Tillerson called on the Senate to ratify the membership of Montenegro in NATO

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson called on the Senate to ratify the Protocol on the accession of Montenegro to NATO, noting that it “fully meets the interests of the United States.” This is stated in a letter to the Minister dated 7 March, according to Reuters. According to Tillerson, the membership of Montenegro in NATO will contribute to reforms, trade, security, and positive impact on the stability of neighbouring countries. The Agency notes that Moscow opposed the expansion of NATO. The delay in the ratification of the United States of the agreement on accession of Montenegro to NATO has raised questions about how will the administration of President Donald trump for a confrontation with Russia. Director of the European cooperation Department of Russian foreign Ministry Andrey Kelin said that to speak about Montenegro as a NATO member — is ridiculous, because this country does not meet the

The man died because of the explosion of vending machines for tickets at the station Dortmund

A resident of the German city of Dortmund was killed from the explosion of the station vending machine tickets. About it reports The Independent. The incident occurred on March 21 at two in the morning. “The preliminary investigation suggests that 31-year-old resident of Dortmund tried to hack the machine ticket yet unknown to us”, — said the police. The guards said that the explosion of the machine separated the front metal panel. She has caused the victim a serious head injury where he died after the arrival of the medics. Near the site of the incident another man — a friend of the deceased. He claims that were not related to illegal actions. In December 2015 citizen of Germany died trying to Rob a vending machine with condoms. He, along with his accomplices blew up the car, but was shot in the head with a metal shard.

Named the date of the meeting of NATO Secretary General with trump

Donald Trump NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg will meet with the President of the United States Donald trump in Washington April 12. It is reported TASS with reference to the press service of the Alliance. “The sides will discuss the importance of a strong NATO, which provides collective defence and projecting stability beyond its borders”, — reads the statement. As noted, this will be the first meeting between Stoltenberg and trump after the election of a Republican to the presidency. The NATO Secretary General is currently in Washington for a three-day visit. He arrived in the U.S. Monday, March 20. On Tuesday, Stoltenberg held talks with the head of the Pentagon by James Mattis. As he said at the end of the conversation, the Alliance is considering increasing its contribution to the US-led international coalition to combat the international terrorist group “Islamic state”. March 22, Stoltenberg will take part in

Fillon suspected fraud aggravated

Francois Fillon Candidate for President of the country Francois Fillon suspected fraud with aggravating circumstances and the use of forged documents. On Tuesday, March 21, the newspaper Le Monde. According to the publication, the national financial Prosecutor’s office on 16 March demanded the investigation to expand the case against the couple Fillon. The petition was granted, betrays RIA Novosti. The investigators find out, could wife to use forged documents to justify the wages of a politician’s wife, Penelope Fillon. To this conclusion, the newspaper said, investigators have come after studying of the documents found during the searches, which took place at the National Assembly in March. As specified, in various statements, signed by Penelope Fillon, and contains different data about working hours. On 17 March it was reported that investigators interested in the origin of several magnificent costumes, the purchase of which was paid for by an anonymous friend of

From envelope with white powder in Poland was hospitalized 11 people

Nine members of the court of the Polish city of Koszalin (West Pomeranian Voivodeship) and two police officers were hospitalized after opening of envelope containing white powder. It is reported by RMF24. They are all sent to the infectious Department of a local hospital. The package was received at the court on the morning of 21 March. After opening it found suspicious content. In an accompanying note mentioned that in other post the address of the court is explosive. “We made the decision to evacuate from the building all the occupants,” — said the representative of the municipal police Beata Galka. Only safe place was derived 180 people. Law enforcement officers cordoned off the area where the court is located, the place was called doctors. The contents of the package sent to the laboratory for testing. Earlier, on 21 March it was reported that Greek police managed to intercept eight

In Warsaw defiled the largest in Poland, the cemetery of Soviet soldiers

Poland’s largest cemetery for Soviet soldiers desecrated in Warsaw. It is reported TASS citing data from the Russian Embassy. The statement of the Embassy says that on the Central military cemetery of soldiers of the red army on the street Zwirki and Wigury committed an act of vandalism. On the steps near the sculpture group and the plates that are around the perimeter of the Central obelisk unknown put black paint 15 the images of the swastika, as well as the footprints of red on the background of the national flag of Israel. “Russian Ambassador to Poland sent a note to the Ministry of culture and national heritage and Ministry of foreign Affairs of the country, demanding the elimination of the Polish side effects of vandalism and punish those responsible”, — reads the statement of the Russian diplomatic mission. 24 December, the Russian foreign Ministry called “an act demonstrative of

Erdogan accused Europe of fascism and racism

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that after the referendum on extension of presidential powers, his country could reconsider its relations with the “fascist and violent” Europe. This statement he made on Tuesday, March 21, in his speech at the rally in Ankara, according to Reuters. “This Europe before the Second world war: racist, fascist, violent Europe. Anti-Islamic and anti-Turkish”, — quotes its “Russian service “bi-Bi-si””. He noted that the referendum will be the best answer Europe. The President also stressed that the authorities of the European Union (EU) will no longer be able to influence on Turkey under the pretext of its possible membership in the interstate Association. In addition, he added that he will admit into the country any European policy that they could not “conduct surveillance”. 21 March it was reported that Turkish policymakers refused to take part in campaign speeches in Germany on

Ayatollah Khamenei called feminism and gender equality of the Zionist conspiracy

Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei Ideas of equality and feminism — Zionist conspiracy. This was stated by the Supreme leader (Rahbar) Ayatollah Khamenei, his word, reports The Independent. “Turning women into a commodity and an object for satisfaction, which occurs in the West, is likely one of the Jewish conspiracy for the destruction of society,” — said the Iranian leader. He added that Western thinkers advocated the equality of the sexes and feminism, already regret the disorder, which the public brought their ideas. Khamenei said that the ideal woman is Fatima, daughter of prophet Muhammad. The publication notes that, according to Iranian news agencies, the Supreme leader expressed hope that the Iranians, raising the question of equality, don’t base your views on Western misconceptions. In Iran there are strict rules regarding behavior of women: for example, on 19 January arrested a female bodybuilder, which published photos from the gym. July 29,

In the Netherlands declared the winner of parliamentary elections

Mark Rutte The Central election Committee of the Netherlands published the official figures of the elections to the Parliament held on 15 March. Won “people’s party for freedom and democracy” (WD), headed by the current Prime Minister mark Rutte, which got 33 seats out of 150. In second place is the “Party of freedom” (PW) led by Geert Wilders, which delegates to the legislature of 20 members. Followed by the party “Democrats 66” and “Christian democratic appeal”, which received 19 seats. Only the country’s Parliament passed the 13 parties and associations, which is the highest figure since 1972. In addition, it was recorded a high turnout on polling stations came more than 85 percent of the eligible voting population.

The interior Minister of France resigned from-for scandal with the employment of daughters

Bruno Le Roux The Minister of internal Affairs of France, Bruno Le Roux resigned from his post in connection with the scandal connected with illegal employment of his daughters. It is reported BFMTV. According to the channel, Le Roux took this decision after consultations with President Francois Hollande and Prime Minister Bernard Kaznenom. New interior Minister appointed Matthias Fekl, who previously held the post of Minister of foreign trade, the development of tourism and for the Affairs of compatriots. On March 21, the financial prosecutors in France opened a preliminary investigation against the official. The case opened to verify the information published in the newspaper Quotidien (“day after Day”) that Le Roux was employed his daughters as helpers at a time when I was a member of the national Assembly (the lower house of Parliament) in the period from 2009 to 2016. At the time of signing the first employment