Cavusoglu said about a long-term illness imagines himself the chiefs of the Western countries

Mevlut Cavusoglu Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu said that some countries in the West for many years, interferes in the internal Affairs of Russia and Turkey, and called it a disease. As reported on Saturday, April 15, TASS, the Minister said at a meeting with members of the Russian community in Antalya province. He, in particular, pointed out that some Western countries “like to interfere in the internal Affairs of Russia and Turkey and can’t recover from this illness continued for more than one year”. “The countries belonging to this category, imagined themselves the rulers of the rest”, — quotes the Chairman of the Agency. The Minister of foreign Affairs of Turkey also said that Europe is concerned about the rapprochement between Ankara and Moscow. Furthermore, Cavusoglu pointed to the joint plans of Russia and Turkey to combat terrorism. “Terrorism is a crime against humanity. Ankara seeks to strengthen

Bodyguard the son of a drug Lord Shorty was shot dead in a clash with Marines

The bodyguard of the son of drug Lord Joaquin Guzman Loery (nickname Shorty), known in Mexico by the bandit shot and killed in a skirmish by his gang with a squad of Marines. On Saturday, April 15, RIA Novosti reported with reference to the Ministry of the Navy of the country. According to authorities, the incident occurred in the state of Sinaloa: “the Ministry of the Navy of Mexico informs the public that his fighters repelled the attack in the vicinity of the municipality Badiraguato, in Sinaloa, killing the accused named Francisco Javier N”. It is also reported that the person killed is confirmed. Badiraguato — the birthplace of the Shorty. He is a long time stood at the head of the cartel “Sinaloa”. In the USA he is accused of committing serious crimes such as murder, trafficking in arms and drugs, money laundering. At the end of October 2016,

Macron has promised to force Putin to treat him with respect

Emmanuel macron, presidential candidate of France, promised to make Russian leader Vladimir Putin to respect him if he wins the election. He told this in an interview with Jeune Afrique. The politician added that he did not have Russia. In his opinion, this will help him to Woo the head of state. “Russia is a nation with a great culture and a long history. We were often allies, including during the existence of the USSR. But in order to allow Russia to act in violation of international law, no,” said macron. Under condition of a victory on elections he intends to develop the dialogue with Moscow on conflict resolution in Ukraine and Syria and will facilitate the lifting of economic sanctions, together with the German authorities provided “for Russia to fulfill its obligations.” Two rounds of presidential elections in France will take place on 23 April and 7 may. In

In Vienna, the collision of two passenger trains

In the collision of two passenger trains at a railway station in the Vienna area Midleg, Austria, injured seven people. It is written in the Twitter-account of the city police. “Station Midleg remains blocked until further notice. More than 30 people rescued, seven are wounded”, — stated in the message. At the station carried out the rescue operation, officials say law enforcement in another tweet. Eyewitnesses published in social networks pictures from the scene. The footage shows that some of the wagons overturned. — Philipp Spiess (@PhilippSpiess) April 15, 2017, 14:45 According to TASS, the platform has faced a suburban train and international train. Damaged one of the contact wires. The operation to rescue passengers spend more than 50 firefighters to transport victims involved in a helicopter. The causes of the accident are being investigated.

Spain seized a powerful new drug

At the airport of Alicante of the Spanish Civil guard seized a little-known narcotic substance that is a synthetic cannabinoid. On Saturday, April 15, according to the newspaper ABC. According to a spokesman for the guard, the drug hidden among packages of coffee were delivered from Hong Kong. All were seized more than 12 kilos, the proceeds from whose sale on the black market could amount to about 3.5 million euros. According to the publication, the effect of applying one gram of the unknown drug 80 times stronger than the actions of marijuana. The result of the operation were arrested two Englishmen who were detained on charges of committing crimes against health of the population.

