Mogherini announced the imminent simplification of visa regime of EU with Ukraine

Federica Mogherini The head of European diplomacy Federica Mogherini said that in the near future, the EU plans to announce the simplification of the visa regime with Ukraine. On Tuesday, may 9, reports TASS. “We stand by our Eastern partners strengthen their economies and public bodies, their vitality, and in just a few days we will announce the agreement on simplification of visa regime with our Ukrainian friends,” she said during a speech at the meeting of the UN security Council. On April 26 the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko announced the approval of the ambassadors of the EU of visa-free regime to the country. The liberalization of the visa regime with the EU is one of the objectives of foreign policy of Kiev. On 6 April the European Commission’s proposal to abolish visas for citizens of Ukraine supported by the European Parliament. Voted for the decision 521 MEP, against

The headquarters of the Maltese Prime Minister was accused of bribery for the passports to wealthy Russians

The head of the administration of the Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat was suspected of receiving bribes for issuing a passport of the country to wealthy Russians. With the respective accusations against Keith Schembri (Schembri Keith) was the leader of the opposition Nationalist party of Malta Simon Busuttil (Simon Busuttil), writes on Tuesday, may 9, The Guardian. Schembri himself denies his guilt, pointing out the lack of evidence and motive. The corruption scandal around the head of the Maltese government broke out last year after the publication of the so-called Panama records. Later the focus turned out to be spouse and Nutmeg: according to unconfirmed reports, the owner of a local private Bank Pilatus kept the accounts of two shell companies, allegedly owned by the wife of the Prime Minister, his two closest companions and daughters of the Azerbaijani President Leyla Aliyeva. Representatives of financial institutions of all charges is

The US Ambassador called on the Russians and Americans to unite for a cause

John Tefft U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft called on the Russians and Americans to unite for a just cause, following the example of their grandfathers and great grandfathers who fought in world war II. This is stated in the post of a diplomat in the “Live Journal”, published on Tuesday, may 9. Tefft noted that one of the most vivid and touching images of having lived in Russia for years but it became the Immortal regiment March, held annually on Victory Day. “Seeing tens of thousands of Russians coming under the gaze of so many departed heroes, remember that any losses in the cost of the Second world war and the particularly high price paid by the peoples of the Soviet Union. As for the Russians, and for Americans, these veterans — men and women we knew — our family, whose memory always in our hearts. But, unfortunately, time

There is evidence of exit polls of presidential elections in South Korea

Moon Jae-In The representative of the Democratic party, moon Jae In won the presidential election in South Korea. Such data are published exit polls, reports on Tuesday, may 9, the Agency “Yonhap”. According to the results, voted for by 41.1% of voters, for representative of the Conservative party “Korean freedom” hon Joon PHE — 23.3 percent for Ahn Chul-soo from the center-left people’s party — 21.8 percent. It is reported that one day the voting ended at 20:00 local time (14:00 GMT). Polling stations opened on 9 may at 06:00 local time (00:00 GMT). Moon Jae-In, with a small gap in the previous elections lost earlier removed from the post of President Park Geun-Hye in 2012, criticized the previous administration for what they are unable to stop the development of the North Korean missile program and nuclear weapons. He was in favour of bilateral policy dialogue while maintaining pressure and

Another German soldier detained on suspicion of terrorism

Germany arrested another soldier suspected of terrorism. 27-year-old Maximilian T. is allegedly an accomplice taken into custody in late April, a soldier of the Bundeswehr 28-year-old Franco A.. this publication reports the Mitteldeutsche Zeitung. Another arrest was made on Tuesday, may 9, in the city of Kehl (Baden-württemberg). According to information from the Göttinger Tageblatt, Maximilian T. A. and Franco were coworkers and was friendly relations. Also the publication claims that Maximilian T. is the author of the so-called list of death, in which, inter alia, included the names of former German President Joachim gauck and Minister of justice Heiko Maas. Another accomplice of the attackers, according to investigators, was a student of Mathias F. from Offenbach, he also detained. Franco A. was detained in Bavaria on April 27. Together with a group of associates he suspected of planning a terrorist attack, the victims of which, in particular, could become

