Prime Minister of Japan and the French President discussed cooperation with Russia

Emmanuel Macron, Shinzo Abe The Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe during a bilateral meeting with the President of France Emmanuel Makron discussed cooperation with Russia. As reported by RIA Novosti, told reporters the official representative of the Japanese Ministry of foreign Affairs Norio Maruyama. According to him, the sides discussed North Korea, and Russia — due to the fact that Russian President Vladimir Putin on may 29, will visit France. The interlocutors agreed that “for the solution of international issues, Russia’s participation is very important, and extremely important dialogue with Russia,” said Maruyama. 22 may, the press service of the Kremlin confirmed that Putin will meet with Him on may 29. The heads of state will discuss prospects of development of bilateral relations. In France, on 7 may, was held the second round of presidential elections. The leader of movement “Forward!” Makron got 66.1 percent of the votes, while

The media learned about the son-in-law concealing trump contacts with the Russian Ambassador

Jared Kushner Son-in-law and Advisor to the President of the United States Donald trump Jared Kushner hid at least three contacts with the Russian Ambassador to the U.S. Sergei Kislyak. About it to Agency Reuters said seven current and former American officials. According to them, we are talking about the contacts during and after the presidential campaign of 2016. Among them, as sources said, there were two phone calls in the period from April to November last year. The lawyer said Kouchner, Jamie Gorelik, Kouchner during the presidential campaign received “thousands of phone calls” and all of them can not remember. Thursday, may 25, it was reported that the FBI began checking on the “Russian case” against Kouchner, who, in the opinion of the Minister, possesses important information relevant relevant to the investigation. It was clarified that the investigators do not intend to accuse him of anything. May 18, former

Coach of “Zenit” Mutko and accused judges of using “Spartak”

Mircea Lucescu Main Zenit coach Mircea Lucescu accused the President of the Russian football Union (RFU) Vitaly Mutko and the championship officials to help “Spartaku”. It is reported by Sport Total. According to the Romanian coach, “Zenit” was the clear leader to complete home match of the ninth round RFPL with “Spartakom” (4:2). At the end of the game the main referee Sergey Ivanov has not appointed a penalty kick in favor of the visitors in midfield, and then St. Petersburg scored the fourth goal. “Then began the campaign against us, the total dissatisfaction of the fans close to the “Spartak” people. Interfered with the President of the Federation, head of the referees was replaced, the referee suspended,” — said Lucescu. The reason for the victory of “Spartacus” in the championship of the Romanians called the popularity of the club among fans across the country. “When I signed a contract

Poroshenko complained about “the tentacles of the Kremlin”

Petro Poroshenko The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko in his article for the publication Politico said that gaining momentum, “a new generation of hybrid war”, which Russia, in his opinion, is against his country and the Western world. “The tentacles of the Kremlin are drawn to the throats of the key capitals of Europe and its transatlantic allies,” he wrote. “The Western world needs to make commitments on joint action and to unite to protect their values and respect for international law”, — said Poroshenko. According to the Ukrainian President, this “hybrid war” imposed against Russian Internet resources sanctions. “Hybrid attack Moscow strikes on several fronts, with priority given to cyberspace. Those who are brave enough to cut the tentacles are under new attack,” he said. Poroshenko said that Kiev closed when access to social networks, driven by Russia, “Moscow responded with massive and coordinated cyber attack, supported by the

The Pentagon said the threat approaching the two fighters China US aircraft

The U.S. defense Department confirmed the “unprofessional and unsafe” the convergence of two multifunctional fighter-bombers, J-10 (Jian-10) of China with an American patrol aircraft P-3 Orion over the South China sea. This was reported by TASS, the official representative of the Pentagon Gary Ross. According to him, the incident occurred on Thursday, may 25, approximately 240 kilometres South-East of Hainan island, Northern South China sea. One of the Chinese fighters “flew directly in front of the P-3 Orion”, which alarmed the Americans. “The crew of the American aircraft found the unsafe and unprofessional intercept. Its operation he was able to continue unimpeded,” said Ross. “We continue to investigate this incident and Express our concern to the Chinese government through the appropriate channels,” — said the representative of the Pentagon. Fighter-bombers approached at a distance of approximately 30 metres to the patrol aircraft of the US Navy. South China sea —

