The OPCW declined to complete the investigation to name the culprit in the chemical attack in Syria

Ahmet Üzümcü The organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons (OPCW) has refused to lay the blame for the chemical attack in Syria on any side. About it reports TASS on Friday, April 28. “Was sarin gas used. It is a fact, — has declared the Director-General of the OPCW Ahmet üzümcü. But we don’t know how it happened. It remains to be explored.” April 26, France announced that when the chemical attack in Syria used sarin gas, and laid the blame on the Syrian government. The Russian foreign Ministry has subjected this approval to harsh criticism. April 4, the Syrian opposition, said the forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad, chemical weapons in Idlib province, resulting in 87 people were killed and over 200 injured. On the night of 7 April, the United States in response to this attack launched an airstrike against Syrian airbase in HOMS. Two warships of

The Taliban launched spring offensive

The Afghan Taliban, banned in Russia, announced the start of annual spring offensive. On Friday, April 28, according to Reuters. The offensive is called “Operation Mansuri” — in honor of the former Taliban leader Akhtar Mansour, who was killed as a result of U.S. drone strike. The “main “Operation Mansuri” will be directed against the foreign forces and their military and intelligence infrastructure and against their mercenaries inside the country”, — says the official statement of the organization. The Taliban promised “to prosecute, to haunt, to kill, and being captured” officers and soldiers of government forces, while possible, avoiding casualties among civilians. In the attack will apply to “normal attack, guerrilla war, acts of self-sacrifice martyrs, the shooting of his colleagues infiltrated the ranks of government forces by the Taliban, and mine warfare,” reads the message. On Friday, April 21, dressed in Afghan military uniforms, the Taliban broke into the

In Moscow called speculation of the statement about the hacker attacks on the website of the Ministry of defense of Denmark

The Russian side had not received any requests from Denmark through diplomatic channels in connection with the accusations against Moscow in the hacker attacks on the resources of the Ministry of defence of the Kingdom. This was stated by Director of the second European Department of the Russian foreign Ministry Igor Neverov, RIA Novosti reported. “In General the whole topic, of course, far-fetched and speculative,” said Neverov. According to him, “this is an attempt to solve their internal political problems at the expense of some external enemy image”. On 24 April, the Minister of defence of Denmark Klaus yort Frederiksen told the newspaper Berlingske that the Russian hackers in 2015-2016 made several successful attempts to access the electronic correspondence of employees of the institution. According to him, these actions were not a small group of hackers acting for fun, and people associated with the Russian special services and the authorities.

Tillerson spoke about the lack of solutions after a visit to Moscow

Rex Tillerson and Sergey Lavrov Russia and the United States has not taken any decisions in the course of negotiations in Moscow. About it the Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said in an interview with radio station NPR. According to the head of the state Department, Russia should decide whether it will be a positive player in the global world order, or destructive. Tillerson was in Moscow on 12 April. Then he said that relations between Russia and the United States are in the “low spot”. The US President Donald trump, commenting on the visit, noted the “tremendous work” of his Secretary of state. “I think he was a successful meeting in Russia, we’ll see what the results are, important is the results, not just talk,” said trump, adding that communication was even better than he expected.

Johnson spoke about the plans of Britain in case of a new himataki in Syria

Boris Johnson Foreign Minister of Britain, Boris Johnson said that in the case of a new chemical attack in Syria, his government is likely to provide assistance and support to Washington, including military force. About it reports Reuters. “If the actions of the Assad regime, again forced the Americans to intervene and they asked us to help, we will be extremely difficult to refuse them”, — explained the Minister. He said that it is first and foremost about participation in combat operations. Thus, according to the Minister, he can’t say yet, will such actions approval of Parliament, which in 2013 has blocked a proposal on the participation of the RAF in the bombing of Syria. The US launched an airstrike against Syrian airbase shirt in the province of HOMS in the night of 7 April. Two warships of the United States in the Mediterranean sea launched at least 50 Tomahawk

Merkel advised the British not to deceive ourselves about Brexit

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel warned the British that they are not deceived about their rights in the EU after Brexit. About it reports Reuters. “A foreign state, which will become Britain can not and will not have the same rights as members of the European Union, — has declared the Chancellor, speaking in the Bundestag. — I should say as clearly as possible, because, as I see it, in Britain, some cherish certain illusions is a waste of time.” Merkel also said that the financial commitments of London before the EU will be discussed at the first stage of negotiations. According to the Chancellor, to discuss a trade agreement Britain and the European Union can not be earlier than the end of the process Brexit. “We will be able to conclude an agreement on future relations with Britain only after all the questions about her exit from the

Trump has expressed a desire to obtain from South Korea a billion dollars for THAAD

South Korea has to pay a billion dollars for a missile defense system THAAD (Terminal High Altitude Area Defense), said the President of the United States Donald trump in an interview with Reuters. He also said he wants to revise or terminate the agreement on free trade with South Korea due to the large trade deficit with Seoul. The South Korean defense Ministry, in turn, said that the missile defense system must pay the United States, reports “Yonhap”. According to Seoul that Washington bears the burden of installation and operation of the THAAD. Hosted in South Korea high-tech system designed THAAD for high altitude interception missiles with a medium range. The battery will consist of a missile defense radar TPY-2 TM, six launchers, 48 interceptors, as well as control panel and generator. Earlier it was reported that the system will be fully assembled before the end of 2017.

The White House called success by trump “the isolation of Russia in the UN”

“The isolation of Russia in the UN” the American administration is considered one of the achievements of President Donald trump’s first 100 days in power. Such data as transfers TASS, contain in common the White house help, which sets out who is considered a positive outcome of the trump security for the first three months. According to the compilers of the document, after several years of “failed diplomacy” the President is opposed to countries that threaten U.S. national security. Mentioned, in particular, the “quick and decisive order” to strike at Syrian military air base Shirt, which, according to the U.S., was the chemical attack by the government forces of Bashar al-Assad. In addition, as stated in the certificate, trump “even more isolated Syria and Russia in the UN through successful diplomacy with Chinese President XI Jinping”. The authors of the document recalled that trump imposed new sanctions against Syria and

Tillerson spoke about the willingness of China to impose sanctions against the DPRK

Rex Tillerson warned Pyongyang that it would take “sanctions actions independently” against North Korea if it will conduct another nuclear test. According to Reuters, U.S. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson said that the us administration said the leadership of the PRC. Also Tillerson, said that information obtained by U.S. intelligence, indicate that North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN is “not crazy.” According to Secretary of state, the head of the DPRK may be rational politician with whom one could negotiate against the background of the efforts of the international community to curb nuclear and missile programs of Pyongyang. Earlier, the US government stated that the strategy of the administration toward North Korea is aimed to exert pressure on Pyongyang and force it to abandon its programs to develop nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles. To achieve its goals the government of Ukraine by tightening sanctions. At the same time, as stated by

The German Bundestag approved the ban on hiding the face clothing

The lower house of the German Parliament — the Bundestag adopted on Thursday, April 27, a bill banning some categories of citizens to wear at work clothing that completely covers the face. About it reports Reuters. The ban will affect civil servants, judges and military. The decision was made after December 2016, Chancellor Angela Merkel has called for a ban on the use of elements of Muslim clothing that covers the face. In the past two years, Germany is experiencing difficulties because of a million arrived in the country of migrants, many of whom are Muslims from the Middle East. Widespread concerns about their integration into German society. “Integration also means that we must clearly explain and spread our values, and where lie the boundaries of our tolerance towards other cultures”, — said the Minister of internal Affairs of Germany Thomas de Mezieres. “The bill, which we agreed is an