Police stormed the headquarters of the OUN in Kiev

Kiev police stormed the building on the street Mazepa, which is the headquarters of the organization of Ukrainian nationalists (OUN; banned in Russia). On Tuesday, may 9, reports the website The head of the organization Nikolay Kohanivsky commentary portal InfoResist reported that security forces did not release inside activists, but demands don’t make. “Our headquarters are blocked by some “Berkut”, National guard headquarters. And we are standing near the “Arsenal” (subway station — approx. “Of the”), looking for “padded jacket” (so dismissive in Ukraine call people who hold Pro-Russian views — approx. “Of the”). There were a lot, but ribbons [St. George] don’t, so we will not touch them”, — he said. The correspondent of RIA Novosti, in turn, reports that the activists of the OUN, in a locked office, opened the Windows and listen to loud music nationalistic, and hung out flags with the symbols of

In Venezuela, the guards threw the shelter teargas

National guardsmen threw tear-gas grenades to a shelter for children and the elderly in the Venezuelan city of Maracaibo. According to El Nacional, the incident occurred on the afternoon of Monday, may 8. According to the publication, as a result of the actions of the security forces injured several children. Accurate data on the number of victims is not given. It is noted that the gas was sprayed once in the orphanage tried to hide some of the anti-government demonstrations. Associated Press, for its part, reports that due to the confrontation between the demonstrators and security forces have been evacuated hundreds of residents of Maracaibo. Tear gas was used not only near the shelter, but near houses, schools and hospitals. Recently in Venezuela, worsened the political crisis. Dissatisfied with the economic situation the country’s inhabitants take to the streets demanding the appointment of early elections. Tensions increased significantly after the

Media reported the US plans to increase troops in Afghanistan

Advisers to the President of the United States Donald trump’s offer to change the strategy of the us military campaign in Afghanistan, increasing the military contingent in the country at three thousand people and expanding the powers of the Pentagon’s air strikes on the Taliban. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post on Monday, 8 may. The sources said that the current 8.4 thousand soldiers in Afghanistan, it is proposed to add at least another three thousand. In addition, if the project is approved, Pentagon officials themselves will determine the number located in the country American military. Introduced by the previous administration of President Barack Obama’s restrictions on actions in the combat zones of military advisers from the US advisers trump’s offer to cancel. In addition, the Pentagon will be able to obtain expanded powers in the use of aircraft against the banned in Russia “Taliban.” The author

Unknown in Chicago fired at participants of the funeral ceremony

In Chicago, two unknown men opened fire with rifles at a funeral ceremony held in Brighton Park, according to ABC News. Two people died, eight were injured and were taken to hospital, their condition was not known. Who had gathered on may 7 to honor the memory of a man killed in gang warfare in the morning. Chicago police assumes that the shooting could be a revenge for the killing of some other member of the criminal gang. 27 January 2017 the President of the United States Donald trump has promised to deal with the crime situation in Chicago, as the situation, in his view, is out of control. He threatened to send in the Federal city representatives, if the local authorities can not cope with the rampant crime on their own. The crime situation in Chicago in recent years is deteriorating. According to CNN, in 2016, there have been

The Governor of Jakarta received two years in prison for blasphemy

Basuki Purnama Of Tjahaja Governor of Jakarta Basuki Purnama of Tjahaja found guilty in the actions that offend the feelings of believers-Muslims and sentenced to two years in prison. This decision was made on Tuesday, may 9, the court in the Indonesian capital, reports Reuters. “Was legally and convincingly established that Purnama committed the criminal act of blasphemy, and therefore, we sentenced him to two years imprisonment,” — said the chief judge, Diarso Wake Santiato. As noted, the trial against the Governor is a Christian and ethnic Chinese attracted the attention of the General public as “test” for tolerance among the world’s largest nation, whose members predominantly practice Islam. TASS reported that the prosecution demanded a sentence of one year imprisonment. In Indonesia, for insulting the feelings of believers faces up to five years in prison. In September last year during the election campaign Purnama made statements that many Muslims