Media reported the evacuation of visitors from the Gherkin building in London

In London evacuated visitors of the 40-storey gherkin, which is due to the shape called “Cucumber”. On Thursday, March 23, according to City A. M. — tristan (@tristanpc) March 23, 2017, 09:14 According to police, the fire alarm went off. Currently, rescuers inspect a building. The message on smoke arrived at 08:36 local time (11:36 MSK). It is noted that 33 of the floor is occupied by offices. The gherkin received its nickname because of the unusual shape and glass green. After the terrorist attack in London, the emergency services of the city work in the strengthened mode. March 22 at about 14:40 local time (17:40 GMT) a car heading across Westminster bridge, drove on the sidewalk, knocked down there’s a few people and drove to the Parliament building. There the offender was stopped by police. One of the guards he was stabbed but he was shot by another police

Fillon accused the President of abuse of power

Francois Fillon The candidate in presidents of France Francois Fillon accused President Francois Hollande that he is abusing their position, contributes to incriminating leaks to prevent his election. About it reports Reuters. Fillon, in particular, pointed to the fact that the government-controlled Newspapers received the documents 48 hours after their seizure during the search in his office in the National Assembly. “Who gives them these documents?” — it asked a question. When Fillon asked who, in his opinion, is responsible for this — these or those politicians or the justice system, the candidate said: “I will go much further, I blame the President of the Republic.” In response, the Elysee Palace stated that Hollande “the most severe condemnation of the false accusations of the Fillon”. “The Executive has never interfered in any judicial process and was always committed to the strict independence of the judiciary”, — said in a statement.

In Florida have detained 75-year-old deserter during the war in Vietnam

Linley Benson Lemburg In the U.S. state of Florida arrested a 75-year-old Linley Benson of Lemburg (Linley Benson Lemburg), accused of desertion from the Armed forces of the United States during the war in Vietnam. On it informs TV channel Fox News. For a long time, former military lived under an assumed name, William Michael Robertson (William Robertson Michael). As the date of birth he indicated on 29 August 1951, notes News4jax. For a long time Lemburg could not find, however law enforcement officers managed to establish the whereabouts of the men. The police opened the door his wife, who was shocked to learn the truth about her husband. Limburg during the arrest offered no resistance. Men were fingerprinted and sent him in for questioning. According to the channel, he went AWOL in 1972 to avoid being sent to the war in Vietnam. USA participated in potriveasca conflict from 1965

The IG has claimed responsibility for the attack in London

Terrorist organization “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) has claimed responsibility for the attack in London. About it reports Reuters with reference to the news Agency militants Amaq. “By yesterday’s attacks in front of the British Parliament in London — soldiers of the “Islamic state”, and he spent his operation, inspired by the calls to attack civilians in coalition countries”, — reported in the Amaq. Earlier on 22 March it was reported that the attack committed near the building of the British Parliament in the capital, killing four, including a policeman and an alleged terrorist. About 20 people were injured. On Wednesday evening, March 22, in Central London were a series of attacks. As eyewitnesses told, on Westminster bridge a car ran over five people, then proceeded to the Parliament building. There car was stopped by police. Who was in the cabin the man stabbed him and was shot

The American General said about a possible Russian aid to the Taliban

Curtis Scaparotti The commander of the United armed forces of NATO in Europe American General Curtis Scaparotti (Curtis Scaparrotti) said about the growing Russian influence on the group “Taliban” (banned in Russia). About it reports Reuters. During the hearings in the Senate, senior military did not rule out that Moscow may provide traffic assistance. Terrorist group, the Taliban controls large areas of Afghanistan. From 1996 to 2001 the Taliban were in power. The overthrow of the regime contributed to the United States, which began in Afghanistan a military operation after the attacks of 11 September 2001. The Taliban have intensified after most NATO troops by December 2014 left Afghan territory. However, in the country remain 13 thousand soldiers and officers of the Alliance. Their withdrawal from Afghanistan, the Taliban called the main condition for beginning peace talks with official Kabul.

