In the government of Israel sent an envelope with an unknown powder

The staff of the office of the government of Israel found in one received in the mail envelope unknown white powder. It is reported by the radio station Reshet Bet. Four people exposed to the substance, was hospitalized with complaints of mild discomfort. On the scene and called emergency services. 21 March it was reported that nine members of the court of the Polish city of Koszalin (West Pomeranian Voivodeship) and two police officers were hospitalized after opening of envelope containing white powder. They were all placed in infectious branch of local hospital. On the same day it became known that the Greek police managed to intercept eight parcels with explosives, which was intended to send European politicians and heads of multinational corporations.

Exhausted body the Russians found in a suitcase in an Italian port

The body of a Russian citizen found in the suitcase at the port of the Italian city of Rimini. It is reported by the Italian version of the publication Huffington Post. Itself the find was made on March 27, however, to identify the dead only managed 3 APR. The body was discovered by local fishermen: they noticed the rocking on the waves of the suitcase, dragged it into the boat, opened it and saw inside wrapped in a plastic bag badly decomposed body of a woman. The coroner noted the strong depletion of the deceased. “She looked like through the concentration camps took place,” — quoted by BBC News in March, people familiar with the situation of the investigators. Police suggest that suffering from anorexia, a woman could die of natural causes, but then someone tried to get rid of the body, stick it in a suitcase and throwing in

The number of victims of “gas attacks” in Syria has risen to 58

At least 58 people have died from “poison gas” that was used during an air RAID on the Syrian opposition controlled town of Khan shaykhun. About it reports Reuters with reference to the statement by the London-based Syrian Observatory for human rights. According to the Saudi TV channel Al Arabiya, the speech can go about 100 dead and 400 injured. About the “gas attack” became known earlier, on April 4: the opposition accused it of force of government troops. In Damascus said that the army did not use and not to use chemical weapons on the battlefield. Twitter account Conflict News published photos from the scene. The Syrian government previously denied using chemical weapons in the civil war. However, created with the support of the UN Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) has concluded that Syrian government troops in the period from 2014 to 2015 used chlorine at

Lavrov called vile words about the connection of the terrorist attack in St. Petersburg with the operation in Syria

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov called cynical and cowardly reasoning some media reports that the attack in Saint-Petersburg is the revenge for Moscow’s actions in Syria. It is reported by RT. He said that terrorists and terrorism has no nationality. “It is unacceptable to find the connection to the origin of man and his religious beliefs. Terrorism is a crime against all humanity and all religions,” added the Minister. Lavrov’s words were a response to the statement of the analyst of CNN on terrorism Krukshenk Floor. In his opinion, Russia has become the main objective of the global jihadis for action in Syria. “[Moscow] had a lot of air strikes on Syria, which killed a lot of innocent Sunnis. This has incensed the global Jihad movement, but also led them to a large-scale action” — said Crushing. 3 APR in subway of Saint-Petersburg the

Britain and Spain argued over Gibraltar

Theresa May London and Madrid argued over the future of the British enclave of Gibraltar. About it reports Reuters. “The sovereignty of Britain over Gibraltar remains unchanged and will not change without the explicit intentions of the people of Gibraltar and the United Kingdom — said the foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson at a meeting with European counterparts in Luxembourg. Therefore, changes should not wait”. Earlier, Prime Minister Theresa may has announced that it will not conduct any negotiations about the possible return of Gibraltar to another state as long as it does not want the people themselves, but the defense Minister of Britain Michael Fallon has promised that the country will defend the enclave by all means possible. The former Conservative party leader Michael Howard reminded the Spaniards of the Falkland conflict, when “the other woman Prime Minister sent an assault force across the world to defend the

Due to the alleged gas attack on Syrian city killed 18 people

At least 18 people were killed in the Syrian city of Khan shaykhun because of the alleged gas attack. On it informs BBC News referring to the located in London Syrian Observatory for human rights. Khan shaykhun is held by forces of the Syrian opposition, which blames the incident on the government troops. According associated with the opposition Orient News portal, dead could be more than 40 and injured around 200. “The planes of Assad inflicted air strikes three. During one of them used poison gas. The symptoms that we see are not caused by chlorine poisoning — is affected saliva”, — said one of the fighters of the opposition of the militia. Twitter account Conflict News published photos from the scene. Damascus denies using chemical weapons in the civil war, however, the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons has concluded that Syrian government forces used chlorine at least

Love in India proved to be deadly terrorist

Love in India was the cause of more than 38 thousand deaths between 2000 and 2015, overtaking terrorism. It is reported by The Times of India. According to the publication, in the official police reports love can be listed as the cause of murder or suicide. At the same time over the same period, terrorist acts claimed the lives of 20 thousand Indians. According to official statistics, partly because of the love occurred 79 thousand suicides. In addition, “because marriage” in the country also made 260 thousand of the abduction of women. “To understand this surge of violence that hinder the freedom of choice in matters of marriage, we must understand the Patriarchal society and the caste system”, — said the publication of Professor Mind Chakravarti who study gender roles. According to him, the rigid social structure of India can survive only by violence against those who question the Patriarchal

Trump donated part of their salaries to the National Park service

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump donated a part of the quarterly salary of the head of state of the National Park service (NPS). As reported on Monday, April 3, TASS, this was stated by White house spokesman Sean Spicer According to him, the donation was 78 333 USD. “Trump is proud to have transferred the earnings for the first quarter of the NTC,” he said, handing the cheque to the Minister of internal Affairs Ryan Zinke. March 13, Spicer reported that trump will be donating the presidential salary to charity and asked the journalists to help him to choose the recipient. The salary of the President of the United States is 400 thousand dollars a year, in addition, the White house has the right to dispose of the account that you got 50 thousand dollars for personal expenses annually. In addition, he has a Fund

17-year-old American confessed to preparing the assassination of the Pope

17-year-old U.S. citizen Santos colon (Santos Colon), pleaded guilty that, as a teenager, had planned the assassination attempt on Pope Francis. On Monday, April 3, reported on the website of the American Ministry of justice. In the communique it is said that living in the city Lindenwold (new Jersey) American had intended to carry out his plan, when, in September 2015, the Pope will visit Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). According to him, he thought over the attack from 30 June to 24 August 2015. The teenager was going to buy explosives to make bombs and set them around the city. In addition, he tried to hire a sniper to kill Francis at mass. However, the candidate turned out to be an undercover employee of the Federal Bureau of investigation. In 2015, FBI agents arrested the Colon. Under U.S. law, he faces imprisonment for up to 15 years and a fine of 250

Trump has promised to address the issue of the DPRK in the event of inaction on the part of China

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with The Financial Times said that the United States will take the nuclear issue of North Korea, if China is not going to do that. “China has a huge influence on North Korea, and she must decide whether to help us with North Korea or not. If they decide to help, it will be good for China, if they do not, nobody will be well,” he said. This statement trump made ahead of the meeting with the Chinese leader XI Jinping, to be held on Thursday, April 6, in Florida. As noted by The South China Morning Post, Sunday, April 2, U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, said: “China is the only country that can stop North Korea. And they know it. We will continue to put pressure on China, urging him to take action”. 31