The source said the lack of hopes for agreement with U.S. on Syria

Rex Tillerson Moscow does not Harbor hopes for agreement with U.S. on Syria in connection with the visit of the American Secretary of state Rex Tillerson. About it reports “Interfax” citing a source close to the foreign Ministry. “What are hopes were for the US? That Moscow and Washington will agree on Syria. Now that hope is no vision of joint actions in Syria too. The situation, in General, vague,” — said the Agency interlocutor. U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson is in Moscow as head of the American foreign Ministry for the first time. On 12 April he will hold talks with Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. One of the main themes of the meeting will be a missile attack, the United States, inflicted on the night of April 7 at the military airfield near HOMS under the pretext of allegedly carried out by Syrian government forces of a

Comparing Assad to Hitler at a briefing at the White house sparked outrage

Sean Spicer White house spokesman Sean Spicer was in an awkward position, saying at a briefing for journalists in the context of the accusations of Syrian leader Bashar al-Assad in carrying out the chemical attack that even the Fuhrer of the Nazi Reich, Adolf Hitler did not descend to such baseness as the use of chemical weapons. It is reported by RIA Novosti. After the briefing, journalists tried to clarify whether in a course Spicer that Nazi Germany used gas chambers. On this, the press Secretary answered that he was aware of, but Hitler not used chemical weapons in the cities. The Spicer tried to explain to reporters, saying that Hitler did not use chemical weapons against its people “the same way”, as it allegedly does Assad. “I’m not trying to diminish the horrific nature of the Holocaust. I tried to draw the dividing line between the tactics of aircraft

Tillerson asked the question of whether the Americans care about Ukraine

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson asked his European counterparts on Tuesday, April 11, why American voters should care about the conflict in Ukraine. About it reports Reuters with reference to Minister of foreign Affairs of France Jean-Marc Ayrault. According to him, the meeting of foreign Ministers of the G7 countries Tillerson has openly questioned why American taxpayers should worry about Ukraine, torn in the last three years of separatist conflict. According to Ayrault, he said Tillerson that in the interests of U.S. taxpayers — that Europe was safe and strong politically and economically, not weak and torn apart. Later the acting as the official representative of US state Department mark Toner refused to confirm that Tillerson questioned the need to support Ukraine, reports RIA Novosti. According to Toner, he has no idea what he was talking about Ayrault. “Our position has not changed, we continue to firmly

The white house urged Russia under the threat of exclusion to make US deal on Syria

Sean Spicer Russia could be isolated if Washington and Moscow fail to reach bargains on Syria. This statement, as RIA Novosti reports, made at a press briefing, White house spokesman Sean Spicer. “But if we can’t make a deal that meets our national interests, then we will not. In this particular case, there’s no question that Russia will be isolated,” he said. According to Spicer, Russia shumoizolyatsiya from the world community, because they put themselves on a par with Syria and North Korea that are “rogue States”. “The only countries that do not support the US position is Syria, North Korea, Iran and Russia. All of them are failed States, with the exception of Russia. It’s not the best time to have a cocktail party with these countries,” said Spicer. At the same time, according to him, the US open to strategic cooperation with Russia and to achieve common goals,

In the UN security Council introduced a new draft resolution on Syria

United Kingdom, United States and France circulated to the UN security Council a new draft resolution on the investigation of alleged chemical attacks in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun 4 APR. About this in his Twitter said British Ambassador Matthew Rycroft. “With the US and France, the United Kingdom circulated a revised draft resolution on Syria, condemning the chemical attack and requires full cooperation in the investigation”, — stated in the message. In the night of Friday, April 7, U.S. President Donald trump has struck cruise missiles on the airfield shirt, which is used by Syrian government forces. Washington has accused Damascus in the use of toxic substances during the air attack in Idlib province on April 4, which killed dozens of people. Syrian authorities reject these accusations. Before American attack in the UN security Council was introduced three draft resolutions on the situation in Idlib, however, the document review was

In Washington declared innocence of the Syrian terrorists for the chemical attack in Idlib

In the United States declared innocence of terrorists for the chemical attack in the Syrian province of Idlib. On Tuesday, April 11, said the representative of the American administration, reports RIA Novosti. “We believe that terrorists or non-state actors are not responsible for the specific attack,” he said. The spokesman also accused the Syrian authorities of the repeated use of chemical weapons after the Declaration on the elimination of arsenals in 2013. He acknowledged that Washington has no data about the origin of the sarin used in Idlib, but the US authorities believe that Damascus has the ability to produce it, reports TASS. In addition, the American administration claim that the spraying of toxic substances, which Washington regards as a deliberate chemical attack the Syrian government, was not the result of explosion of a warehouse with chemical weapons belonging to the militants. Earlier on 11 April, the President of Russia

Tillerson has arrived in Moscow for the first time as Secretary of state

Rex Tillerson U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson arrived in Moscow for the first time as head of the American foreign Ministry. About it reports TASS. 12 April will be his talks with Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov. One of the main topics of the meeting will be a missile attack, the United States, inflicted on the night of 7 April on the airfield near HOMS under the pretext of allegedly carried out by Syrian government forces of a chemical attack in Khan Shaykhun, Idlib province. Earlier, on 11 April, Tillerson said that Russia must make a choice between “US and sane countries on one side and Iran, Hezbollah and the regime of [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad on the other.” “We want to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people. Russia could become a part of the future and an important role to play or to keep

Son of trump spoke about the role of Ivanka in the decision of the father to strike on Syria

Ivanka Trump The decision of the President of the United States Donald trump to launch a missile attack on the Syrian air base “Shirt” was prompted partly by the influence of his daughter Ivanka, who was very upset and angry probable chemical attack committed by the government forces. About this newspaper the Telegraph said the son of the head of state Eric. “Ivanka is a mother of three children, and she has considerable influence. I’m sure she said, “Listen, this is awful”. In this case, my father will act. Two years ago he didn’t want to do anything in Syria, then the President and takes his people with poison gas — including women and children. Once America, a global leader and world superpower, had to intervene. And she intervened with substantial support from the allies, I think it was great,” explained Eric trump. According to him, it does not work

Turkish experts reported the use of sarin in Idlib

Idlib, Syria Turkish experts came to the conclusion that during a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Khan shaykhun (Idlib) were used sarin gas. It is reported by Anadolu. Health Minister Recep Akdag reported that in the blood and urine of Syrians affected by the application of toxic substances detected metabolite of this gas. April 7, U.S. army by order of the President of Donald trump has struck cruise missiles on the airfield shirt used by government forces in Syria. Before that, Washington has accused Damascus in the use of toxic substances during the air attack in Idlib province. Three days earlier, an unidentified aircraft dropped on opposition-controlled city of Khan shaykhun ammunition, killing at least 58 people, including 11 children, and about 200 people were injured. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack the government troops. In Damascus said that the army did not

The sun has provided California with electricity at a negative price

Due to the unprecedented solar activity and the prevalence of solar panels in March 2017, the price of electricity in California fell below zero dollars. About it reports The Independent. Negative values were recorded for the largest energy exchange in the state, the California Independent System Operator’s (CAISO) in early March — then the level of solar activity is high, and consumption is reduced. For several hours solar energy contributed 40 percent of all electricity coming into CAISO. However, the energy consumers in California are still paying for electricity average price, which for residents of this state remains one of the highest in the country. As specifies the edition, now in California is generated out of sunlight 14 gigawatts of energy, while in 2007 this figure does not hold up to one gigawatt.