Victims of blow of the US coalition on the Syrian Deir-ez-Zor were five civilians

Five civilians were killed during air strikes by the air force of the US-led coalition near the city of Deir-ez-Zor in northeast Syria. On Saturday, may 13, reports TASS with reference to the channel Al Jazeera. Stormtroopers coalition fired at the settlement of al – Curia, which could be the terrorists of the “Islamic state” (IG, an organization banned in Russia). It is noted that two days ago during a night RAID on the village of es-Salhiya North of the city of raqqa killed at least 11 local residents, including four children. 3 APR newspaper the Independent, citing data from the Syrian organization for human rights (SNHR) reported that the bombs and missiles coalition led by the USA have killed more civilians than the actions of the “coalition led by Russia”, or militant “Islamic state”. On 30 April the joint command of operation “Unwavering commitment” estimated that the number of

Sri Lanka has refused to accept the Chinese submarine

Sri Lanka has refused a Chinese submarine docking in. About it reports Reuters, citing senior sources in the Sri Lankan leadership. As explained officials, the decision was caused by unwillingness to spoil relations with India and Prime Minister Narendra modi, who arrived on the island on Thursday, may 11, a two-day official visit. Sources close to the Chinese Embassy in Colombo confirmed that Beijing has sent the corresponding request, but said that the answer is still not forthcoming. The last time a Chinese submarine has dokopalis at the port of Colombo in October 2014. This caused a sharp reaction from new Delhi, is concerned about the increasing Chinese influence in Sri Lanka. In recent years, China has significantly expanded its business presence on the island, highlighting investment in the construction of airports, roads, Railways and ports. In addition, negotiations are underway to lease to China, 80 percent of the port

North Korea said the right to mercilessly punish the Americans

North Korean authorities have every right to ruthlessly punish American citizens detained in the country. This was stated by the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea (KCNA), the content of the material reports Reuters. According to KCNA, the American media are trying to present the arrest of two US citizens in North Korea as an invitation to a kind of trading, however, is “pure ignorance”. It clarifies the Agency, in the near future will be released the reasons for the detention of Americans. Kim HAK Sleep, working at the Pyongyang University of science and technology, was detained on Saturday, may 6, on suspicion of involvement in “hostile acts” against the state. He is one of four Americans in detention in North Korea at the moment. Before that, in late April, was detained Kim sang Dok, which were related to the same school. Earlier, North Korean court were convicted of anti-state crimes

WikiLeaks announced a reward for the recording of trump and Komi

WikiLeaks has offered a reward of 100 thousand dollars to anyone who can provide the recorded conversation of President of the United States Donald trump and fired the head of the FBI James Komi. This organisation said in his Twitter, inviting everyone to increase this amount by transferring bitcoin to a special account. — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) 12 may 2017, 17:47 Earlier, on may 12 trump advised of Komi “to ensure no records of their conversations, before tipping off the journalists.” Trump fired Komi on 10 may, on the recommendation of the Minister of justice, attorney General Jeff and Roman sessions. As stated in the letter former FBI Director, he “is not able to effectively lead” the Department. According to the White house, Komi abused their powers, closing the case against Hillary Clinton on the use of private email for official purposes. On March 5 the New York Times reported that

The Iraqi army has promised to liberate Mosul before Ramadan

Mosul Iraqi security forces hope to liberate the city of Mosul from the militants of the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) to the Holy Muslim month of Ramadan, which this year will begin on may 26. This was stated by Lieutenant-General of the Iraqi army, Othman al-Ghanimi, his words reports BBC News. “Security forces conducted large-scale and effective operation. I estimate that ISIS will be finished in a few days, if it be the will of Allah,” — said the commander. The operation to liberate the Western part of Mosul, the so — called Iraqi capital IG — underway since February of this year with the participation of aircraft of the international coalition led by the United States. In late March, Iraqi security forces have decided to suspend massive attack due to the increased number of casualties, however, on April 14, the battle for the center

The offender started shooting at the nursing home in the United States

Archive photo Unknown opened fire in a nursing home in the village Kirkersville (Stal, Oh, USA), killing two of the employees of the institution and the chief of the local police Department. On Friday, may 12, the Associated Press reports. The local police received a call about an armed man on the street, and the guard went to check. He later got on the radio that he sees the suspect, after which the connection is terminated. Later he was found dead on the territory of the nursing home. Also, the offender killed two employees of the institution, and then shot himself. A dead COP, a 36-year-old Eric Disario, took office just three weeks ago. He is survived by six children, his wife is expecting a seventh child. April 16 at the capital of Ohio, Columbus, the unknown opened fire in a nightclub J&R Party Hall, in the incident, five women

The White house has expressed opposition to trump’s “subversive behavior” of Russia

Donald trump is opposed to the “subversive behavior” of Russia, however, looking for areas where possible cooperation with Moscow. This was stated on Friday, may 12, assistant to the President on national security General Herbert McMaster, reports TASS. “I think the President has made it clear that he will resist the disruptive behavior of Russia, such as support for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad… or what she was doing in Ukraine. However, the President is looking for possible areas for cooperation,” added McMaster. Commenting on trump’s contacts with the Russian leadership, including a meeting with foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, McMaster stated that, from his point of view, it is more about sharing opinions than about the solutions. May 7, Lavrov said that it is difficult to explain the fact that “statements are diametrically opposed to the content heard from the lips of various members of the administration [trump]”. He recalled that

Israel freed has lived 14 years locked up boy

In the Israeli city of Hadera freed 14-year-old boy whose parents from birth were locked up. On Friday, may 12, reports BBC News. The child told the police that he was led from the house to the yard once or twice a month, usually at night. It is also noted that sometimes the boy was kept in a cage on the balcony. The parents of the child arrested. According to them, they kept son locked up, fearing for his health. As writes BBC News, the neighbors repeatedly complained to the local authorities on the bad smell of the apartment. One of the residents of the house said about the baby when I saw him in the window. According to Oiknine chiko (Chiko Waknin), the teenager looked “like a zombie from a horror movie”. “I saw his eyes and how he looked. It seemed that he had asked for my help.

Poland accused the founders of the EU shifting responsibility to new members

Founding countries of the European Union are trying to shift to new members the responsibility for their trouble. About this article published by the newspaper Rzeczpospolita, said the Minister of foreign Affairs of Poland Witold Waszczykowski. “We protest against such rhetoric, we believe that, as States that were originally included in the EU and the countries that joined the European Union 13 years ago, benefiting from the integration processes in economic, geopolitical and social”, — he explained. The head of the Polish foreign Ministry said that Warsaw opposes a “Europe of different speeds”. According to Waszczykowski, only the “EU one speed”, which includes all member States and which takes into account the interests of the whole community, can respond to modern challenges. The idea of a Europe of “different speeds” lies in the possibility of coexistence within the EU of States which are in varying degrees integrated into the community.

In Rome there were two explosions

Photos from the scene Two explosions occurred in Central Rome on Friday, may 12. Allegedly worked improvised explosive devices, reports Reuters. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. The bomb was laid between two cars parked in the Parking lot at the post office. One car was damaged. As noted by RIA Novosti with reference to the TV channel Rainews24, as one of the pre-release is considered a protest rally of the local anarchists.