Russia demanded Poland explanation for detention of the “Night wolves”

Embassy of Russia in Poland expresses misunderstanding and confusion about the actions of Warsaw against Russian motorcyclists and is awaiting clarification. This is stated in the commentary of the diplomatic mission, released on Wednesday, may 3, RIA Novosti reported. “No meaningful justification for such actions against the Russian motorcyclists the Polish side did not submit. (…) It should be particularly noted that in this case, restrictive measures have been participants in the events dedicated to the 72nd anniversary of the Victory over fascism and the memory of soldiers who died fighting to save Europe from the Nazi plague”, — said in comments. Earlier Wednesday, police in the city of Mysłowice detained a Russian citizen Nikolai Loginov, joined Poland to rally “Roads of Victory in Berlin.” It can be removed with the cancellation of the Schengen visas. On 29 April, the Polish border guard service is not missed on the territory

German “hunters” refugees appeared before the court

Four “hunters” refugees from the German city of Walbran appeared in court charged with the murder of men. It is reported Min Rundfunk (WDR). According to prosecutors, four of the alleged perpetrators 1 September 2016 together drank alcoholic beverages. From an unknown source it became known that on the streets the girl was subjected to sexual harassment. They armed themselves with a baseball bat and brass knuckles and went “hunting.” Several times they had come into fights with groups of refugees, but those usually ran. In the end they met Klaus B., 40-the summer native of Kazakhstan, at the time of the meeting, he also used alcohol. According to WDR, the man already knew his attacker. The intruders attacked him, preventing escape, and was beaten, not stopping even after the victim fell. The man received a severe head injury and died in hospital nine days later. He is survived by

Putin and Erdogan had hoped to create security zones in Syria

Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan Russia and Turkey hope to establish security zones in Syria. This was at the end of the talks in Sochi was announced by the two presidents — Vladimir Putin and Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The content of the conversation reports TASS. “We believe that direct participants of the conflict, who gathered in Astana today, will make the final decision, because ultimately only they determine what will be the fate of their country,” — said Putin. According to him, Moscow has carried out preliminary consultations on the establishment of such zones with Damascus and Tehran, in addition, this solution supports Washington. “With regard to aviation — if it is a zone of de-escalation, the aircraft there also will not work, provided that these areas will not be observed any military activity,” — said the Russian leader. RIA Novosti reports that we are talking about creating four

The foreign Ministers of five EU countries asked Lavrov to deal with the problems of the Chechen gay

Sergei Lavrov Heads of diplomatic agencies of great Britain, France, Germany, the Netherlands and Sweden wrote to his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov, a letter with a request to investigate reports of repression against homosexuals in Chechnya. It is reported by RFI. “We urge the Russian government to investigate these terrible allegations and to guarantee the safety of activists and journalists who conduct investigation”, — quotes the edition of a report, dated 28 APR. The Ministers call on the government to use its influence on the Chechen authorities to ensure “that the repression must cease immediately, the victims received assistance, and the perpetrators brought to justice”. 2 may the fate of homosexual men in the Chechen Republic attended by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. She noted that she had received “adverse reports that refer to gays, especially in Chechnya.” “I asked President Putin to use his influence to facilitate (…) the situation

In the German army exposed a cell of neo-Nazis

German investigators have exposed a cell of neo-Nazis in the armed forces of the country. About this newspaper Hannoversche Allgemeine. The impetus for the beginning of the investigation was the incident with the military personnel of the Bundeswehr: it received the certificate of the refugee, and then tried to commit a terrorist act to worsen the attitude of society to migrants. Guards found a gun that the man hid in the Vienna airport and then caught the criminal. Police also arrested five of his accomplices and raided the barracks in the municipality of Illkirch-Graffenstaden in the North-East of France. There they found a crate of assault rifles, which are painted a swastika and a poster with soldiers of the Wehrmacht in time of national socialism. On the wall were the letters HH (abbreviation of the German Nazi greeting “Heil Hitler”). Because of the investigation, the Minister of defence of Germany

