People from Chechnya with explosives was detained on the Turkish-Syrian border

Turkish authorities detained a native of Chechnya, who tried to illegally enter the country from Syria. About it reports RIA Novosti news Agency referring to the Agency statement by the Turkish General staff. “While attempting illegal border crossings from Syria to Turkey in the area of PPC Inonly (Kilis province) on April 4, were arrested 18 people, including 10 men, four women and four children. Among the detainees was a native of Chechnya, who was carrying 1.5 kilograms of explosives, detonators and two grenades,” — said the Agency. Law enforcement officers believe that the native of the Chechen Republic planned to make Turkey a terrorist attack. 29 March, Ankara announced the successful completion of the operation “shield of the Euphrates”, in which the country’s armed forces took the border town of Jerablus on the Euphrates river, cleared of militants “Islamic state” (banned in Russia), a 100-kilometer section of the border,

South Korea announced the launch in the DPRK, “an unidentified missile”

Archive photo North Korea launched in the sea of Japan “unidentified missile” from the area of the port city of Shinpo on the East coast of the country. About it reports “Yonhap”, citing sources in the Ministry of defense of South Korea. The representative of the defense Ministry of Japan confirmed that they had recorded the launch, presumably a ballistic missile. The launch took place ahead of a meeting with U.S. President Donald trump with the President of China XI Jinping. Among other issues on the agenda is a discussion of North Korea’s missile and nuclear programs. The day before trump said that the US alone will deal with the issue of North Korea, if China is not going to do that. “China has a huge influence on North Korea, and she must decide whether to help us with North Korea or not. If they decide to help, it will

The UN security Council will hold an April 5 hearing on chemical attack in Syria

The UN Security Council will hold on Wednesday, April 5, emergency open meeting to discuss reports of a chemical attack, allegedly committed in the Syrian province of Idlib. About it as transfers TASS, announced by the US permanent representative Nikki Haley, who is presiding in the security Council this month. According to her, the session will be held in the format of a public briefing at 10:00 (17:00 GMT). “We’ll take the briefing and consultations on Colombia for the second half of the day to hold an emergency meeting, and we hope to get as much information on the attack in Syria,” said Haley. To convene an emergency meeting of the security Council demanded the Ministry of foreign Affairs of France on Tuesday, April 4, the same day when it became known about the “gas attack”. It was claimed that the planes dropped on the opposition controlled town of Khan

Lavrov referred to the mother’s prohibition and refused to dance with Tillerson

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov responded to Kerry’s words USA Rex Tillerson, who, speaking about relations with Moscow, stated that her “dance” is impossible. About it reports TASS. “My mother also forbade the boys to dance”, — said Lavrov. According to him, he “heard that supposedly a conversation at the meeting of foreign Ministers of NATO took place on March 31”. “If Rex Tillerson feels that not all can dance, we are ready to help,” the diplomat said. He added that his American colleague is a very experienced man. “I’m sure you’ll learn quickly,” — said Lavrov. 31 March in Brussels hosted a meeting of foreign Ministers of the NATO countries. As pointed out by Politico, the talks Tillerson expressed his strong commitment to the unit. “The U.S. commitment to NATO is strong, and the Alliance remains the basis for transatlantic security,” he said.

Trump and Tillerson blamed Assad for the chemical attack

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump blamed for the recent chemical attack in Syria on President Bashar al-Assad. About it as transfers RIA Novosti, the statement said trump, which was distributed by the White house. The actions of Assad, according to American leaders, is the result of weak policy of the administration of his predecessor Barack Obama. “Today’s chemical attack in Syria against innocent people, including women and children, is reprehensible and cannot be ignored by the civilized world”, — said trump. According to the President, “monstrous actions” of Assad are a consequence of the weakness of the previous administration and her indecision. “President Obama said in 2012 that it intended to conduct a “red line” against use of chemical weapons and then did nothing”, — said in a statement. The United States condemned the “unacceptable attack,” reads the text of the document. In turn, Secretary

The electoral Commission of Ecuador Lenin Moreno was named the winner of the presidential election

The national electoral Council of Ecuador Juan Pablo Pozo declared victory in the presidential election the candidate of the ruling left bloc “Alliance Country” Lenin Moreno. On Tuesday, April 4, reports channel Telesur. As told Poso, after the counting of 99.65% of the votes we can talk about irreversible official results of second round of elections. According to him, the former Vice-President Moreno received support 51,16% of voters, his opponent, Guillermo Lasso scored 48,84%. Monday, April 3, supporters of opposition candidate Lasso rioted in the streets, speaking against the victory of Moreno. To disperse the rebellious crowd, the police used tear gas. Lasso said that he was going to seek a recount. In his words, “citizens of Ecuador do not recognize the announced results, so they are already out on the street.” The second round of presidential elections in Ecuador took place April 2. The first stage of voting, which

Erdogan has promised to continue to call the countries of Europe fascist

The Reggea Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has promised to continue to call European countries “the remnants of the Nazis and fascists”, if they are to maintain “their current attitude to Turkey.” About it reports Reuters. “They do not allow my Ministers to make speeches in Europe (…) as soon As the referendum will take place on April 16, we will evaluate everything that happened,” — said Erdogan, speaking at a rally in the city of Zonguldak. On March 21, the Turkish leader said that after the referendum on extension of presidential powers, his country could reconsider its relations with the “fascist and violent” Europe. “This Europe before the Second world war: racist, fascist, violent Europe. Anti-Islamic and anti-Turkish”, — he stated. In mid-March, the Dutch authorities did not let in the country the Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu, and then Betul saillant Kaya —

In Caracas, clashes with police opposition

In the Venezuelan capital Caracas, clashes broke out between police and demonstrators. Video portal publishes to Reuters, the demonstrators began to pelt the guards with stones, in response to which the security forces used tear gas and water cannons. The clashes began after protesters tried to break through to one of the Metropolitan areas where collecting was appointed several columns of the opposition who oppose the government of President Nicolas Madura. The law enforcement pre-blocked approaches to the square and cordoned off the area.

USA was blamed for the chemical attack in Idlib on the Syrian government

Idlib, Syria The white house blamed the use of chemical weapons in the Syrian province of Idlib directly on the government of President Bashar al-Assad. About it reports Reuters. “These heinous actions of Bashar al-Assad are the result of weakness and indecision of the previous [U.S.] administration,” said White house spokesman Sean Spicer. He recalled that former President Barack Obama in 2012 warned that the use of chemical weapons would mean crossing the Syrian regime a “red line”, but took no action. At the same time, Spicer declined to specify what steps in connection with himachali will undertake the administration of the tramp, but said that the us President discussed the situation with the national security Council. In turn, the Ministry of defense of Syria issued a statement which stated that the responsibility for what happened in Idlib lies on the terrorist groups and those who support them. Earlier on

France has demanded the convening of a meeting of the UN security Council due to the chemical attack in Syria

Jean-Marc Ayrault The French foreign Ministry demanded an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council for use in the course of the Syrian conflict, chemical weapons. This was announced by the Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault, his words are reports Reuters. “The new outrageous chemical attack occurred this morning in Idlib province. Already in the first reports it became clear that a lot of victims, including children. I condemn this heinous act,” — said the head of French of the guardian. He demanded the international community not to neglect their duties and called for ekstrennoe the UN security Council meeting. About the “gas attack” became known earlier, on April 4: the planes dropped on the opposition controlled town of Khan shaykhun chemical munitions killed at least 58 people, injured about 200. It was reported that the affected is the saliva is a sign of chemical poisoning. The