Assad questioned the ability of trump to make independent decisions

A missile attack on a military base in Syria testifies to the fact that the President is Donald trump decides in the United States. This opinion was expressed by the President of SAR Bashar al-Assad in an interview with Agence France Press, reports TASS. “In fact, this is the first proof that it is not the President, but that does not change,” — said Assad. He added that trump is just one of the actors in their theatre, and will not be able to become a leader, even wanting it. According to Assad, trump is forced to act in the interests of the military-industrial complex, financial institutions and political forces. “Every President was forced to swallow my pride, if it was, and make a 180-degree turn” — he concluded. Earlier, Assad said that the chemical attack on the city of Khan shaykhun was fabricated to give a reason to strike

The state Department announced the restoration of the mechanism for preventing incidents in Syria

Mark Toner The mechanism for conflict prevention between the U.S. military and Russia, which after the impact of American cruise missiles at Syrian military base have been suspended by the Russian side, it is now restored and operates. Such statement as transfers RIA Novosti, made to journalists, the acting state Department spokesman mark Toner. “I can’t say how it’s changed, but as far as I understand it, it works,” he said. While clarifying that Russia had previously suspended this mechanism, Toner replied: “It was restored”. “We believe this channel to avoid conflicts is very important because it allows you to create the conditions under which neither our nor the Russian pilots will not put each other at risk unnecessarily, when we carry out their military missions in the region,” said Toner. On 12 April the Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov after talks with U.S. Secretary of state

The state Department is told about the assessment of Putin and Tillerson trust level

Rex Tillerson The U.S. state Department believes that President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Secretary Rex Tillerson at a meeting on Wednesday, April 12, noted the low level of trust between the two countries and decided to restore it. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters, acting state Department spokesman mark Toner. “At the meeting with President Putin, they passed on the history of why we got here. They both tried to understand better why each country is irritated in relation to other countries in some areas,” he said. “In the end, they could admit that there is an understanding that there is a way for the two countries to find opportunities, ways to restore some of this trust,” added Toner. He noted that the idea of the working group, which agreed to create Tillerson and Russian foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to work towards those possibilities. Earlier, the press Secretary

The head of the OPCW, said the investigation into the incident in Khan Sheyhun

Ahmet Üzümcü Mission fact-finding Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) will take two to three weeks to work on the investigation of alleged use of chemical weapons in the Syrian Khan Sheyhun. About it as transfers TASS, said on Thursday, April 13, the Director General of the organization Ahmet üzümcü to the Executive Council. Üzümcü urged States parties of the OPCW “shall promptly share any with the case information and allow the Mission to establish the facts two to three weeks for the completion of their work.” “Our experts fully understand the importance of the task before them, and I’m sure they will do it professionally and impartially using all available technical opportunities”, — said the head of the OPCW. Wednesday, April 12, Syrian authorities declared that are ready to provide the experts of the OPCW access to the base Shirt, to confirm or deny information about the

Assad has called the fabricated chemical attack in Idlib

Bashar Al-Assad Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said that the chemical attack on the city of Khan shaykhun in Idlib province were fabricated to give a reason to strike at government forces. About it reports on Thursday, April 13, Reuters. The Syrian leader suggested that the incident was orchestrated in order to justify the American bombing. According to the President, the government troops even have chemical weapons: it was completely taken out of the country in 2013. Assad said that Damascus will support the investigation of the incident, but only when it is full impartiality. This is the first statement of the Syrian President on this issue. Earlier, foreign Minister Walid Moallem insisted that the Syrian troops never, under any circumstances, use chemical weapons on the territory of the country. Immediately after the incident in Khan Sheyhun Russia urged not to do hasty conclusions. Later, the Syrian media quoted in the

Lavrov said an agreement with the United States to stop air strikes on Syria

Sergei Lavrov The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that during talks with U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson was the understanding of inadmissibility of new attacks on Syria. About it reports “Interfax”. “I want to emphasize in a very provocative role missile attack U.S. airfield shirt, explained Lavrov before the meeting with his Syrian counterpart Walid Muallem. We spoke in great detail about the situation with U.S. Secretary of state and came to a common opinion that this should not happen again.” The Minister also said that the hype around the incident in Khan Sheyhun should not undermine the peace process. “Against the background of unleashed in the West hysteria is fundamentally important not to succumb to provocations and not to allow to undermine the efforts in the process of Astana in the framework of the Geneva process,” Lavrov stressed. April 4, the Syrian opposition has

The interior Minister of Poland made the construction of camps for migrants

Mariusz Blashak The interior Ministry of Poland is considering the construction of camps for migrants. About it reports Reuters with reference to the head of the interior Ministry Mariusz Blaschka. “My goal is to ensure the safety of poles, said Blashek in one of the shows. — We also need to prepare for the worst, which I hope will not happen. The worst is the crowd of migrants, which can flood Poland”. The Minister also endorsed the practice of building camps for refugees from the containers, surrounded by barbed wire. “It is perfectly acceptable for an emergency, and it worked perfectly in Hungary”, — he explained. Blascak also said that in Poland there is a terrorist attack, because “the poles rejected the decision taken by the previous government agreed to accept thousands of migrants — the so-called “refugees””. Poland along with other Visegrad four countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary)

In Senegal in a fire at a Muslim festival killed more than 20 people

At least 22 people were killed and 87 were injured in a fire at a Muslim festival held in the South-East of Senegal. On Thursday, April 13, reports the Indian Express. It is noted that the fire started on Wednesday evening when the believers gathered in the town of Medina Geass. The flames quickly spread to the thatched roofs of the tents that were built by the pilgrims. According to the publication, 20 of the injured are in serious condition: some serious burns, others were injured in the stampede triggered by panic. The cause of the fire becomes clear. On 2 April in a fire at a karaoke bar in the town of MagwaY in Central Myanmar killed 15 people. According to rescuers, at a bar located in a residential building, was not provided a sufficient number of emergency exits. Residents of neighboring houses said that the school opened a

NATO distanced itself from U.S. actions in Syria

NATO declined to comment on the information of the General staff of the Armed forces of Syria on the air strike on a warehouse with chemical weapons in the city of Deir ez-Zor, which allegedly caused the BBC the US-led international coalition. About it RIA Novosti said an unnamed representative of the Alliance. “NATO is not in Syria. For information about the air operations of the United States, please contact U.S. authorities,” — said the Agency interlocutor. According to the General staff of the armed forces of Syria, 12 April the international coalition aircraft bombed a warehouse in Deir ez-Zor, which kept chemical weapons of terrorists “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia), killing hundreds of civilians. According to the military, this proves the presence of militants in the chemical munitions. April 4 at controlled Syrian opposition Khan shaykhun unidentified aircraft were dumped chemical munitions (according to the Russian

Syria accused the coalition for the deaths of hundreds of people after the attack on the warehouse with chemical weapons

Continued: NATO distanced itself from U.S. actions in Syria Force of the international coalition led by the US launched an airstrike against a warehouse with chemical weapons of terrorists “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia) in the city of Deir ez-Zor, which killed hundreds of civilians. This was announced by the General staff of the armed forces of Syria, his statement leads RIA Novosti. According to the military, this proves the presence of militants in the chemical munitions. April 4, unidentified airplanes dropped bombs on armed opposition-controlled city of Khan shaykhun in killing at least 58 people, including 11 children, and about 200 people were injured. The Syrian opposition and Western countries accuse the air force attack government troops, saying that they used chemical weapons. Three days later, the U.S. Navy attacked the air base, where, according to them, flew planes for the attack on Khan shaykhun. In