The White house has made tougher sanctions against Russia

The President of the United States Donald trump is not going to withdraw Russian sanctions and does not exclude the possibility of tightening. About it as transfers TASS, said Friday, may 26, the White house spokesman to reporters at the Italian Taormina, where the G7 summit. “We do not remove our sanctions against Russia. If anything, we will likely be tougher against Russia,” — he stressed. According to the representative of the US administration, trump “wants sanctions remained in place.” “I think the President has made clear how Russians can cancel sanctions and how we can remove them,” he said. Earlier, the head of the National economic Council the White house Gary Cohn said that at the recent Brussels summit, NATO has developed “extensive discussions” regarding anti-Russian sanctions. Kon said that trump has not yet formed a position on sanctions against Russia. “I think the President is still considering this

Autistic sentenced to 15 years in prison for trying to blow up the London tube

Court in London sentenced a 20-year-old student Damon Smith (Damon Smith), who has autism, to 15 years in prison for what he carried in subway pipe bomb. On Friday, may 26, reports The Guardian. In October 2016 the young man left in the rush hour the backpack with an improvised explosive device at the station is North Greenwich on the London underground. According to Smith, so he tried to scare passengers before Halloween. It is reported that the bomb didn’t work. However, the prosecution does not believe the student because the bomb was Packed with shrapnel. As the newspaper notes, the British constructed an explosive device, using the instructions of the terrorist organization “al-Qaeda” (banned in Russia), which he found on the Internet. The court found that the young man tried to commit a terrorist attack, an explanation of what happened difficult to determine. The judge Richard marks said that

Egyptian air force launched strikes on terrorist camps in Libya

The Egyptian air force on Friday, may 26, was stabbed six times in the camps of terrorists near Derna in Libya, reports Reuters. In Cairo believe that there are militants responsible for the attack against Coptic Christians perpetrated in the first half of the day. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said in a televised address that he ordered the attack on the camps of terrorists and terrorism will be punished. Extremists attack occurred in the province of Minya. Armed men opened fire on the bus with Christians-Copts, on their way to the monastery of Saint Samuel. After the attack the militants fled. As a result, according to the latest data, 35 people were killed.

In Moscow said the unwillingness of the USA to dialogue on missile defense

Moscow did not withdraw proposals for a new agreement on ballistic missile defense (BMD), but the signal of readiness for dialogue with the new administration yet. In an interview with RIA Novosti said the Deputy head of the Department for nonproliferation and arms control, the Russian foreign Ministry Vladimir Leontyev. “We have always advocated cooperation in this area, made appropriate suggestions, but the key question and the key aspect is that such interaction must be equal and take into account the interests and concerns of both sides,” the diplomat stressed, commenting on the possibility of achieving any future agreement with the United States on a new agreement on missile defense. On 26 April the first Deputy chief of the Main operations Directorate of the General staff of the armed forces Viktor Posenichi said that the deployment of the American missile defense system in Europe (European missile defense) and the adjoining

When trying to sell a tomb with a skeleton in Turkey detained a 12 “black archeologists”

Police in the Turkish province Eskisehir detained 12 black archaeologists who tried to sell an ancient tomb with a skeleton inside. This was reported by the newspaper Hürriyet, the article quoted by Hurriyet Daily News. The tomb belonged to the Byzantine period. She asked for four million dollars. The guards, pretending to be buyers. After the “black archaeologists” were detained, the tomb was sent to study in the archaeological Museum. The court went to 10 of the 12 suspects, others were released during the investigation. In April, Turkish archaeologists have discovered in the province of Hatay ancient Greek mosaic. It depicts a skeleton holding a Cup of wine (pictured next to a loaf of bread and bottle). The inscription reads: “have Fun and enjoy life.”