Rousseff has demanded she return to the presidency of Brazil

Dilma Rousseff Former President of Brazil Dilma Rousseff has appealed to the Supreme court a request to annul the decision on the impeachment and the return to the presidency. It is reported by O Globo. As one of the arguments of the claim is festering in the country, the corruption scandal surrounding the incumbent President Michel Temer, which began with the appearance of records incriminating him and pointing to its possible role in the bribery of top officials. “The country is experiencing severe political and institutional crisis of this magnitude than ever before. Every day there is growing evidence that the current unelected by anyone, the President of the Republic has no right to mandate”, underlined Rousseff. She added that the impeachment process was initiated without any legal grounds and was accompanied by gross violations. Political crisis in Brazil broke out after the recording appeared, which Temer supposedly discusses “buying

Montenegrin Prime Minister affirmed the right of the President of the United States stand ahead of all

Donald Trump, Dusko Markovic Prime Minister of Montenegro, Dusko Markovic believes a natural situation when an American leader stands in front of everyone, reports the Associated Press. He commented on the incident at the NATO summit the incident with the President of the United States Donald trump, abruptly rolled away it to go forward. “Actually, I didn’t pay attention to it. I saw the reaction to this in social networks — it’s just a harmless situation,” said Markovich reporters after the summit. According to the Agency, rather than to feel offended, Markovic used the opportunity to thank trump for support membership of Montenegro in NATO. “Naturally, the President of the United States is in the first row,” — said the Montenegrin Prime Minister. Thursday, may 25, trump during the inspection of the new headquarters of NATO in Brussels sharply pushed Markovic to be close to the Secretary General of the

Four London residents accused of preparing terrorist attacks

London police announced the indictment of four men suspected of preparing terrorist attacks in the UK. On Thursday, may 25, according to Reuters. Residents of East London were arrested last week before the terrorist attack in Manchester, which occurred on may 22. 24-year-old Umar Ahmed Haq is accused of preparing a terrorist attack, which he had to carry out in the period between 25 March and 18 may. To provide weapons for him, according to the investigation, had 25 years of Nadeem Ilyas Patel. Two more defendant — 27-year-old Muhammad Abid and 18-year-old Abother Mamun. Abid is accused of withholding from police information which could help the guards to detain the hack, and Mamun was supposed to help to commit a terrorist attack. May 26, their business will consider Westminster magistrates court. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about

Almost two-thirds of Americans saw Russia as an enemy

Almost two-thirds of Americans consider Russia an enemy of the United States. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by the Fox News channel. Enemy Russia says 64 percent of respondents indicates TV channel. As noted, in 2013, the enemy of his country, Russia was considered only 40 percent of respondents, while 47 percent called her friend. In the rating, Russia took the fourth place. Americans also see the enemy in Korea (93 per cent of respondents named this country hostile), Iran (80 percent) and Syria (76 percent). 73 percent of the respondents indicated that the President of the United States Donald trump sees Russia as a friendly country. Another 20 percent believe that he perceives Russia as an enemy. Their allies, the Americans called Canada (so says 96 percent of respondents), the UK (95 per cent), France (92 per cent) and Germany (87 per cent). The

The media learned about lasted a year of preparing a terrorist attack in Manchester

Salman Abedi, A suicide bomber Salman Abedi, who blew herself up in Manchester on may 22, was preparing a terrorist act within one year. On Friday, may 26, reports The Times. According to the newspaper, the terrorist opened an account with a Bank about a year ago. From this account, Abedi paid for the purchase of nails and screws later he stuffed the bomb. To avoid suspicions, he twice visited the suburbs of Manchester, where he acquired the materials in stores B&Q and Screwfix. A week before the explosion, Abedi returned from Libya and rented an apartment in the city centre, where he collected an explosive device. The attack on the stadium “Manchester arena” on the evening of may 22, killed 22 people, injured about 120, 59 of them were taken to medical facilities. Banned in Russia grouping “Islamic state” has claimed responsibility for the bombing and called the attack

The media learned about check FBI son-in-law trump the “Russian case”

Jared Kushner The Federal Bureau of investigation (FBI) initiated an inspection at the “Russian case” in relation to Jared Kushner, son-in-law and adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump. On Thursday, may 25, according to NBC News. According to the information channel, Kushner possesses important information that is relevant to the investigation. It is noted that the investigators did not intend to accuse him of anything. The authors of the article remind that last week the Washington Post reported that the current senior Advisor to the President became involved in the investigation conducted by special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, “possible collusion of the election headquarters trump with Russia.” The name of the EA in the material of the newspaper was not specified, but was noted that it was “significant defendant” of the investigation. According to NBC News, in December 2016, Kouchner met with the Russian Ambassador to the

Russians recommended to refrain from visiting the UK

The Russian Embassy in London advised Russians not to travel to the UK until the situation there returns to normal. The exceptions to that dictated by “extreme personal or business necessity.” On Thursday, may 25, the journalists said the employee of the diplomatic mission, reports TASS. “Over the past three months of terrorist activity in the country is only growing. We do not exclude that this is due to the growing influence of the ideology of Islamic radicalism in the national communities living in British cities. The involvement of the military patrolling infrastructure indicates a very serious situation,” — said the representative of the Embassy. According to him, those who is already in the territory of the United Kingdom should exercise “extreme caution and circumspection” and avoid places of a mass congestion of people. On 23 may, Prime Minister Theresa may raised the terror threat level to the highest, critical.

The White house talked about “discussions” regarding the anti-Russian sanctions

Gary Con To be held in Brussels the NATO summit unfolded a “wide discussion” regarding anti-Russian sanctions, told reporters the head of the National economic Council the White house Gary Cohn. On Friday, may 26, according to RIA Novosti. “The discussions on sanctions and Russia were conducted today in NATO. Was a pretty broad discussion with many [countries] NATO anti-Russian sanctions”, — quotes Agency the words of the representative of the White house. Kon said that the US President Donald trump has not yet formed a position on sanctions against Russia. “I think the President is still considering this issue. While we have no position. He has a lot of options,” he said. In addition, the representative of the US administration expressed confidence in the fact that at the G7 summit, which starts in Sicily on may 26, the subject of Russia will remain among the most discussed issues. “The

Trump demanded that countries participating in NATO’s financial liabilities

Donald Trump The President of the United States Donald trump demanded of the States-members of NATO meet financial obligations within the Alliance. He said this after talks with Secretary General of the organization Jens Stoltenberg, reports BFMTV. “I was very, very Frank with the Secretary Stoltenberg and members of the Alliance, when I told them that they must finally pay their share,” — said the American leader. According to trump, 23 of the 28 member countries still do not pay those amounts that they must contribute to the General budget of the organization, which is unfair to Americans. On 20 March, the representative of the foreign Ministry of Germany Martin Schaefer said that the medium-term financial plans of Germany not include raising defense spending to 2 percent of GDP. In addition, he urged to “be realistic” in the issue of increasing military budgets. Prior to that, trump expressed the opinion

In the car of former Prime Minister of Greece Papademos, a bomb exploded

Lucas Papademos In the car, which was the former Prime Minister of Greece Lucas Papademos, worked the explosive device. This was reported by ANA-MPA. As a result of incident the former Prime Minister was injured. Also injured was driving the driver. They are hospitalized, sources told Reuters the interior Ministry of the country. The explosion occurred when the car was moving along one of the streets of the Greek capital Athens. Currently, the police have cordoned off the scene. Investigative actions are conducted. Papademos was Prime Minister of Greece from November 2011 to may 2012. In 2002-2010 he served as Vice-President of the European Central Bank (ECB).