Merkel increased the chances to become Chancellor for the fourth time in a row

Angela Merkel German Chancellor Angela Merkel increased the chances for the fourth consecutive time to lead the German Cabinet. It became clear from the results of a poll conducted by the polling Institute Forsa, reports Die Welt. Thus, the ruling block Merkel, the CDU/CSU increased to eight percent margin from its main rival — the Social democratic party of Germany (SPD) led by Martin Schulz. For the CDU/CSU ready to vote, 36 percent of respondents, the social Democrats 28 per cent. The left party, prepopulation of the “Alternative for Germany” party and the “Green” support of eight percent of Germans. According to a survey conducted by the Allensbach, 25 April-for the block, which is headed by the German Chancellor, wanted to vote 36% of citizens of Germany, and social Democrats — 31 percent. Elections to the Bundestag will be held in Germany on September 24. Angela Merkel heads the government

Doctors in India will teach Taekwondo to protect patients

Doctors in one of the largest hospitals in the Indian capital new Delhi in may will begin to attend classes in Taekwondo, to learn to defend themselves from aggressive patients and their relatives. On Wednesday, may 3, reports the Hindustan Times. It is noted that the training for doctors will start from may 15 and will be held daily from 19:00 to 20:00 local time (16:30 to 17:30 GMT). To train nurses to be professional athletes involved in martial arts. The course will last for six months. In addition, for those who want to achieve higher results, provides a program designed for two and a half years. According to recent studies, in the past year physical assault and insults suffered 40 percent of doctors, the newspaper writes. Classes in Taekwondo it was decided to hold once in March it became known about three cases of violence against doctors. Since then,

Vanuatu government invited the residents to replace marijuana vegetables

Police in Vanuatu were distributed among the chiefs of the six villages garden tools to discourage young people from growing marijuana. About it reports Radio New Zealand International. Earlier, police carried out raids to destroy the cannabis plantations. With the cultivation of cannabis patrol fight hard — the grass is growing very well on the local volcanic soils and is becoming increasingly popular among residents. Is cannabis authorities urged young people to grow vegetables or potatoes, which will not only generate income but also have a beneficial impact on public welfare. It clarifies the issue, the government is undertaking this initiative in conjunction with the authorities of neighbouring Australia. If the action is deemed successful, it will spread to the entire territory of Vanuatu.

U.S. Secretary of state called a very constructive conversation trump and Putin

Rex Tillerson The presidents of the United States and Russia Donald trump, and Vladimir Putin had a very constructive telephone conversation, and details exchanged views on several issues, said on Tuesday, may 2, U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson, reports the Associated Press. “It was a very constructive call… a very, Very positive conversation a detailed exchange of views,” said Tillerson to reporters and said, “so, let’s see what happens”. About the telephone conversation between the leaders of Russia and the USA became known in the evening on 2 may. The Kremlin said that Putin discussed with the trump of coordination of Russia and the USA in combating international terrorism, creation of prerequisites to start the real settlement process in Syria and the situation on the Korean Peninsula. Putin and trump has supported the continuation of contacts on the phone, and in favor of the organization of personal meetings in relation to

Japanese Prime Minister told about the plans to change the Constitution in 2020

Shinzo Abe Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hopes to change the Constitution and entrench in it the existence of the self-defense Forces. The head of government said in an interview with the newspaper “Yomiuri”, reports RIA Novosti. “I want to make 2020 the date of entry into force of the new Constitution,” he said, noting that this year in Tokyo plan to hold the Olympics and Paralympic games. According to Abe, the self-defense forces fully perform their duty and enjoy the confidence of more than 90 percent of the population. “At the same time, many lawyers for constitutional Affairs say that the existence of the self-defense Forces is a violation of the basic law”, — concluded the Prime Minister. According to the Agency, interview with the head of the Japanese government dedicated to 70-th anniversary of the adoption under the auspices of the US post-war Constitution. In it, in particular, secured