British airports and nuclear power plants is prescribed to strengthen protection against terrorist attacks

Heathrow Airport In the UK, to airports and nuclear power plants is prescribed to strengthen the protection against terrorist attacks because of increasing threats to electronic security. About this newspaper The Telegraph. For the last day intelligence agencies have issued a series of notifications, warning that terrorists may have developed methods that bypass security systems. They point out that Islamic state and other terrorist groups have developed ways of laying explosives in laptops and mobile phones that may allow you to pass checks at airports. Also, there are fears that hackers working for terrorists who might try to circumvent security of nuclear power plants. Intelligence agencies warn that terrorists, foreign spies and “hacktivists” will seek to exploit vulnerabilities in the protection industry. As previously reported, American intelligence agencies believe that ISIS and other extremist groups have developed a new way to install explosive devices in different gadgets, which they can’t

Nurmagomedov told about his dream

Khabib Nurmagomedov The Russian fighter of the mixed style (MMA) Khabib Nurmagomedov admitted that his biggest sports dream is to land a fight with American Tony Ferguson. His words leads “Match TV”. “Still in the childhood dreamed about something. For me now this dream — to improve their health and to go against Tony Ferguson, because it’s my fault there are so many angry and frustrated fans. I had to make weight, not once in the hospital, and to conduct this fight,” said Nurmagomedov. According to 28-year-old Russian, he won’t come in the octagon until September to do so before he will allow health. “Fight number one for me is Tony Ferguson and I really wish he hadn’t lost,” — said Nurmagomedov. The fight with Nurmagomedov Ferguson had to pass on March 5 in Las Vegas at the UFC 209. The fight did not take place due to emergency hospitalization

Bob Dylan received a diploma and medal of the Nobel prize

Bob Dylan American singer-songwriter Bob Dylan received a diploma and medal of the Nobel prize, reports Associated Press with reference to the member of the Swedish Academy Class Ostergren. According to him, Dylan received the award during a short meeting, which was held in the afternoon on Saturday, April 1, in a hotel near the Convention centre, where Dylan later gave a concert. The ceremony was held in a narrow range in accordance with the wishes of the singer. It was attended by only the members of the Academy and the staff of Dylan. The evaluation of the other members of the Academy, Dylan was pleased with the resulting award. During his speech he, however, did not mention about it. In addition to the two concerts in Stockholm, Dylan will also play in the South-Western Lund April 9th. In order to receive a cash prize of 8 million crowns (894

Son of Mr. Yevtushenko and a friend of the family told about the last hours of the poet’s life

Yevgeny Yevtushenko The poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko died of cancer. This was reported by RIA Novosti, the family friend Michael Morgulis. According to him, the poet had cancer in an irreversible form. “After studying the tests doctors gave him three months to live, but he lived less than a month,” said Morgulis. “Last night I talked to him. He asked me to tell him something important. I told him that he lived a great life, which has done a lot for the people of God, celebrating the victory of the spirit. And he said to me: “I would like to make between America and Russia was at peace that we were friends and everyone in these countries were happy”,” — said the Agency interlocutor. He added: “We talked about good and evil.” “Evgeny asked to pray, I asked God to show mercy to him, and if he leaves it to be

Essay for kids “terrible Bolshevist power” on gossie caused a scandal

Yuri Afonin Interpretation of events related to the revolution of 1917, on the website “Russian symbolism”, that calls itself “the official state resource,” has caused a mixed reaction in the network because of the extremely sharp epithets against the Bolsheviks in the article for children. In this case, after the Deputy’s request, the website stopped working. At the end of March, bloggers drew attention to the material “essay on the history of Russian coat of arms for children,” the unnamed author of which claimed, inter alia, that in 1917 “the revolutionaries or the Bolsheviks” got enemies money and weapons and made a revolution, destroyed the army, “the best people” “killed or expelled from Russia”, “seized power, began to Rob people, weak to hurt all that was good in Russia, to destroy”. According to the author, the Bolsheviks were “so cruel as no one ever anywhere in the world.” “Nobody was

PSG won the French League Cup

Edison Cavani In Paris PSG beat Monaco in the final of the French League Cup and won the title. About it the correspondent “”. The meeting was held on Saturday, April 1, and ended with the victory of the Parisians with the score 4:1. For PSG was scored by Julian draxler (4th minute), angel Di Maria (44th) and Edison Cavani (54-I, 90-I). In the “Monaco” distinguished Volume of Lemar (27). PSG won the French League Cup for the 7th time in history. Before Parisians became winners of the trophy in 1995, 1998, 2008, 2014, 2015 and 2016. Monaco reached the final of the Cup for the third time, but was victorious only once — in the season 2002/03.

In Colombia landslide killed hundreds of people

In landslide in southwest Colombia killed at least 154 people, reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the province of Putumayo. Heavy rains caused the overflow of rivers and soil movement. The flow of mud and rocks fell on houses and cars in the settlements. According to the latest information, killed 154 people and injured more than 200, however, these data do not take into account the number of missing persons. Search-and-rescue operation continues, it involved more than a thousand soldiers and police. Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos flew to the provincial capital city of Mocoa, in order to control the actions of the rescuers and victim assistance.

The international coalition pleaded guilty in the deaths of 400 civilians in Iraq and Syria

United States-led international coalition pleaded guilty in the death of at least 396 civilians in the years 2014-2017 in Iraq and Syria to the air strikes. This is stated in the statement of the Association, RIA Novosti reported. Also in a coalition called 15 credible reports of deaths of civilians as a result of the March bombing during the storming of Mosul and five messages about the death of civilians in February in Iraq and Syria. In late March, the US Army said that the attack on civilians in the Iraqi city of Mosul, which killed nearly 200 people, most likely, were made by American aircraft. “If we really did it — there is reason to believe that this is so — it was an unintentional accident, which occurred during the war,” said Lieutenant General Stephen Townsend, commander of the international operation against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG banned

In Paris suburb explosion

In the commune of Villepinte in the suburbs of Paris explosion. According to preliminary information, it is not a terrorist act but an accident, reports the Express. The incident occurred at 17:30 local time (18:30 GMT) during carnival. The participants were supposed to torch made of straw and wood effigy, but in this moment explosion was distributed. Injured about 30 people, they provide health care. At the scene working police officers and rescue workers. March 16 at the Paris office of the International monetary Fund blew up the package. One person was injured, his injury was assessed as minor. The building itself was not damaged.

Condemned in the USA for the Russian espionage released early

Citizen of Russia Evgeny Buryakov, who was convicted in 2016 for espionage in favor of Moscow, paroled from Federal prison in Alton, Ohio. It is reported TASS with reference to representatives of the penitentiary. The Russian was released on Friday, March 31, said the news Agency. In may 2016 Buryakov, an employee of the representative office of Vnesheconombank in new York, was sentenced to 2.5 years of imprisonment, he read held under arrest for 16 months. It was reported that at the end of the prison term he should be deported. The banker was charged with work in the USA, as agent of the foreign intelligence Service (SVR) under informal cover. He pleaded guilty in that he acted as a foreign agent without notifying the local authorities. According to the investigation, Buryakov and two other Russians Igor Sporyshev and Viktor Such — to gather economic and other intelligence information.