Trump will meet with Erdogan on may 16 in Washington

Donald Trump The US President Donald trump may 16, will take in Washington Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan, said on his Twitter account, ABC News, with reference to the press service of the White house. “The two leaders will discuss ways to further strengthen bilateral relations and deepen cooperation in combating terrorism in all its forms,” reads the press release. — ABC News (@ABC) On 10 may 2017, 23:35 On 18 April, the Turkish President said that during a phone conversation with Donald trump agreed to meet, emphasizing that personal communication is necessary to improve bilateral ties. Erdogan also noted that trump called him and congratulated on the outcome of the referendum on amendments to the Turkish Constitution. For this U.S. President has been criticized by a number of politicians and journalists.

In command of the Army of defense of Israel appeared first openly gay

Sharon Afek The chief military Prosecutor Sharon Afek was the first openly gay in the IDF (Israel defense forces). About his homosexuality he said in an interview with Israeli media, said The Haaretz. 45-year-old Colonel said that his attitude is “never interfered and did not help his military career.” “When I was a young officer, there were other times. I was afraid that it would somehow play against me, I will rest in the glass ceiling. Fortunately, one is not particularly interested in my homosexuality and I have never felt that my sexual orientation plays a role in decision-making in relation to me,” he explained. He noted that he wanted a personal example to show the recruits from the LGBT community that in the IDF there is no discrimination against homosexuals. While Afek added that “the manifestation of ignorance and xenophobia” is also found in the present. Since 1993, open

Lavrov assessed the results of the negotiations with trump

Donald trump and Sergei Lavrov The staff of the administration of U.S. President Donald trump — people who are willing to work to resolve the issues. This was stated by foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov after talks with trump and Secretary of state, Rex Tillerson. His words RIA Novosti reported. “In a nutshell, now our dialogue is free from ideologized, which was characteristic of the administration [Barack] Obama. The administration of the trump, and the President and the Secretary, I today once again convinced the business people and they want to negotiate not in order to show someone some of his achievements in the field of ideological preferences, and to agree to address specific issues. To solve the issues that affect the development and welfare of the citizens”, — said the head of the Russian foreign Ministry. He also noted that the attempt to attribute Russia’s intervention in the American elections

The French government resigned

Bernard Cazeneuve The Prime Minister of France Bernard Cazeneuve, and the government resigned on the eve of the entry into the powers of the elected President Emmanuel Macron. The corresponding statement posted on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday, may 10. “Due to the fact that the constitutional Council announced the official results of the elections of the President, and in accordance with the Republican tradition, I have the honour to announce his resignation and the resignation of the government” — are the words Kazneva in the document. The current President of France Francois Hollande government’s resignation was accepted. The Prime Minister and the members of the new government will be appointed early next week. Presidential mandate the Hollande expires may 14 at midnight. The resignation of the government in France is a traditional formality that allows elected head of state to form a new Cabinet after

The state Department promised $ 10 million for information about the leader of “al-Nusra”

The U.S. Department of state has promised a reward of ten million dollars for information about the leader of the terrorist group “Jabhat EN-Nusra” (banned in Russia) Abu Muhammad al-Dzhulani. This is stated in the statement of the foreign Ministry posted on Twitter on Wednesday, may 10. The report stated that under the leadership of al-Dzhulani group has carried out numerous terrorist attacks against civilians in Syria. The Agency mentions the kidnapping by militants of approximately 300 Kurds in 2015, and killing 20 residents of the Druze villages in Idlib province. It is also noted that in January 2017, “al-Nusra” has teamed up with other groups and formed the “Heat Tahrir al-sham”. — Rewards for Justice (@Rewards4Justice) On 10 may 2017, 14:44 The state Department notes that this is the first award that is assigned by the US authorities for a member of the “Dzhabhat EN-Nusra”, which is a division

“Syrian democratic forces,” said about the capture of Tabka

Fighter “Syrian democratic forces” The Alliance of Kurdish and Arab Syrian groups known as the “Syrian democratic forces” (SDF), took control of the city Tabka in the North and the dam next to him. About it reports Reuters with reference to representatives of the movement. The release of Tabka was made possible thanks to the support from the air, which the soldiers of the SDF has an international coalition led by the US and American special forces. Tabka, located on the banks of the river Euphrates, located 40 kilometres from the “capital” of the IG (“Islamic state” banned in Russia) in Syria — raqqa. The city under the control of the terrorists since 2013. 22 March, the media reported that in the province of raqqa were planted American troops. The purpose of the operation — the capture of Tabka adjacent Saur dam. This will allow the troops to join the

Stored in the school locker explosives 13-year-old teen arrested in the United States

Police American city of Virginia beach have arrested a 13-year-old, who kept in his school locker explosive device. On this edition of the Virginian Pilot reported on Wednesday, may 10, the local fire service. The boy was detained may 5, and placed in a juvenile detention center. He is suspected of manufacturing and storing hazardous chemical substances. May 8, he appeared before the court in Virginia in which the judge decided to extend his detention until 5 June — the date of the scheduled the new hearing. Will was the boy to apply the device, not installed. “Investigators found no evidence that the teenager had evil intentions or that he wanted to cause someone harm,” — said in the fire service. The school administration is going to punish the young man: he faces either a suspension, or expulsion. In the school where they found explosives, the number is 1470.

Called Makron gay boy Danish policy was accused of homophobia

Søren Krarup Danish pastor, former member of Parliament Serena Krarup (Søren Krarup) was accused of homophobia because of the sharp statements against the elected President of France Emmanuel Makron. On Wednesday, may 10, reports The Local. The politician made offensive remark, commenting on the results of the elections in the Fifth Republic during the debates. He stated that he did not know the losing candidate, far-right politician marine Le Pen, but would have voted for it. “I’d give her my voice for lack of a better alternative. I would never vote for this little cute boy gay” he said, referring to the Makron. In response to the leading question, Krarup said that they would use a softer expression, but the right words are hard to find in the circumstances of the dispute. “I would call it obedient sokolnicka,” admitted 79-year-old politician. Later, commenting on the incident, he explained that to

In China the man on the street with a knife wounded 18 people

In Changchun, located in the North of China, 50-year-old man on the street with a knife wounded 18 people. It is reported by The Economic Times. It is noted that the victims ‘ life is not in danger. According to relatives of the assailant’s van Univaja (Wang Yunwei), previously he was treated in hospital for mental illness. Currently, Univa is in custody. The police finds out the reasons and circumstances of the incident. As the newspaper notes, in China it is strictly forbidden to have firearms and to own them. Lately in the country, cases of attacks by people armed with a knife. In early January, a man entered the territory of a kindergarten in the Chinese city of Pingxiang (Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous region in China) and attacked with a knife on the children. In the attack 11 children were injured and were hospitalized. In November 2016 in the city

The suspect in the terrorist attack in Stockholm was found sane

The suspect in the terrorist attack in Stockholm, the citizen of Uzbekistan Rakhmat Akilov was not suffering from a mental disorder at the time of hitting people on the street, Drottninggatan. This is evidenced by the results of the preliminary forensic reports on Wednesday, may 10, Expressen. The report was transmitted to the Stockholm district court on may 10. 7 APR truck crashed into a crowd at one of the Central streets of the Swedish capital. The car stopped after he entered the window of one of the stores. As a result, five people were killed and 15 received injuries of varying severity. Authorities called the incident a terrorist attack. The Prime suspect is considered to be 39-year-old Rahmat Akilov. He was detained on the day of the crime, since he is in custody.