Media reported about the failure of the Turkish politicians to campaign in Germany before the referendum

Angela Merkel and Recep Tayyip Erdogan (Archive photo) Turkish policy will not participate in campaign speeches in Germany on the eve of the referendum on extension of presidential powers. On Tuesday, March 21, Wirtschaftswoche reported, citing the Union of European-Turkish Democrats, who had previously organized similar events. As notes the edition, many call the Union of European-Turkish Democrats “platform of the ruling Turkish party of justice and development party (AKP) in Europe”, in this case between the Union and the SGP has no official ties. German media reported earlier that Turkish leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan plans to visit this month to the eve of the plebiscite to address the Turks living in Germany. March 21, Volker Buthe, Vice-chair, headed by Angela Merkel of the Christian democratic Union, said that the Turkish President is an unwelcome guest in Germany. “Pretty (…) If he gets here, in my opinion, we should not

The UN has reported on forced return of thousands of refugees from Cameroon to Nigeria

Cameroonian authorities forced thousands of Nigerian refugees to return back to their homeland, despite a recent agreement between the two countries on the prevention of forced deportations. About it reports Reuters. According to the UN refugee Agency, the military of Cameroon have sent more than 2600 people against their will in North-East Nigeria, a region where there is a terrorist group “Boko Haram”. The representative of the Commissariat Babar Beams expressed concern about such actions. According to him, it is about the arbitrariness of the army command. Illegal repatriation indicate a lack of control over military structures of the state. Established in 2002, Boko Haram (in April 2015 she changed her name to “West African province of the Islamic state”) operates mainly in the territory of Nigeria. Supporters of the organization in favor of the introduction in the country of Sharia law and are fighting against Western influence. Over the

Britain refused to pay 50 billion pounds for Brexit

The Chancellor of the exchequer of great Britain Philip Hammond does not recognize the demands of Brussels to pay is 57.5 billion euros (50 billion pounds) for the state’s withdrawal from the European Union. This reports The Telegraph Thursday, March 21. According to the publication, members of the Cabinet of Ministers is strictly against the payment of such large sums for Brexit and intend to limit it to 3.45 billion euros (3 billion pounds). As stated by the Chancellor, Brussels overestimated the size of the expected amount in advance of negotiations with Britain. It was previously reported that the country’s withdrawal from the European Union would cost her 50 to 60 billion euros. This amount consists of already undertaken by the London long-term financial obligations, including pension contributions, working in the European Union to the British. The EU plans to demand payment of the full amount to the UK’s exit

Syrian rebels launched a new offensive in Damascus

The armed Syrian opposition groups attacked government forces controlled the neighborhood in the North-East of Damascus on Tuesday, March 21. About it reports Reuters. The representative of one of the rebel groups said that the operation started at 05.00 am local time (06.00 GMT). The aim of the attack was the district, which the rebels seized on Sunday, March 19, but was later forced to leave. According located in London Syrian Observatory for human rights, before the operation, the rebels had activated an explosive device planted in a car. Further, the militants advanced in the quarter of Jobar, located 2 kilometers to the East of the Old town. According to authorities, all the rebels belong to terrorist group “Frente al-Nusra”, which is now known under the name “Jabhat Fatah al-sham” (banned in Russia). The civil war in Syria lasts since 2011. In the confrontation involved government forces opposition forces Islamist

In Moscow refused to comment on rumors about Tillerson’s visit to Russia

Rex Tillerson The Russian Ministry of foreign Affairs has no plans to comment on the rumors about the visit of us Secretary of state Rex Tillerson in Moscow. About it the representative of the foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova wrote on Facebook. “At this point, neither confirm nor disprove the information not intend. But we definitely surprised by the constant leaks of sensitive information from Washington. Political elites in the US, it is time to understand: this is again the “Russian hackers” hacked into Department servers or information security threat the United States still is of American origin?” — wrote the diplomat. Earlier, Reuters, citing its sources reported that the head of the Department of state plans to skip scheduled for April 5-6 meeting of foreign Ministers of NATO countries to participate in the meeting of Chinese President XI Jinping and U.S. President Donald trump, and later to go to Russia.

