The monument to Prince Vladimir in Kiev was sprayed with red paint

Vandals poured red paint on the monument to Prince Vladimir the Great in Kiev. On Saturday, March 18, the employee reported the Ukrainian Institute of national memory, Olena Khaliman on his page in Facebook.

“So now is the monument to Volodymyr the Great. That in the minds of those who are “at war” with monuments, it is difficult to understand,” wrote Halimon. Your post it was accompanied by a photograph of the monument.

This is not the first time a monument to Vladimir the Great in Kiev, poured red paint. The last time the vandals did in September 2016.

Lived in the X century Prince Vladimir is considered the Baptizer of Rus, the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) is recognized as a Saint. His son, Yaroslav the Wise in the Russian Orthodox Church, revered as a Prince. When Yaroslav the Wise was compiled the first code of laws of ancient law — the so-called “Russian truth”.

The monument to Prince Vladimir is the oldest sculptural monument of Kyiv. It was built in 1853, is one of the symbols of the city.

