The DPRK has vowed to continue missile tests

Continued: the United States expressed the desire to peacefully solve the DPRK nuclear issue North Korea will continue missile tests, despite international condemnation and the increased military tension with the United States. About it in interview of BBC News was announced by Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of Korea Han song-Ryul. “We will conduct missile tests on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis,” said a North Korean official. He also warned about the possibility of full-scale war if the USA would be so “reckless to use military means” against Pyongyang. Previously, on 17 April, the permanent representative of the DPRK to the UN Kim In Ryong said that the United States created in the region a dangerous situation, “in which nuclear war could start at any moment.” The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov said that Moscow will not accept “nuclear adventurous actions” of Pyongyang, but stressed that

Thousands of opponents of amending the Constitution took to the streets of Istanbul

On the streets of Istanbul late on Monday evening, April 17, left thousands of opponents of the constitutional amendments broadening the powers of the President. It is reported by Yahoo! News. At least a thousand protesters gathered on the European side of the city in the district of beşiktaş, another two thousand — on the Asian side, in Kadikoy. Supporters of the position “No” on last Sunday the referendum on constitutional amendments are outraged by recent changes in the voting process. The protesters walked to the building of the Supreme electoral Council with the slogan “We are shoulder to shoulder against fascism”, “a”No” won.” In the houses located along the route of the protesters, residents exposed from the Windows, pots and pans to show solidarity. The police usually do not suppress the protests, but cautioned against using too harsh slogans. In other Turkish cities also held protests. In Antalya, was

The United States expressed the desire to peacefully solve the DPRK nuclear issue

The United States does not intend to seek regime change in the DPRK or to seek conflict. This was stated by acting assistant Secretary of state for East Asia and the Pacific Susan Thornton, reports TASS . “The U.S. has made it clear that we want to solve this problem through peaceful denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula,” the diplomat said. “We will meet any threat or attack [from North Korea] properly”, — said at the same time Thornton, without specifying how. She reiterated that the US does not intend “to allow North Korea to continue to behave in a threatening manner.” “To this no tolerance to these illegal programs, nuclear and ballistic missiles,” added the spokesman, whose words quoted by RIA Novosti. Earlier on April 17, Deputy Minister of foreign Affairs of the DPRK Han song-Ryul announced that Pyongyang intends to continue missile tests. “We will conduct missile tests on

The Turkish Parliament will consider the request to extend the state of emergency for three months

The Turkish authorities initiated the extension of the regime of emergency imposed after the coup attempt last summer for another three months. About it reports Reuters. Relevant recommendations have been issued by the Cabinet of Ministers, the national security Council of Turkey on Monday, 17 April. The beginning of a new period will begin April 19. The government agreed with this proposal, and will submit a request for approval of the decision on extension of state of emergency in the country’s Parliament, reports TASS with reference to Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus. This was the third extension of state of emergency after a coup attempt. A state of emergency was introduced in Turkey after the coup on the night of July 16, 2016. Then killed killed 246 people, not counting those involved in the organization of the coup, more than 2.1 thousand were injured. Sunday, April 16, in the Republic

The Paraguayan President after protests refused to go for a second term

Horacio Cartes and Pope Francis (archive photo) The President of Paraguay, Horacio Cartes said on Monday, April 17, that he would not run for presidential elections in 2018, regardless of whether or not the Congress an amendment authorizing the President to go for a second term. About it reports Reuters. In a letter addressed to the Archbishop of Asuncion, Cartes said that inspired by the call of Pope Francis for peace and dialogue. 31 Mar protesters set fire to the building of the Congress of Paraguay after the Senate secretly voted for the amendment. The lower chamber still for the offer, which caused indignation of the opposition, did not vote. The current version of the Constitution prohibits re-election, as it was adopted in 1992 after the 1989 fall of dictatorship.

Trump congratulated Erdogan on the successful holding of the referendum

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump congratulated his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the successful holding of the referendum on amendments to the Constitution. It is reported by the Anadolu news Agency. The heads of States held on Monday, April 17, a telephone conversation. In Turkey Sunday, April 16, held a referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to preliminary results, the “for” vote of 51.4 per cent. The final results will be announced in 11-12 days after appeals. The opposition alleged violations, in particular, criticized the decision of the electoral Commission to count valid ballots and envelopes without stamps. The referendum drew criticism in Europe. In particular, the head of the delegation of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Cezar Florin Preda stated that the referendum did not meet the standards of the Council of Europe. Erdogan, in response to the criticism,

The media learned about the transfer of the British from Merkel dossier on Putin

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel gave the British intelligence dossier on the President of Russia Vladimir Putin, assembled by German intelligence. About it reports the edition Focus. The journal, citing sources in German security services, says that in October 2015, the Merkel has visited the official country residence of British Prime Minister David Cameron — the estate of Chequers. There the Chancellor met with the heads of the British intelligence and counter-intelligence, MI5 and MI6 is Alex Younger, and Andrew Parker. During the interview they warned Merkel about possible terrorist attacks in Germany. That, in turn, gave them a dossier on Russian President Vladimir Putin and analytical materials about the situation in Crimea. According to the publication, Merkel is not officially informed about the visit of the heads of the German secret service, which caused resentment among the employees of the Federal intelligence service and Federal office for the

Erdogan advised the OSCE “know their place”

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that international organizations, whose representatives watched the conduct of the referendum on amendments to the Constitution, must “know their place”, reports Reuters. Referring to his numerous supporters gathered in front of the presidential Palace in Ankara, Erdogan stressed that past vote summed up all the discussions on changing the Constitution and giving the President Executive powers. He said that now we will start reforms since the reform of the judiciary. Responding to the statements of European observers that the vote did not meet international standards, Erdogan said that Turkey “does not see, does not hear and does not recognize the” report of the OSCE. According to him, some European countries were more opposed to constitutional amendments than the opposition in Turkey. The President also promised that the operation “Turkey’s Euphrates shield” in Northern Syria will not be the last such event

Kim Jong-UN have expressed solidarity with Assad in the confrontation with the United States

Kim Jong-UN DPRK leader Kim Jong-UN in solidarity with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in the confrontation with the U.S. and intends to provide “friendly to the government and people of the” Arab Republic support to achieve justice. This is stated in the congratulatory telegram sent by the head of the Syrian North Korean counterpart on the occasion of the 71st anniversary of the independence of Syria. The text was published by the KCNA. In his message, Kim Jong-UN has condemned the recent strike US with nuclear cruise missiles “Tomahawk” at the airport shirt in the Syrian province of HOMS. In his opinion, is a “blatant act of aggression and a war crime.” In addition, the leader of North Korea, Assad sent a “friendly and enthusiastic congratulations and militant greetings”. Earlier it became known that North Korean authorities intend to develop relations with Russia to jointly confront the European and American

The OSCE stated about violations during the Turkish referendum

The referendum in Turkey did not meet the standards of the Council of Europe. This statement was made head of the delegation of the parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe Cezar Florin Preda. This is stated in the statement of mission of observers of the OSCE ODIHR. “The legal basis did not meet the requirements to hold genuine and democratic process,” he noted. In the document, in particular, reported that serious violations in the voting day, there was not, however, voters did not provide objective information about basic aspects of the future reform. In addition, at the polling stations there were no representatives of public organizations as observers. The OSCE statement said that opponents and supporters of the constitutional amendments were not guaranteed equal access to media as per the allocation of free airtime on TV favored the ruling party and the President. The head of state Recep Tayyip