Chinese archaeologists found treasures of the Ming dynasty

Chinese scientists found at the bottom of the Minjiang river in Sichuan province in southwest China, more than 10 thousand gold and silver items. About it reports “Xinhua”. The age of the finds is about 300 years. Except of precious metals, was found a large quantity of bronze coins and iron weapons — swords and daggers. As told by the archaeologists, according to several testimonies, about 1646, was floating in the river, a caravan consisting of thousands of boats, which was carrying all these treasures that belonged to the leader of the peasant uprising Zhang Sanjun. The ships were attacked and sunk by the troops of the Emperor. According to Chinese archaeologist Wang vey made finds are clear evidence of that historical event. On November 22 of last year in France in one of the houses in Evreux (Normandy) was discovered a hoard of gold coins and bars weighing about

The EU is concerned by the growing influence of Russia in Serbia

Russia is pursuing a policy of destabilization of the situation in Serbia, fearing the entry of the Balkan Republic into the European Union. In an interview with the newspaper Die Welt said the head of the European Parliament Committee on foreign Affairs David McAllister. “This gives us cause for great concern,” he explained. According to McAllister, Moscow is trying more and more to influence the media, political parties and civil society of Serbia. The MEP added that, in addition to Russia, to strengthen its influence in the Balkan region trying Turkey, China, Saudi Arabia and Qatar. McAllister noted that Brussels is the largest sponsor of Belgrade. The European Union plans to send Serbia financial assistance in the amount of 1.5 billion euros. According to the parliamentarian, the participation of the EU in the support of the Serbian civil society should be even more noticeable. “The Balkans is a volatile region

Macron warned France from rapprochement with Russia

Emmanuel Macron France should not come closer to Russia, she needs independence and working with European partners, said during a broadcast on the TV channel TF1 election debates presidential candidate of France, former Minister of economy Emmanuel macron. His words leads RIA Novosti. “We have with US a long story. Together we have built the world on the planet. Today I want to offer more independence. Not to get close to Mr. [Russian President Vladimir] Putin. I want to build independence with responsibility, with a real European policy,” said macron. The debate was attended by five candidates — the leader of the party “national front” marine Le Pen, the former Prime Minister of France Francois Fillon, the leader of movement “Forward,” Emmanuel macron, a former Minister of education, a representative of the Socialist party, Benoit Hamon and a representative of the extreme left Jean-Luc Mélenchon. According to a survey conducted

Ivanka trump will have an office in the White house and the access to secret information

Ivanka Trump The daughter of the President of the United States Donald trump, Ivanka trump, will get an office in the White house, Reuters reports citing the official representative of the administration. He confirmed that the 35-year-old daughter will trump their workplace in the West wing, as well as access to classified information and phone government communications. The official positions and salaries from Ivanka trump will not. She will help her husband, Jared Kushner, who is the chief Advisor to the President and regularly attends with his father-in-law. Previously, when it was announced about the work of Kushner in the White house, the White house said that Ivanka trump will not run in the residence of the father, and will placement your family in Washington. Since then, however, the President’s daughter is often present at events. Last Friday, March 17, she sat next to German Chancellor Angela Merkel when she

In Romania overturned bus with students

In Romania, an accident involving a bus carrying schoolchildren. On Monday, March 20, according to Stirile Pro TV. In the accident, 13 children were injured and were taken to the hospital where they have provided the necessary medical assistance. — Mediafax Top News (@mediafax) March 20, 2017, 08:53 The bus overturned on a highway in the County of Hunedoara in the West of the country. At the time of the incident in the car were 17 students aged 11 to 19 years. The alcohol content in the blood of 61-year-old driver amounted to 0.34 ppm. The man told police that from fatigue fell asleep at the wheel.