Employee of the state Department was accused of concealing the receipt of gifts from the Chinese

The building of the U.S. Department of state In the USA the employee of the Department of state is charged with making false statements to the FBI about interaction with a foreign intelligence agent. This was reported on the website of the American Ministry of justice. According to authorities, 60-year-old Candace Mary Claiborne who have access to classified information not reported on their contacts with Chinese intelligence agents, who provided her and her family a variety of gifts and services to tens of thousands of dollars. Speech, in particular, cash, iPhone, portable computer, gifts for the Chinese New year, food, tours, teaching in a Chinese school fashion, a fully furnished apartment and monthly stipend. The official is accused of obstructing an investigation, which resulted in the concealment of these relations. According to the prosecution, after they become known in the state Department and the FBI, Claiborne instructed his accomplices to

The Russian foreign Ministry snubbed the Ambassador of Spain in Ukraine

Gerardo Bugallo Ottone Moscow considers unacceptable the statements of the Ambassador of Spain in Kiev Gerardo Bugallo Ottone against Russia, its President, as well as the settlement in the South-East of Ukraine. This is stated in the comments of the Department of information and press of the Russian foreign Ministry published on the Ministry website. “We believe that making peremptory and biased statements, the representative of Spain in Kiev, not only went far beyond his official status, but opposed himself to the official position of the leadership of their own country”, — the document says. The foreign Minister noted that the Kingdom “had balanced positions with all bilateral contacts at a high level expresses the desire to reduce the confrontation between the EU and Russia.” The Ministry stressed that especially unacceptable are the words of the alleged serializenode of the Minsk agreements, the necessity of which no one doubts as

Media reported about the elimination of the Minister of health IG

Mosul The soldiers of the Federal police of Iraq eliminated the Minister of health of the group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia), Abu Shu’ayb sa’ad (Abu Shoeib Saad). On Wednesday, March 29, according to Iraqi News, citing a commander of the military structure of Jawdat shaker (Shaker Jawdat). According to him, Shu’ayb was shot in the Old city of Mosul. Along with him were killed “countless number of his comrades.” Jawdat also noted that the forces of the Federal police since February, fought off the terrorists about 330 square kilometers in the West of Mosul. Earlier on March 29, it became known that the Iraqi forces besieged the mosque an-Nuri, where in 2014, the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared the Caliphate, and himself named Caliph. Ground operation in Mosul, a stronghold of the Islamic state in Iraq, began in October 2016. In January-February of 2017, Iraqi

Merkel called the condition of his resignation

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel may resign in case if the need to compromise on the job will lead to a “considerable deformation of the person”. The head of the German government stated at the presentation of the former Minister of justice Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger called “Position is power” (Haltung ist Stärke), writes Die Welt. Merkel said that politicians always have to wonder how far he would go in search of a compromise. While the Chancellor declined to name, noting that he is not going to resign. 24 September, Germany will hold elections to the Bundestag. The favorite of the race is considered the Christian democratic Union (CDU) of Angela Merkel. In case of victory she would become Chancellor of Germany for the fourth time in a row. Merkel is head of the German government since 2005. Serious competition to the CDU are the social Democrats, led by Martin Schulz,

Estonian authorities accused the hackers from Russia to cyber espionage

The Department of cyber security Estonia has accused hackers from Russia in the attack on the largest enterprise of the country oil shale processing — Viru Keemia Grupp (VKG). The statement Wednesday, March 29, quotes the edition of Postimees. According to him, in 2016, in computer networks VKG was discovered suspicious activity in one of the appendices. In the subsequent checking, cybersecurity experts discovered the Mimikatz program that can be used to retrieve from RAM computers unencrypted passwords. In addition, it was discovered the app, which Mimikatz operated with a remote server and passed to it the data is extracted. According to the publication, the investigation revealed that the attack is probably connected with the group APT28, also known as Fancy Bear, which is accused of links with the Main intelligence Directorate of the General staff of the Armed forces of the Russian Federation. On the GitHub site where programmers

