In Iran, the earthquake killed three people

Archive photo The earthquake in Iran killed at least three people, more than 220 got wounds. On it informs TV channel Press TV. The earthquake occurred on Saturday, may 13, near the capital of Khorasan province city Board, the magnitude of the quake was 5.7. The focus lies at a depth of 11 kilometers. The region sent a search-and-rescue teams, including personnel of the red Crescent. They began to search for survivors and victim assistance. From the rubble managed to release 19 people. Because of the earthquake blocked travel to multiple villages.

The carrier said the details of the victims of the derailment of a train in Greece

The Greek railway company TrainOSE said data on the number of dead in train crash “Athens-Thessaloniki”. According to specified data, two persons were lost, seven more got wounds. Previously reported four dead and five injured. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, may 13, near the town of Adentro. The train, bound from Athens to the second largest city of Thessaloniki, derailed, the locomotive crashed into a house. According to updated information, the train was 70 passengers and five staff members. The causes of the incident are still not established. As reported RIA Novosti, the Consulate General in Thessaloniki, the citizens of Russia, according to the Greek authorities, the train was not. The Russian Embassy in Athens expressed his condolences in connection with the train crash.

Trump has expressed the desire to know the truth about the hacker attacks before the elections in USA

US President, Donald trump declared his desire to know the truth about the hacker attacks before elections in the United States in 2016. He said this in an interview that was broadcast on the Fox News channel on Saturday, may 13, reports TASS. “If the hacking attacks were, who made them? I want to know the truth,” said trump, speaking about the trial, about the alleged interference in the presidential election in 2016. The US leader declared that “wants to get to the ins and outs” of what transpired during the election campaign and is not going to interfere with the investigation conducted by the house of representatives and the FBI. “I want them investigated quickly. But I’m more interested in the fact that they are investigated properly,” he said. Also trump has made it clear that he does not need the creation of a special Commission to investigate the

Putin arrived in China on two-day visit

Continued: Putin urged to refrain from militant rhetoric in international relations Russian President Vladimir Putin arrived in the capital of the people’s Republic of China (PRC) Beijing a two-day visit. On Sunday, may 14, reports TASS. Capital from Beijing capital airport, where he landed aboard No. 1, the Russian leader will go at once to the national Convention center, which should take place opening of the international forum of “One belt and one road”. Putin’s visit to China scheduled for two days, may 14 and 15. The summit brought together 29 heads of state and government and heads of major international organizations. The opening ceremony will be the President of China, XI Jinping, Vladimir Putin and UN Secretary-General, antónio Guterres. It is expected that the Russian President will hold bilateral meetings with leaders of States-participants of the forum, in particular, with President of Czech Republic Milos Zeman and the Prime

One person was killed in an accident with a police car in the Tula region

In Yasnogorsk, the Tula region as a result of an accident involving a police car one person was killed, another seven injured. This was reported on the website of the interior Ministry of Russia in the region. Indicates that the driver of the car VAZ drove into the oncoming lane and collided with the police car, where law enforcement officers were returning from preventive measures. In addition to the police in the car were two underage girls born in 2000. As a result of accident injuries of varying severity were six people who were in the police car and the passenger of the car VAZ. The victims were taken to hospitals of Yasnogorsk, Tula. Was driving the car VAZ from traumatized died in the ambulance.

At “Eurovision” won Portugal

Salvador Sobral At the international song contest “Eurovision”, which takes place in Kiev, won by the representative of Portugal 27-year-old Salvador Collected. This was announced after completion of counting of votes. Gathered received the most points as for the voting (382) and the decision of the jury (376), in the amount of 758. Second place went to 17-year-old Kristian Kostov from Bulgaria, who scored 615 points, the third — the team of SunStroke Project from Moldova (374 points). The Portuguese played in the native language of the song Amar Pelos Dois (“Love for two”). As the correspondent of RIA Novosti, the President Gathered the main focus was on the performance of the song, it was accompanied by lighting effects on the main stage, and the audience lit up the whole room lights on the phones. The Portuguese arrived in Kiev for the opening of the competition on may 7 and

In the train crash in Greece, killing four people

The train crash “Athens-Thessaloniki” four people were killed and five others injured, said the Greek railway company TrainOSE. The incident occurred on Saturday evening, may 13, near the town of Adentro. The train, bound from Athens to the second largest city of Thessaloniki, derailed, the locomotive crashed into a house. The train was about 100 passengers. As noted in the press release, the causes of the incident are still not established. According to preliminary information from local authorities, which was received at the Embassy, Russians among victims are not present. In place of the departed Minister of infrastructure, transport and communications of the country Christ Spirtis. According to the company, other trains running on the route “Athens-Thessaloniki”, continue work in a usual mode.

The LC said the interception connected with undermining the car of the OSCE correspondence

The site of the explosion of the car of the OSCE The people’s militia self-proclaimed Luhansk national Republic (LNR) said about having access to SMS correspondence, which deals with undermining the car of the OSCE on April 23. On Saturday, may 13, according to news Agency “new Russia” referring to the official representative of the defense Ministry of the Republic of Lieutenant Colonel Andrey Marochko. “Yesterday, when analyzing intercepted by the patriots from the servers of the Ukrainian operators, materials and text-messaging, our employees have been identified reports of the bombing of the car of the OSCE mission on April 23 at the territory of the Lugansk national Republic”, — quotes Agency the words Marochko. According to him, intercepted messages confirmed by joint actions of the Ukrainian special forces and the SBU to conceal evidence of their involvement in the explosion. According to the Agency, intercepted correspondence, you specify the

Poroshenko canceled a visit to the final of “Eurovision” because of the events in Avdiivka

Petro Poroshenko President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has cancelled a visit to the final of the contest “Eurovision-2017” held in International exhibition center in Kiev, due to the death of civilians in Avdiivka. The head of state wrote in his account in Facebook. “We planned together with Marina (wife of Poroshenko — approx. “Of the”) to attend the final of the competition and invited our warriors and people with disabilities to support Ukraine together. However, due to the shelling and death of civilians, I decided to cancel the stay at the “Eurovision” final”, — is spoken in the message on the website of the President of Ukraine. On may 13 head of Donetsk military-civil administration (the representative of the Ukrainian authorities on the Kiev-controlled part of the region) Pavel Zhebrivsky on his page in Facebook reported that the shelling of the private sector of the city of Avdeevka (controlled

Konashenkov said the Council on American General

Igor Konashenkov The defense Ministry commented on the words of the commander of US forces in Europe Ben Hodges, said that in the upcoming Russian-Belarusian exercises “West-2017” should be invited foreign journalists. About it reports “Interfax”. “General Hodges, before calling us to openness, ought to start to remember whether he was invited at least once in the teaching of American troops in Europe, Russian media” — said the official representative of the military Department Igor Konashenkov. According to him, over the last five years in Russia it is hardly possible to find an interested journalist or the media that the defense Ministry was not invited to the exercises. Konashenkov also said that since the beginning of the Russian operation in Syria, Moscow organized the more than 10 media tours for foreign press, and the last strategic exercises “Caucasus-2016” was covered by 110 foreign journalists. Russian-Belarusian military exercises “Zapad-2017” will be