The expert predicted the development of German-French relations after the victory of the Makron

Emmanuel Macron In case of victory of the leader of movement “Forward” Emmanuel Macron at the election of the President of France, Paris is from Berlin to demand greater financial investments in the EU. About it “” said Reinhard Krumm, the expert of the International discussion club “Valdai” the head of regional Department on security and peace in Europe of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. “Macron is not satisfied with the fact that Germany has an advantage in trade because it exports a lot and, unlike others, she has a very good foreign trade the trade balance”, — said the analyst. According to Krumme, similar claims against Germany exist not only in France but in several other EU countries. In the first round of the French presidential elections, which took place April 23, macron scored 24,01%. His main rival, the candidate from “National front” marine Le Pen scored 21.3 percent of

Le Pen was accused of plagiarizing a campaign speech

Candidate for the French presidency, marine Le Pen, supported by the party “national front” could copy some fragments of his speech from former rival françois Fillon. This was announced by the colleagues of the representative of the right wing “Republicans” who lead a Youtube channel to Ridicule a TV. Published on his page the video demonstrates the parallel performance of the Fillon from April 15 and Le Pen on may 1. Some phrases are almost identical. For example, the Republican says: “the Rhine Is the frontier — the most open, the most dangerous but also the most promising. It’s a German world, which we often clashed, but with whom we will cooperate in many areas”. Le Pen, in turn, declares virtually the same thing. “There is the Rhine frontier, the most open, the most promising is the German world, with whom we will cooperate in many areas, as long as

Senators in the USA refused to develop the law on sanctions against Russia

Bob Corker Us senators refused to elaborate and adopt the law on anti-Russian sanctions. This was stated by the head of Committee of the upper house of Congress on international Affairs Bob Corker, Politico reports. “Senator Ben Cardin and I decided to plan for the future. We will develop a law on restrictive measures against Iran, will make it to the end of the working period. We are also working on law to combat Russia in Europe,” said Corker. According to him, concerning the Moscow document will be based on the bill on sanctions, but all the restrictive measures will be excluded from it. While Corker and his colleagues intend to wait for the findings of the Senate Committee on intelligence, which investigates likely Moscow’s intervention in the US presidential election, which took place the fall of 2016. “As I understand it, the General consensus is that the current administration

Erdogan returned to the ruling Party of justice and development

Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan after three years returned to the ruling Party of justice and development party (AKP). On Tuesday, may 2, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. To return to the AKP, the head of state was able as a result of the referendum of constitutional amendments. According to one of the 18 innovations, is now the President could not leave the ranks of his political party, as it was previously. As notes the edition, on may 21 at the extraordinary party Congress, Erdogan once again will become Chairman of the AKP. At present the party is headed by the Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim. Recep Tayyip Erdogan is one of the founders of the party of justice and development. He left the AKP in 2014 before joining the post of President of Turkey. 16 April, Turkey held a referendum to amend the Constitution and

Vandals in Zurich, called for the assassination of the President of Turkey

Unknown persons threw bottles with paint, the building of the Consulate General of Turkey in Zurich, Switzerland. On Tuesday, may 2, reports the Hürriyet Daily News. It is noted that the walls of nearby buildings and at the bus stop, located near the Embassy, had left inscriptions, calling for the murder of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The Consul General of Turkey in Zurich, Asia Nurjan Ipekci (Asiye Nurcan Ipekçi) reported that the attack was made about 60 of the attackers in masks. “Currently the situation is under control,” the diplomat added. The incident occurred in a non-business day is 1 may in Turkey are celebrating the labor Day. At this point in the building were security personnel. On the eve of the referendum on introducing issues to the Turkish Constitution in the capital of Switzerland — Bern — there was a demonstration. The activists were carrying a banner

In Bordeaux the night slashed the tires have 200 cars

About 200 cars were damaged in the night of Monday, may 1, in the French city of Bordeaux, said the radio station France Bleu. At the police station one of the districts of Bordeaux have addressed dozens of motorists with the same complaint on the punctured wheel. The total number of applicants has close to two hundred. All cars were punctured two wheels, one front and back. Most likely, you used a knife, as each wheel had a cut length of about two centimeters. In the district of Bordeaux this is not the first case of massive damage to the cars. In December last year in a village unknown damaged wheels 48 cars. Find the criminals and failed. In December 2015 on Rublevsky highway in Moscow, burned nine cars, including five BMW cars. All of them were unmarked and were in a guarded Parking lot.

In North Korea called the flights of American bombers push for nuclear war

North Korea commented on the maneuvers of American bombers in South Korea as part of the exercises of the air force. About it reports Reuters with reference to the KCNA. “This reckless military provocation that pushes the situation on the Korean Peninsula to a nuclear war”, — reads the statement of the North Korean Agency. Pyongyang said that US planes conducted exercises for dropping bombs on the major objects of the DPRK at that time, the U.S. President Donald trump “and other American warmongers are calling a pre-emptive strike” on North Korea. On flights of American bombers previously reported in Seoul. In South Korea, explained that this is part of efforts to contain Pyongyang and the response to the launches of ballistic missiles by the DPRK.

The armed opposition has confirmed its participation in talks on Syria in Astana

Mohammed Alloush The Syrian opposition confirmed its participation in the negotiations in Astana. As reported by RIA Novosti, said Deputy foreign Minister of Kazakhstan Mukhtar Tleuberdi. According to the head of the press service of the foreign Ministry of Kazakhstan Anuar Janakova, the opposition will be headed by the representative of group “Jaish al-Islam,” Mohammed Alloush. “All participants of the international meeting on Syria in Astana, including representatives of the armed Syrian opposition, led by Mohammed Allochem, have confirmed their participation,” said Jainakov. He noted that the heads of delegations of Russia and Turkey will arrive in Astana at night. Already arrived in full force, the delegations of the Syrian government, UN experts, the experts of the countries-guarantors — Russia, Turkey, Iran. The evening is expected to arrive UN special envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura. The Russian delegation at the talks in Astana on may 3-4 will be headed

The white house announced the forthcoming trump’s conversation with Putin

Donald Trump The President of the United States, Donald trump intends Tuesday, may 2, a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. It as transfers RIA of news, to be circulated by the press service of the White house schedule of the President. The talk is scheduled for 12:30 East coast time USA (19:30 GMT). Reuters, citing a senior representative of the administration, trump said that the two leaders probably will discuss the war in Syria. The first conversation between the two leaders took place at the end of January, the second in early April, when trump expressed his condolences to Putin in connection with the attack in Saint-Petersburg. In February, press Secretary of Russian President Dmitry Peskov said that Putin will be able to communicate with trump at the summit of “Big twenty” which will pass in July in Hamburg. He also noted that “no specifics” about the

Maduro has signed a decree on convocation of the constituent Assembly

Nicolas Maduro Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Monday evening, may 1, signed on live local television the decree on the convocation of the constituent Assembly in the country. It is reported by RIA Novosti. According to Maduro, the decree should be executed immediately. The head of state referred to the article of the Constitution, 347, 348 and 349, which give it the appropriate authority. “I have built up a presidential Commission with the doors open for a great dialogue with all of Venezuela, a sovereign and constructive,” — said Maduro. The Commission will conduct the constituent Assembly. A Commission headed by education Minister Elias jaua, also it will comprise the Minister for communities Aristóbulo Isturiz also foreign Minister, Delcy Rodriguez, the wife of Maduro and Celia Flores and others. From the masses of 200-250 will be elected members of the constituent Assembly. “We will select about 500 legislators, whose task