Tusk bored on leaving the EU the UK

Donald Tusk The head of the European Council Donald Tusk said that he sees no reason to consider the date of start Brexit happy either in Brussels or in London. On Wednesday, March 29, according to Reuters. “Now, there’s six pages. Notice from the Prime Minister, Theresa may, formally signifying the negotiations on the country’s withdrawal from the European Union (…) Most Europeans, including almost half of British voters wanted to remain together and not dispersed (…) What else can I add? We miss you already”, — he said. Earlier on March 29, the UK’s permanent representative to the EU Tim barrow gave the head of the European Council Donald Tusk, a letter of withdrawal from the European Union, signed by the Prime Minister and Theresa may, which means the official start Brexit. According to the rules specified in the 50th article of the Lisbon Treaty, the member state wishing

Germany has urged Britain not to become Tunisia for the EU

One of the representatives of the German Federal Bank (Bundesbank) said that if Britain will go the way of “hard Brexit”, its status will fall to the level of third countries. About it reports on Wednesday, March 29, The Local. “When negotiations on the country’s withdrawal from the European Union over relations with the EU Britain have such status, as, for example, of Tunisia,” said Joachim Wuermeling (Joachim Wuermeling). He warned that the operations between the British and other European financial markets after Brexit will be much more difficult if certain procedures are agreed during the two-year transition period. Wermeling added that, for example, the United States signed with the EU 16, Japan — 17 the necessary agreements on the financial equivalence obligations. Britain has yet to do. Earlier on March 29, the UK’s permanent representative to the EU Tim barrow gave the head of the European Council Donald Tusk,

The Iraqi army laid siege to the “birthplace” of the IG

Soldiers of the Iraqi army besieged the mosque an-Nuri in Mosul. About it reports BBC News. It was there in 2014, the head of the terrorist group “Islamic state” Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi declared a Caliphate, and appointed himself Caliph. The footage, published, show that the minaret of the mosque still waving the black banner c part of the shahada and the seal of the prophet Mohammed, jihadists use as a flag. The publication reports that the army managed to capture the stadium al-Malab, and the elite troops advance deep into the Old town. Operation in the Western part of Mosul from October 2016 takes place with the participation of aviation of the international coalition led by the United States. However, due to the increased number of victims among the civilian population, the Iraqi security forces on 28 March decided to temporarily stop moving forward. It was reported that the Iraqi

The civilian was walking down the street with his head cut off ex-wife

In the Israeli city of Tiberias on Wednesday, March 29, arrested the man, who was walking down the street with his head cut off ex-wife. It is reported by The Jerusalem Post. According to the newspaper, the charred body of a woman who was about 30 years old, found in her apartment after the fire. As noted, the prisoner — an ultra-Orthodox Jew. He is suspected of murder and arson. Writes to Ynetnews, a man in bloody clothes first walked down the street with his head and then threw it in the trash. After that, he returned to the crime scene — the apartment of the former wife and set fire to it. According to neighbors, last suspect had mental problems. In January, the compulsory treatment sent the nanny Gulchehra Bobokulov, decapitated four-year-old girl in Moscow. In February 2016 the woman dealt with a child, and then set fire to

The Americans in the court demanded the right to make a daughter of Allah

An American couple from Georgia demanded the state government to allow them to give their daughter the name of Allah. About it reports The Telegraph. “Let’s just say we have our own understanding of how to name the child. We don’t want to go into details: they are unimportant. It is important what the law says and what our parental rights,” said Bilal, Walk, the father of the child. According to him, the name Allah is noble. A lawsuit in state court on their behalf filed a human rights organization American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Parents, Valk and his wife Elizabeth handy — demanded that the daughter’s name was Saliha Fertile Lorrain Allah (ZalyKha Graceful Lorraina Allah). The authorities denied: state law, the child’s name should be inherited from one parent, or be a combination of parental names. In the ACLU explained that the prohibition to determine the name of