Russian Dmitriev became the world champion in track Cycling

Denis Dmitriev Russian rider Denis Dmitriev won in the individual sprint at the world Championships in track Cycling. On Saturday, April 15, the correspondent “reports”. In the final races of the world championship the 31-year-old Dmitriev ahead of the representative of the Netherlands Harry Laurijsen. The bronze medal was won by new Zealand athlete Ethan Mitchell. In the race for third place, he twice defeated the British Ryan Owens. Previously, on 15 April, the Russian Darya Shmeleva became world champion in the Gita. She passed the 500-m distance in 33,282 seconds. The Cycling world Championships held in Hong Kong and will end April 16. Sprint is the crown discipline Dmitrieva, but for the first time in his career he won the world championship. Russian three — time champion of Europe (2010, 2012, 2013) and two-time silver medalist of the world Championships (2013, 2015). At the Olympic games in Rio

The number of victims of terrorist attack in Aleppo has increased to 70

Continued: there was video from the scene of the attack near Aleppo The number of victims of the terrorist attack in suburbs of Syria’s Aleppo has risen to 70. On Friday, April 15, RIA Novosti reported. A suicide bomber exploded in a car near a gas station in the district of Rashidin. A number of buses were evacuated residents of militants besieged Shiite villages, Fua and Kepra (Idlib). At first it was reported about 20 dead and 50 wounded. The column of buses stopped in Residene on the way to a temporary accommodation centre for refugees in Jibreen. Some of the vehicles after the explosion remains locked in the militant-controlled area. The evacuation of the inhabitants of El-Fua and Kefraya is carried out in accordance with the agreement on local reconciliation between the government army and the armed opposition. In parallel, the militants “dzhebhat an-Nusra” are derived from the mountain

Lavrov responded to charges the fugitive General to the address of Assad

Sergei Lavrov The statement of the fugitive Syrian General that Damascus had concealed stockpiles of chemical weapons could be done under pressure. This view, according to TASS, was expressed by the foreign Minister of Russia Sergey Lavrov. “I have read reports about the statements of the fugitive Syrian General. They imply that he ran in 2013. In the same year had been Russian-American agreement in the Hague and new York, on the chemical disarmament of Syria in accordance with their accession to the Convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons,” — said the Minister. He recalled that the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) in 2014 has received from the Syrian government data on stockpiles of chemical weapons. “The total amount of chemicals to be destroyed, was fixed at 1.3 million tons, while the General said that all chemical weapons have been two thousand tons. But why the

In the Jerusalem Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the Holy fire descended

Continued: there was a video of the Holy fire in Jerusalem From the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and brought the Holy fire, reports on Saturday, April 15, the correspondent of”.ru”. Patriarch Theophilos III of Jerusalem gave him several thousands assembled. Among them was the delegation of St. Andrew Foundation, which will deliver the fire to Moscow for the Easter service. Earlier it was reported that Christians from different countries gathered in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, waiting to see the miracle of the Holy fire. Then it became known that the fire was first brought to the United States on the initiative of parishioners of the Russian Church abroad. Church of the Holy Sepulchre is located on the place where according to tradition was crucified and then resurrected Jesus Christ. Every year, there held the ceremony of the Holy fire. The Holy fire is carried out

The number of dead “mother of all bombs” is militants has reached 92

The number of militants of the banned in Russia organization “Islamic state” (IG), killed by US use heavy duty high-explosive conventional bombs GBU-43, reached 92. On Saturday, April 15, the Governor of the Achinsk district Ismail Shinwari, reports the Daily Mail. According to Afghan TV station TOLONews, the number of deaths of members of the IG is 94, including four of the leader of the group. A day earlier, Shinwari claimed that casualties among civilians are not. Heavy duty bomb used in Thursday, April 13, in the province of Nangarhar. It was reported that the American command hoped to thus destroy the system of tunnels and caves used by the militants. In 2003, GBU-43/B was the most powerful bomb in the world. The force of the explosion of 11 tons of TNT, the blast radius of about 140 meters, a partial collapse occurs at a distance of 1.5 kilometers from