Tobacco lobbyists in the Philippines, supported the ban Duterte Smoking

Rodrigo Duterte Declared by the President of the Philippines ban on Smoking in public places enjoys broad public support. On Friday, may 19, reports The Independent. As notes the edition, even lobbyists from the Philippine Tobacco Institute said they support the initiative of the head of state. Last year they opposed this law. This week Duarte signed a decree banning Smoking in schools, hospitals, stairwells and in some other public places. After this news shares of major tobacco companies in the country LT Group fell by 4.4 percent. The law should enter into force within two months. The Ministry of health in the country believe that this ban will help many smokers to give up the addiction. More than a million Filipinos to quit Smoking from 2010 to 2015. According to the head of the Ministry of health of the country by 2020, officials expect that even more people refuse

CNN learned about the declarations of Russian officials about the effect on Flynn

Michael Flynn The American CNN reported that Russian officials in private conversations boasted that we were able to establish a “strong relationship” with a former adviser to US President Donald trump by Michael Flynn. The channel claims that such conversations took place during the presidential campaign in 2016. It is noted that they “got to take care” of us intelligence officials. “What the Russians said about him (Flynn — approx. “Of the”), was a concern of the highest degree”, — quotes the words of CNN your source. Another source of channel indicated that Flynn was treated as “the problem of national security.” It is noted that the basis for such fears were intercepted by American special services of telephone conversations of representatives of Russia, who contacted Flynn for 2016 and perceived it as an “ally”. At the same time, CNN indicates that they admit that the degree of loyalty

More than 140 people were killed in the attack at the airbase in Libya

The attack at the airbase near the town of Marriage of al-Shati in southern Libya killed 141 people. About it reports Reuters referring to the representative of the Libyan national army Ahmed al-Mismari. He said that of the 141 103 who died were military personnel. Al-Mismari said that among the victims there are also civilians who worked at the base or were close to it. Avibase was attacked on Thursday, may 18. The military were attacked by a band originating from the city of Misurata, known as the “Third Force”. Al-Mismari pointed out that earlier the air base was controlled by this group, nominally an ally of the government of national agreement in Tripoli, which supports the UN. After the civil war with foreign intervention, which in 2011 was overthrown and killed by the founder of the Libyan Jamahiriya Muammar Gaddafi, the country in fact, there is no common power

Media reported about the leadership of Rouhani in the presidential elections in Iran

Held on Friday, may 19, the election of the President of Iran, according to preliminary data, has won the current leader Hassan Rouhani. About it reports Reuters, citing an unofficial source. According to him, Rouhani received 21.6 million votes, while his main rival, the conservative Ebrahim Raisi, 14 million. Estimated 37 million votes left to count about four million ballots. The turnout was about 70 percent, which roughly corresponds to the 2013 elections, the results of which Rouhani became President. 56-year-old Raisi during the election campaign, Rouhani blamed the mismanagement of the economy and appealed to the poor.

Maduro advised Trump to remove his hands from Venezuela

Nicolas Maduro Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro on Friday, may 19, asked the President of the United States Donald trump not to interfere in the Affairs of his country. It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to a live Venezuelan radio. “Get your hands out of here, Donald trump, go home, quite interventionism, Venezuela respects himself” — said Maduro. Earlier, the United States imposed sanctions against the Chairperson and seven members of the Supreme court of Venezuela. Trump said that his country together with partners in the Western hemisphere will work to improve the situation in Venezuela. In Venezuela escalated the political crisis, almost every day there are thousands of demonstrations. Dissatisfied with the economic situation, the residents need to appoint early elections. The clashes between the protesters and police, 43 people were killed and over 750 were injured. Police arrested more than 1.3 thousand people.

The former Director of the FBI publicly questioned the senators

James Komi Ex-FBI Director James Comey agreed to testify to the intelligence Committee of the U.S. Senate in a public meeting. This is stated in the statement in his Twitter account published a Senator from the Democratic party of mark Warner. — Mark Warner (@MarkWarner) 19 may 2017, 22:56 “Ex-FBI Director James Comey has agreed to speak at a public meeting of the Committee,” wrote Warner, the Vice Chairman of the intelligence Committee. He also hoped that the testimony of the former head of the FBI “will help to answer questions that arose after the President (United States Donald trump is approx. “Of the”) suddenly retired Director of the Komi Republic”. Republican Richard Burr said that “the Committee expects to receive testimony of the former Director of the FBI about his role in the development of the case of “Russian interference” in the elections of 2016, and I hope

CNN learned about the study by the White house counsel of the impeachment

The White house counsel began to study the procedure of impeachment of the President of the United States, reports CNN. As noted, officials consider this outcome unlikely, but in any case, the lawyers decided to explore this option. According to the channel, last week the lawyers of the administration, in consultation with experts familiar with the procedure of impeachment of the President from office, started to collect information about the mechanism of implementation of such procedures. At the same time, the White house spokesman denied the fact that lawyers study the impeachment proceedings. The impeachment of President Donald trump had earlier called for some representative of the Democratic party in Congress. The reason for this was the media publications stating that the President allegedly asked the FBI Director James Komi, subsequently fired by trump, to terminate the investigation against the former White house adviser on national security Michael Flynn. “[Trump]

Assange commented on the termination of the investigation on the rape case

Julian Assange WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has called an important victory a decision of the Swedish prosecution to discontinue the investigation on the rape case. The corresponding statement he made on Friday, may 19, from the balcony of Embassy of Ecuador in London, according to Reuters. While Assange noted that “to the end of the road is still far away” and “the real war is just beginning.” He also said that WikiLeaks will continue to do their publications. Earlier he wrote on Twitter that he will not forget and will not forgive what happened to him. “Unreasonably detained for seven years until my children grow up, and my name to throw mud,” said he. On the termination of the investigation against Assange became known earlier, on may 19. However, no claims about the guilt or innocence of WikiLeaks founder in Swedish Prosecutor’s office did not. The investigation lasted seven years.

The rating of trump reached a record low

Donald Trump The level of public support for the US President Donald trump has reached its lowest level since his inauguration on January 20. This is evidenced by the results of a public opinion poll conducted by Reuters in conjunction with Ipsos research center. According to the study, trump support 38 percent of Americans. 56 percent of respondents disapprove of the actions of the President, another six percent are undecided with the opinion on this question. The survey was conducted from 14 to 18 may, it took part 1971. The margin of error was three percentage points. The Agency connects the fall of the rating of trump with a series of political scandals which rocked the White house lately. In the beginning of this week, the media reported the transfer of American President Sergey Lavrov of classified information regarding the banned terrorist organization “Islamic state”. Later the New York Times

The White house spoke about the pressure of the former head of the FBI to trump for Russia

The President of the United States, Donald trump told Russian diplomats, when he took them into that oval office, dismissing the FBI Director James Komi, got rid of the “strong pressure”. This writes the newspaper the New York Times, citing a memo compiled in the White house. “I just fired the head of the FBI. It was crazy, really crazy,” are available in the document seen by the publication, trump’s words. “I faced a lot of pressure because of Russia. This is no more”, — he said. “I myself am not under investigation”, — the President added. Commenting on the situation, White house spokesman Sean Spicer said that Komi had “undue pressure” on the President to lead diplomatic dialogue with Russia on issues such as Syria, Ukraine and Islamic terrorism. He called the investigation “of Russia’s actions” conducted by the Agency, politicized. Trump dismissed Komi on 10 may, on the