The number of victims of the terrorist attacks in London has reached four

The man died, wounded in the attack at the building of the British Parliament on Wednesday, March 22. About it reports Reuters with reference to police. The fourth victim offender became a 75-year-old man, who was treated at the hospital. The crime was committed on Wednesday afternoon. 52-year-old Khalid Masud on the car hit people on Westminster bridge and drove to the Parliament building. There car was stopped by police. The terrorist stabbed him and was killed by another lawman. Among the five dead — he is a criminal and a COP. In the investigation eight persons have been arrested, they are suspected of preparing to commit terrorist acts. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the terrorist group “Islamic state”, banned in Russia.

In Belgrade set a shot down American aircraft Soviet air defense system

In the Military Museum of Belgrade on the eve of the 18th anniversary of the start of NATO bombing was a Soviet anti-aircraft missile system (AAMS) s-125 “Neva”. On Thursday, March 23, reports TASS with reference to the National broadcaster of Serbia RTS. The Soviet air defense system during the military campaign of NATO in 1999, shot down an American stealth aircraft F-117 “Stealth”. In the opening ceremony of the new exhibit was attended by the state Secretary of the Ministry of defence of Serbia, as well as several other high-ranking military officials of the country and the soldiers who shot down US aircraft. The NATO military operation against Yugoslavia began on 24 March 1999 and lasted 78 days. According to the Alliance, aviation unit made 38 thousand sorties, over 10 thousand of them were committed with the aim of bombing attacks. According to Belgrade, the victims of the attacks

British police announced the arrest of 8 suspected of preparing terrorist attacks

All eight men arrested after Wednesday, March 22, the attack occurred at the building of the British Parliament, are suspected of preparing terrorist attacks. About it reports Reuters with a reference to the London police. Operational events are held in several locations in Wales, Birmingham and East London. The investigation involved hundreds of detectives. In the course of several attacks in Central London, which were classified as terrorist attacks, four people were killed, including the perpetrator himself and the police. 52-year-old Khalid Masud on the car hit people on Westminster bridge and drove to the Parliament building. There car was stopped by police. The terrorist stabbed him and was eliminated by another militiaman. Responsibility for the attack claimed by the terrorist group “Islamic state”, banned in Russia.

In Montenegro prevented the murder of the Prosecutor in the case of the coup

Milivoje Catnic Montenegro special services managed to prevent the assassination of the Prosecutor of Milivoje Katica (Milivoja Katnića) investigating the case on the coup attempt in the country. About it reports RTCG. In a joint operation conducted by the national security Agency and the police Department were detained by the Serb. It is noted that he has agreed to cooperate with the investigation. Information about the crime was received by members of the local intelligence from colleagues from abroad. As explained sources of the TV channel, the authorities took the decision to strengthen the protection of attorney Katica. In particular, it has provided armored car. February 22, the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova accused the Montenegrin authorities in unwinding the anti-Russian campaign in connection with allegations Podgorica to Moscow in organizing the coup attempt. Two days earlier, the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said that the accusations are

In Antwerp, prevented an attempted terrorist attack

In the Belgian city of Antwerp prevented the attack. It is reported by Law enforcement officials managed to seize a car with French plates, inside discovered explosives and weapons. The car attracted the attention of a patrol, slipped on a red light on one of the intersections. The vehicle was later discovered on one of the Parking lots. The Parking lot is cordoned off by the police at the place of work technicians. As reported by the local police chief Serge Myiter (Serge Muyters), after a brief chase, the driver was detained in the city centre. He is a citizen of France, North African, his name is not called. On 9 March in the Belgian town of Wevelgem (West-Flanders) it was detained 24-year-old woman suspected of aiding terrorists. “Intelligence data indicates that this woman was ready to provide assistance to people who were planning to commit a terrorist attack