Putin’s representative suspected the opposition in Syria to the lack of experience in diplomacy

Meeting on Syria in Astana The Syrian opposition left the meeting room due to the lack of diplomatic experience. This was stated by the special representative of the President of Russia on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev. His words Thursday, may 4, quoted by TASS. “I would characterize this simply as an element of expansiveness and lack of experience in political and diplomatic work, — explained the diplomat. — I don’t think this will affect the further development of events in Syria.” Earlier, the representative of the Syrian opposition said that the withdrawal of its representatives from the talks was a sign of protest against the possible division of the country and Iran’s participation in the agreement as a guarantor state. Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation was signed in Astana on Thursday, 4th may. On the Russian side the document was signed by special representative of the President

The Syrian opposition is concerned about the integrity of the country

Osama Abu Sydpoolen: Putin’s Representative suspected the opposition in Syria to the lack of experience in diplomacy The Syrian opposition has said that the creation of zones of de-escalation can lead to country split. Such opinion in interview to Reuters expressed by the delegate from the opposition at the talks in Astana Osama Abu Zeid. “We want Syria to remain unified. We strongly oppose the partition of Syria. We have not signed the agreement here [on areas of de-escalation] and never will sign — as long as Iran remains a country-the guarantor”, — he stressed. Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation was signed in Astana on Thursday, 4th may. On the Russian side the document was signed by special representative of the President on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev, Turkish — Deputy foreign Minister Sedat Onal, from Iran — Tehran his colleague Hossein Ansari. Not without incident: two delegates

In Yemen began the “March of millions” against President Hadi

In the city of Aden, the unofficial capital of the territory under the control of Yemeni President Abd-rabbu Mansour Hadi, began mass protests. About it reports Reuters. The city attracts a convoy of buses and cars from the surrounding areas. In a protest involving several thousand people, but organizers promise to turn it into a “March of millions” The reason for the mass protests was the dismissal of two popular politicians in Aden — the Governor Aydarus al-Zubaidi and Minister Hani bin Brek, which Hadi was suspected of separatism. And al-Zubaidi, and Ben Breck stood for the independence of South Yemen and commanded his own troops, who received weapons and supplies from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Both policies have a greater influence in the region. In 2015 they have played an important role in the victory faithful Hadi’s forces in the battle for Aden, raising the city’s rebellion and

Duterte told about the phone call to XI Jinping at the request of trump

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte spoke about his call to the leader of China, XI Jinping, at the request of the American leader is Donald trump. Details leads Reuters. According to Duterte, his conversation with si took place on Wednesday, may 3. He tried to persuade his Chinese counterpart to work harder to reduce tensions on the Korean Peninsula. As explained by the Philippine President, he was asked about the call personally trump. “So I called President XI Jinping and told him: “I am calling on the instructions of the President of the United States”,” — said Duterte. “We in ASEAN can all agree that you may have something to do with the Korean problem, and even trump with us in solidarity””. The conversation lasted about 26 minutes. According to the Philippine President, if the American leader asked him to talk about the details of the

Signed a Memorandum on areas of de-escalation in Syria

In Astana, the country-guarantors of a ceasefire in Syria signed a Memorandum on the establishment of a de-escalation. About it reports “Interfax”. It happened at the plenary session of the meeting of “Astana-4”. From the Russian side the text was signed by the special representative of the President on the Syrian settlement, Alexander Lavrentiev, Turkish — Deputy foreign Minister Sedat Onal, from Iran — Tehran his colleague Hossein Ansari. Not without incident: two delegates from the Syrian armed opposition demonstratively left the hall in protest against the participation in the meeting of Iran as a guarantor state. Earlier on 4 may it was reported that Russia, Iran and Turkey have reached consensus on all paragraphs of the agreement. The next meeting was planned to take place in June and finalized by the time some items of the Memorandum, however, the work could be completed early. 3 may in Sochi, Russian

Zakharova confirmed the appointment of Lavrov and Tillerson Alaska

Rex Tillerson and Sergey Lavrov Moscow hopes that the forthcoming meeting of Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and U.S. Secretary Rex Tillerson in Alaska will allow us to find common ground to find solutions to international conflicts. This was stated by the official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova, reports “Interfax”. According to her, the negotiations will allow you to implement the instructions given by the presidents of the two countries on finding points of contact and junctions of major international problems. On may 2, the presidents of Russia and USA Vladimir Putin and Donald trump held a telephone conversation. As highlighted in the statement on the website of the Kremlin, during the meeting, emphasis was placed on the prospect coordination of actions between Moscow and Washington in the fight against international terrorism in the context of the Syrian crisis. In particular, the two sides agreed to intensify the

Buckingham Palace has denied the rumors about the health problems of Elizabeth II

Elizabeth II Appointed in Buckingham Palace meeting the senior staff of the Royal family is not connected with the health of Elizabeth II and her husband Prince Philip. On Thursday, may 4, reports BBC News. Representatives of the Royal residence did not specify what exactly will be discussed at the meeting. Usually such meetings are held once a year. On the eve and the Queen and her husband Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh has carried out all planned activities. Earlier on 4 may, the Daily Mail tabloid suggested that the meeting in the Royal residence may be associated with a sharp deterioration in the health of the Queen. On the eve of Elizabeth II, which 21 APR turned 91, was found at Buckingham Palace with the British Prime Minister Theresa may to approve the dissolution of Parliament before the General election.

The Iraqi army launched an offensive on Mosul from the North

The Iraqi army launched an offensive from the North to the city of Mosul, which continue to resist the militants banned organization “Islamic state” (IG). About it reports Reuters. Strike part of the 9th armored division of the Iraqi army with the support of the police special forces. “In the first hours our troops had developed a high rate of advance, the front of the Islamists is broken, they retreat,” said army spokesman Brigadier General Yahya Rasoul. To date has covered over a mile, the target for the attackers — to get to the Tigris river and cut off communications with the insurgents in the North of the city. Air operation support aircraft of the United States. The operation to liberate the Western part of Mosul, the so — called Iraqi capital IG — underway since February of this year with the participation of aircraft of the international coalition led

The level of air pollution in Beijing exceeded the norm 20 times

The level of harmful particles in the air in Northern China and the capital Beijing exceeded the norm 20 times. About it reports BBC News. Recommended by the world health organization (who) norm is 25 micrograms per cubic meter in Beijing, the figure is currently 500 micrograms. Authorities have issued a special warning advising people, especially the elderly and children not to leave their homes and less to be on the streets. Cause of smog became the dust storm, which covered the city in the night of Thursday, may 4. In recent years the environmental situation in China has deteriorated. Due to the high concentration of industrial emissions, the city could periodically covers. 8 January it was reported that Chinese authorities took the decision on the establishment of environmental police, with the aim of reducing air pollution. The duties of this structure include the monitoring of cases of unauthorized burning

Russians detained in Amsterdam for the attempted trafficking of poisonous reptiles

At Amsterdam airport arrested a Russian citizen who tried to smuggle in their Luggage live snakes, frogs and lizards. Reported Dutch News. Reptiles are not representatives of rare or endangered species, but they were in plastic containers, which violates a local law on the protection of animals. This fact became a reason for detention. According to the publication, a number of snakes and frogs are extremely poisonous. In particular, among the seized animals was discovered 26 vipers. Currently, all reptiles are referred to the content of the veterinary service. The name of the detainee is a citizen of Russia is not known, but it is known that in the Netherlands, he arrived on a flight from Brazil. 15 Oct 2015 in Singapore to 15 months in prison was sentenced two Russians. The court found them guilty of attempting to smuggle more than 200 rare freshwater turtles.