The British Parliament voted for early elections

British MPs have approved the holding of the country’s early elections. About it reports Reuters. Voted 522 MP 13 against. Elections will be held on 8 June. A proposal was sent to the lawmakers by the Prime Minister Theresa may. “The elections will give the country five years of steady leadership, so that we could go through the negotiations and achieve a successful outcome, it is extremely important,” she explained her initiative. March 28 Mei signed a letter with the notice of the authorities of the European Union about the formal start of procedure Brexit — the exit from the EU. Negotiations on the terms Brexit will take two years. The decision to withdraw Britain from the European Union was adopted by referendum on 23 June 2016. The rejection of EU membership was supported by more than half of voters.

In India a bus fell into the abyss

India fell into the abyss of a passenger bus. About it reports Reuters. The incident occurred in the Northern state of Himachal Pradesh, which enjoys great popularity among tourists. The bus in which there were 46 persons, was moving on a mountain road near the town of Nerva. For unclear reasons, the car fell off a cliff in a gorge, the bottom of which flows the river. According to the latest reports, 44 people were killed. Two of them managed to escape the conductor and one of the passengers managed to jump out of the bus before he began the slide down the slope. Previous accident of a similar scale occurred in Himachal Pradesh in 2011. Then fell into the abyss of the truck with the guests going to the wedding. The driver lost control on a narrow mountain road, killing 33 people. The number of fatal accidents India ranks

Theresa may spoke about the benefits of early elections

Theresa May Prime Minister Theresa may explained the reasons why she made the decision to hold early parliamentary elections in the country. About it reports Reuters. “If you look at the calendar, you will find that just when we’d reached the most important part of the negotiations on Brexit, to their completion, we would be distracted by the race in the country,” said may. In difficult conditions, when it is necessary to establish a dialogue with Brussels on Brexit, may, may have feared “that her lack of mandate,” says the associate Professor of the Department of integration processes, MGIMO Alexander Tevdoy-Burmuli. “There is another problem: Mei doesn’t want Scotland won the right to hold a repeated referendum on independence from the United Kingdom, and obviously would like to consolidate their position”, — the expert said in an interview with RT. General parliamentary elections in great Britain was to be held

The Turkish foreign Ministry criticized the report of the OSCE observers for referendum

Mevlut Cavusoglu Foreign Minister of Turkey Mevlut Cavusoglu criticized the report of the OSCE observers for referendum on amendments to the Constitution of the country. About it reports Reuters. “The report of the OSCE cannot be considered a reliable source as it is made of observations suffer from a lack of objectivity and the extremely limited” — complained the Minister. Earlier, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan advised the OSCE “know their place” and noted that Turkey “does not see, does not hear and does not recognize the” report of the observer mission of the organization. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum on amendments to the Constitution. According to preliminary results, the amendment was voted 51.4%. The final results will be announced in 11-12 days after appeals. The opposition stated about violations during the referendum, in particular, criticized the decision of the electoral Commission to count valid ballots and envelopes without

The OPCW confirmed the use of sarin in Idlib

Idlib The Director-General of the Organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OHSA) Ahmet üzümcü, said that the gas attack on April 4 in Idlib Syrian used sarin or its equivalent. According to Reuters, the words of the head of the organization quoted the representatives of the British delegation. They argue that these data are obtained after carrying out the necessary tests. 13 April it was reported that Syrian authorities expressed readiness to provide the OPCW experts access to the shayrat airbase, which supposedly holds the sarin used in the attack in the town of Khan Shaykhun. The day before the meeting of the UN security Council, Russia has veto and blocked proposed United States, Britain and France draft resolution on the chemical attack in Syria. April 4, the Syrian opposition, said the Syrian government forces of chemical weapons in Idlib province, resulting in 87 people were killed and over

Accused the US of cyber crimes, the Russians wrote a letter of repentance

Roman Seleznev Convicted in the United States in cyber crime is a citizen of Russia Roman Seleznev on the eve of sentencing, scheduled for April 21, wrote a letter of repentance. About it RIA Novosti reported, citing court documents. “I accept full responsibility for everything. I’m afraid of punishment. I, Roman Seleznev, I want to say I’m wrong and apologize,” reads a handwritten 11-page letter. “I hope that I will one day be released from prison. I’m going to work very hard to pay my debt to victims and society. I will work honestly,” says Seleznyov, who previously pleaded not guilty. He is not asking the court for leniency or reduction of sentence. August 25, 2016 the Grand jury of the city of Seattle (Washington, USA) found the Russian guilty of fraud for 38 of the 40 counts. In the process, prosecutors alleged that in the laptop Seleznev had been

US Ambassador to the UN has predicted the new crises in Iran, North Korea and Cuba

Nikki Haley The U.S. permanent representative to the UN, Nikki Haley said that the next major international crises may arise in North Korea, Iran and Cuba due to the mass violations of human rights. About it reports TASS. According to her, when the state began to systematically violate human rights, it is a sign, red flag, one of the most obvious indicators of impending instability and violence that spill across borders. “It is not surprising that the most brutal regimes are the worst violators of human rights,” said Haley, citing the example of Korea, Syria, Myanmar and Burundi. According to the US Ambassador, the next international crisis may well come from places where human rights violations are routinely ignored. “Perhaps it will be North Korea, Iran or Cuba. We don’t know where the next uprising against violations of fundamental human rights, but we know from history that they are coming,”

Philippine bus with passengers fell into the abyss

In the Philippine city Carranglan in the Central region of the country on a passenger bus fell into the abyss 24-meter depth. Reported by the Associated Press. Inside there were 50 people, killing at least 26. The rest pulled out by rescuers who went to the scene on the ropes. Many of the victims received serious injuries, was taken to the hospital. In the confusion, children were often separated from their parents. According to the investigators, the bus’s brakes failed. This incident was the sixth over the past few years. Experts are not yet able to interview survivors — many of them are in a state of shock and are unable to describe the circumstances of the incident.

Interpol has opened an international network of distributors of child porn

As part of the investigation in relation to groups engaged in child pornography, Interpol officers detained 38 people in the States of South and Central America and also in Spain. It is reported BFMTV. During searches, held simultaneously in 15 countries, investigators seized more than 300 computers, tablets, mobile devices, and hard drives containing images of Nude minors. The investigation was launched in the year 2016, when the guards managed to calculate several groups of users of different instant messengers, who used them for exchange and sale of child porn. Police managed to calculate both producers and consumers of these products. 31 March it was reported that the representatives of the Spanish law enforcement bodies have detained 102 members of the network who had seized more than 450 thousand files of child pornography, including scenes of violence against minors. Among those detained were students, pensioners, fathers of families, as well

Trump expressed hope for peaceful settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula

The President of the United States Donald trump expressed the hope that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN aimed at measuring the settlement of the situation on the Korean Peninsula. About this, the White house said in an interview with TMJ4-TV. “I hope he wants peace and we want peace, and would be the final solution. But we have to see what happens,” — said trump. However, the question whether the citizens of the United States cause for concern about the situation, he said, “we have to be Worried always. It is not clear exactly who you are dealing with. I had a great meeting with the leader of China [XI Jinping], it tells me a lot, and you see that a lot happens. They (China —“”) has enough power over the DPRK. Let’s see what will happen. This is a very difficult situation.” Also in the interview, trump said that