The monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev was sprayed with red paint

Vandals poured red paint on the monument to Prince Vladimir the Great in Kiev. On Saturday, March 18, the employee reported the Ukrainian Institute of national memory, Olena Khaliman on his page in Facebook. “So now is the monument to Volodymyr the Great. That in the minds of those who are “at war” with monuments, it is difficult to understand,” wrote Halimon. Your post it was accompanied by a photograph of the monument. This is not the first time a monument to Vladimir the Great in Kiev, poured red paint. The last time the vandals did in September 2016. Lived in the X century Prince Vladimir is considered the Baptizer of Rus, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is recognized as a Saint. His son, Yaroslav the Wise in the Russian Orthodox Church, revered as a Prince. When Yaroslav the Wise was compiled the first code of laws of ancient law

Rock musicians called the death of Chuck berry the end of an era

Chuck Berry A number of rock musicians expressed his condolences in connection with death of one of the founders of rock-n-roll of Chuck berry, reports Rolling Stone. So, guitarists of the rock band the Rolling Stones Keith Richards and Ronnie wood called the death of Barry the end of an era. Their leader Mick Jagger said that berry had a huge impact. “He was not only a brilliant guitarist and performer, but, most importantly, he was a professional composer. His songs will live forever,” — said the musician. “I want to thank Barry for the music he gave us. He highlighted our teenage years, and breathed life into our dream of being musicians,” added the contractor. The founders and lead singer of the rock band the Beach Boys Brian Wilson said that berry has inspired musicians. “He will be missed by all who love rock-n-roll,” he wrote on Twitter. Rock

Trump called Putin “a tough nut”

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump called the Russian leader Vladimir Putin “a tough nut to crack” in the TV channel Fox News. This description is picked up in response to the request to describe the policy in a nutshell. “I don’t know him, but he’s definitely a tough nut to crack. Don’t know what it is for Russia, but one day, I guess we’ll find out,” said the Republican. While his former rival in the presidential election, Hillary Clinton, he described in one word — “disappointed”. February 7, trump said that it does not conduct business in Russia and knows Putin. February 4 in an interview with Fox News, the Republican spoke about the respect to the Russian President. In late February, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Ryabkov announced the beginning of preparation for the meeting, trump and Putin. Subsequently, the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov,

North Korea announced the test of a powerful rocket engine

Kim Jong-UN North Korea testing a powerful new rocket engine at the military base, Tanchan. On Sunday, March 19, Reuters reports, citing local media. This was attended by DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN. As noted, we are talking about the engine for long-range missiles. The North Korean leader called successfully tested the “new birth” of the rocket industry of the country. According to him, North Korea is close to a test launch of an Intercontinental ballistic missile. Kim Jong UN added that “the whole world will soon witness a significant event”. On 6 March, the DPRK launched in Japan four ballistic missiles, medium-range, three of them fell within the Japanese exclusive economic zone. Pyongyang said that the purpose of the trials was to test attacks on us bases in Japan. The President of the United States Donald trump criticized the behavior of the authorities of the DPRK, and the Secretary of

WSJ learned about concealing Flynn contacts with Russian student

Michael Flynn A former adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump on national security Michael Flynn hid from the Pentagon that the meeting with the student, with the Russian-British citizenship, in the UK in 2014. On Saturday, March 18, the newspaper the Wall Street Journal. We are talking about Svetlana lokhova from, which studied the history of the Russian secret services and worked for some time at a branch of Sberbank in London, reports TASS. Flynn met her at the seminar on security issues in February 2014. At that time he held the position of Director of the Intelligence Department of the Ministry of defense (DIA). As noted, Flynn would inform the command about the meeting with the representative “be unfriendly to the United States, as Russia”. Representative Flynn Price Floyd confirmed the meeting, however, he noted that it was random and didn’t mean anything wrong. Each

The boy drowned in the well at the airport while his parents jump with a parachute

Eight-year-old boy drowned in the well at the airport in the suburbs, while his parents were jumping with a parachute. On Saturday, March 18, according to TV channel REN TV. The incident occurred at a private airfield in the village of Bolshoe Gryzlovo. Children during a gathering of skydivers were playing with a flying saucer. When the toy fell into the fire pit, one of the boys climbed to reach her, but fell and drowned. Investigatory management of investigatory Committee of Russia across the Moscow region initiated a probe into the incident.

Kobzon sang in Sevastopol “Victory Day”

In Sevastopol, thousands of people gathered on the Nakhimov square on the anniversary of joining the Peninsula to Russia. On Saturday, March 18, according to the portal “Our Crimea. News”. Before the residents were made by the representatives of the city authorities and deputies of the state Duma. People’s artist of the USSR, first Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on culture Iosif Kobzon has sung a song “Victory Day”. “This long-awaited event, this life-changing event for each of us, for each of Sevastopol, for every Russian citizen”, — quotes ForPost words acting gubernatora of Sevastopol Dmitry Ovsyannikov. “We ask, how many fathers do. Fathers as much as on this area. Fathers as much as it to the polls. All the camp was supported this decision”, — quotes the Agency “Federal press”. The Deputy of Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol Alexey Chaly, in turn, noted that all the inhabitants of the

Kadyrov has described the decision of the court of justice on the hijab as “a covert war with religion”

Ramzan Kadyrov The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov criticized the decision of the European court, which allowed employers to introduce employees to the ban on the wearing of hijab and other religious symbols. In his Instagram he called the incident “a hidden war, declared religions.” “In their opinion, restriction of religious freedoms will gradually lead to the refusal of young people to practice a religion. I’m sure the Muslims in Europe will say a decisive “No!” attempts to impose a complete ban on their religious rights! If you never wore the hijab, now to appear in them at work, at University, society… Convinced that the same attitude to the court will demonstrate to the representatives of other religions,” wrote the head of the region. He recalled that “in Nazi Germany, genocide was committed on a national basis”. “If you remain silent, there is no guarantee that it will not happen

Aksenov wanted to make Putin President for life

Sergey Aksenov The head of the Crimea Sergey Aksenov said that Vladimir Putin should be President for life. He told about it on air of TV channel “Russia 24”. The journalists asked him to clarify the recent statement about the monarchy. Aksenov said that the show was two hours and for some logical chain to build, it was necessary to look first to the entire program. According to the head of the Crimea, the conversation was not about changing the constitutional order, and the powers of the leader. “I gave some analogies that, for example, if our President Mr Putin in the Soviet Union led the process, I am confident that the Union would not have collapsed. If in tsarist Russia at that time was a man of such character — smart, strong, which hurts the country, too, could be some positive things,” — said the politician. March 14, Aksenov

Trump told about the “huge debts” in Germany before the US and NATO

Angela Merkel and Donald trump The US President Donald trump said that his meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel was a great success, despite “everything you’ve heard of the fake news”. About this American leader wrote on his Twitter page on Saturday, March 18. At the same time the head of state did not fail to point to the fact that Berlin is supposedly “owes huge sums of money, NATO and the United States.” According to him, the need to pay for “powerful and very expensive defense that we provide in Germany.” In this case, it probably is about the dissatisfaction trump the fact that NATO members do not fully fulfill the obligations of the financing of the Alliance. Currently, States cover about 70 percent of the cost of operating the organization. Meeting trump and Merkel took place on Friday, March 17, during the visit of Chancellor in the United