the first elements of missile defense in South Korea. It will be finished in a month. The system will be operational in April. The day

In the US stole a laptop with the plans of the Trump Tower and details about email to Clinton

In the US stolen belonged to the Secret service personnel a laptop with information of special importance. About it reports on Friday, March 17. Reuters. According to the Agency, on the hard disk of the computer is a detailed plan of all the floors owned by the President for the Trump Tower skyscraper. Also it contains information about Hillary Clinton’s use of personal servers for official correspondence. Unknown stole a computer from the car of one of employees of the Secret service in new York. The incident occurred on Thursday, March 16. Did not report on it, hoping to quickly arrest the thief, but this still failed.

Trump and Merkel’s stated commitment to the peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine

Donald Trump, Angela Merkel The United States together with Germany and France committed to a peaceful resolution of the conflict in Ukraine, said the American President Donald trump at a joint press conference with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel. His words leads RIA Novosti. Trump noted that he highly appreciates the leadership of Merkel and French President Francois Hollande on the settlement of the conflict in Ukraine, where parties are searching for a peaceful solution. In turn, Merkel said that the implementation of the Minsk agreements provide an opportunity to improve relations with Russia. “I’m glad the American administration and the President personally doing more with the Minsk process. We need to resolve this issue, on the one hand, for a safe and sovereign Ukraine, but also for opportunities to improve relations with Russia, when problems will be resolved,” she said. The Chancellor expressed regret that the parties “is

Ethiopian military released the abducted children

Ethiopian military rescued six children abducted by soldiers from southern Sudan after their attack on the border region of Gambella. About it reports Reuters. According to the authorities, the rescue operation of children continues. “Many of the victims are still in Ethiopia in the hands of thieves,” —said Umod Started (Umod Othow), representative of the regional government. South Sudanese security forces attacked the border area on Monday, March 13. The attack killed 28 people, 43 children kidnapped. South Sudan gained independence in 2011. In 2013, conflict broke out between President Salva Kiir and Vice President Reecom Masara, is still ongoing. The war over 3 million people were forced to leave their homes and seek refuge in bordering Uganda, Kenya and Ethiopia.

Germany has proposed to NATO countries to measure activity

Ursula von der Leyen The Minister of defence of Germany Ursula von der Leyen has proposed to introduce a new tool to evaluate the contribution of NATO countries in the military activities of the unit. About it reports on Friday, March 17, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. The head of the German defense Minister called for the establishment of “activity index”. It is anticipated that it will include the participation of member States in the operations of the Alliance. The Minister also said that Germany needed impetus for the early modernisation of the armed forces (Bundeswehr). According to von der Leyen, Germany as a country with a strong economy can not afford to violate obligations to other members of the Alliance at the time, as poorer States are able to comply with them. The initiative of the head of Department is intended to complement the recommended ratio of defense expenditures for NATO

Italian paid 70 thousand Euro for the dinner grandma with Berlusconi

Silvio Berlusconi Italian for 70 thousand euros bought my grandmother a dinner in the company of former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. About it reports Tgcom24. Evening with 80-year-old media Mogul has become one of the lots in the charity auction organized at the initiative of the Italian red cross. The proceeds from the sale, donate the victims of the earthquake in Central Italy. As noted, the woman decided to participate in the event in order to make a nice grandmother. She is a longtime fan of the former head of the Italian government. It is reported that the elderly woman has yet to go to dinner with Berlusconi. It will be held at his luxury Villa in Arcore to Milan. The exact date of the meeting will be called in the next few days. The offer is valid for a maximum of three people. 24 August 2016 in Central Italy

Lavrov dubbed the silence of the lambs the position of the EU stock of neo-Nazis

Moscow is concerned about attempts by some European countries to close their eyes to the growing neo-Nazi tendencies, considering this shameful pandering to the EU and NATO. This position is Friday, March 17, was expressed by the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov, reports “Interfax”. “Against the background of the well-known lamentations about the threats to liberal European values, we observe the so-called “silence of the lambs” in connection with the regular support of the marches of neo-Nazis in Latvia”, — said the Minister. He also pointed out that Europe panders to the systematic acts of vandalism against monuments to the fallen during the Second world war. “It’s a shame for the European Union and NATO, these actions are condoned insult to the memory of millions of victims, ignore the decisions of the Nuremberg Tribunal,” — said Lavrov. Yesterday in Riga has passed a March of memory of the Latvian

The head of the Turkish interior Ministry has offered on a monthly basis to send to Europe for 15 thousand refugees

The interior Minister of Turkey, Suleyman Soylu said that Turkey could send to Europe every month for 15 thousand refugees. On Friday, March 17, according to Hürriyet Daily News. According to the head of Department, it may shock Europeans. “We have an agreement on mutual extradition of illegal migrants. I’m talking to you, Europe. Do you have the courage? You should understand that it is impossible to play the game in the region, not paying attention to Turkey,” he said. He also called on Germany and the Netherlands not to interfere in the internal Affairs of Turkey, in particular when we are talking about the referendum on extension of powers of the President. “Why do you care? Why are you interfering in this? You took Turkey to the European Union? Or you help Turkey in its fight against terrorism?” he said. March 15 the Turkish Minister for EU Affairs ömer

Russia outlined the topics of negotiations in a format “2+2” in Tokyo

Igor Morgulov The situation on the Korean Peninsula and the deployment of additional units of the Russian army on the Kuril Islands will be the subject of the upcoming March 20 in Tokyo to the talks between the foreign Ministers and defense ministries of Russia and Japan (format “2+2”). About it in interview to Agency JiJi Press said the Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Igor Morgulov. According to him, it is necessary to break the “vicious circle of tension” that has developed around the DPRK: Pyongyang is testing missiles in response to what Seoul in conjunction with the American allies are satisfied with military exercises. In this regard, Moscow insists on a political and diplomatic solution to the problem and will present its position during the upcoming meeting in Tokyo. In addition, Morgulov did not rule out that one of the topics of the talks will